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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] Western Weyr
[PRP] Well now...(Shahera/L'nik/Adi/Rekamuth/Therianth/Hess) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Predestined Cultist

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 6:23 am
Shahera woke all at once. She took stock of what she could without opening her eyes or moving about. There were two extra people in her bed. L’nik and Adi her memory supplied. Therianth was sleeping on her ledge content for the first time in a sevenday. But it wasn’t with Hessianth. Remembering the bloodlust from the night before she worried for Rekamuth. She hoped that he wasn’t too badly hurt and had a feeling he would have to visit the dragon healers today. Maybe she would be getting a lecture about controlling her dragon. As if she could during a flight. Could she? At least she hasn’t cut anyone this time. Maybe scratched some…She mentally sighed.

Finally Shahera opened her eyes and began to stretch. Was anyone else awake?



PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 8:59 am
The stirring from Shahera sparked the same from Adi, who indulged in a luxurious stretch...which had the unintended side effect of pulling at scratched skin, interrupting what had been a long and happy sigh.  Oh, she didn't mind, far from it, but her pain threshold was well below that of her stalwart dragon's, especially with the Flight long over.  Still, in spite of the initial wince, she smiled brightly as she opened her eyes to admire her companions, enormously pleased with herself and blissfully oblivious to anything which might be brewing that may or may not have reflected her own contentment. While she knew better than to always expect a nice, lingering morning after such activities, as often people behaved differently when not under the influence of flightlust, but she could hope.

"Morning~" she mrred cheerfully, happy to be burrowed comfortably under blankets and with not just one, but two warm bedmates in some proximity.  Somewhere, Mazamath was similarly content despite his loss, in the company of another handsome fellow.




Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 2:29 pm
L'nik had been up for far longer than he would have liked for several reasons, but the biggest one was a general discontent that thrummed across his mental bond with Hessianth - a deep, bubbling, torrent that wanted to drown anything too weak that waded into its waters. The brown was not content on his ledge, or on it at all. He'd found a nice perch up where the watchdragons usually settled, seething distaste and unhappiness the entire night. So there he'd laid all night, paddling about in a riptide of feelings.

And then there's you, Hessianth practically slapped his rider in the face with his own feelings. Hessianth had at least fought and earned his feelings properly.

The young man ran his hand down his face with a tired sigh, having already unburied himself from the bed to keep his tossing and turning from waking the other two and instead he stood looking out onto Therianth's ledge - a view that only ignited his dragon further. He finally took from his perch, gliding down to land on the edge of the green's with little fanfare. Whether she was awake or not, the brown was already stepping carefully to start pushing the smaller blue.

You're in my spot, he stated bluntly to Rekamuth, but taking special care to not disturb Therianth more than he had to in order reclaim his place on the ledge.

"Morning," L'nik almost answered Adi's greeting without a thought, arms crossed and back to the bed as he continued to watch.



PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 7:26 pm
Post-Flight Bliss was a beautiful thing. It made one's everything uncoil and relax. For instance, Rekamuth was sure at one point his actual inside were ready to spill out, but for a night with a green? Fair price.

Pency assured him repeatedly, through his agonized curling on the bed, that this was not the case. He had not slept well--or maybe not slept at all? It was hard for the blue to tell in his dreamy, sore state, but he wasn't worried. It wasn't as if he was dying. Quite the opposite really. Pain really did have a way of making one feel so very alive, and he had thanked Therianth for it in the only way
(and the best way) he could.

Hmm? Afraid I'm a little caught up in the moment, he said to the brown with a lazy yawn, not quite ready to extract himself from Therianth. Sitting still meant less pain anyway, and more puddling. Why don't you take the other side~




Anxious Spirit


Predestined Cultist

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 8:48 pm
Therianth opened one eye at Hessianth’s maneuverings and was about to tell him to not be rude, decided to let Rekumath handle it. The blue seemed to be doing fine. Instead she feigned sleep in the hopes of seeing what would happen next.

Shahera finished a luxurious stretch with a warm, “~morning~” to Adi before rolling over to look at L’nik out by the ledge. She slipped out of bed and grabbed something to throw over herself, a shirt (not her own), before moving towards the man. “What are you doing out here?” Shahera asked playfully. “You should have woken us up if you were bored.”



PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 5:24 am
With both of her night's bedmates now out of bed, Adi rolled over onto her stomach and shifted position to watch them from the edge of the bed, elbows propped right on the edge and chin in her hands. It wasn't a bad view from here at all. "Mm," she agreed with Shahera, still sleepily slow about forming words, but they did soon follow, soft but cheerful in tone as she suggested, "We could have helped with that."

There was no need for boredom, oh no. There were all sorts of other options.





Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 3:29 pm
No. Hessianth stated flatly, his long tail flicking to one side as he continued to push at the smaller blue. He was really doing his best to not completely dethrone Therianth from the comfortable spot she had taken, but he was very much not in the mood to share.

And unlike some people he'd fight to keep it that way.

"I wasn't in the mood," L'nik admitted, voice perhaps more stiff than he meant it to be. Hessianth's good nature was keeping him from being more than judgemental and perhaps a little impatient now that he was in a position to try and reclaim his spot. "I take it you both slept well?" he pushed the growing headache down, turning away from the ledge.



PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 7:55 pm
A groan began to rumble out of his throat, but Rekamuth swallowed it down. Had he gotten in the way of a mated pair perhaps? Oh no~

(Pency pleaded with him not to try and stir things even more, please. Please.)

Is this her good side, then? The blue crooned at the thought. His words weren't malicious, but playful, as if he were teasing a friend and not a seething, large brown. She did quite a number on me. I'm afraid you'll have to work a little harder.

Perhaps made all the more difficult when he was refusing to be pried off. Rekamuth was not shy about continuing to lean into Therianth, though he tucked his legs in to cover his still fresh wounds.

just kill him

it's fine he can die it was #worth


Anxious Spirit


Predestined Cultist

PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 11:32 am
Shahera frowned at L’nik as she came up to peak at the ledge out side. Her frown deepened as she took in the state of the blue dragon. Therianth. It wasn’t a chiding but an encouragement to action.

Therianth opened both eyes and raised her head. She took in the damage she had done the other dragons and felt, not remorse or guilt, no something more a long the lines of sympathy and appreciation. They had fought for her. And they had paid for fighting for her. Good morning, Hessianth, she began and gave the brown a nuzzle. Good morning, Rekamuth. How are you both today?

Shahera had turned back to the occupants of the room. She wanted to ask L’nik what was bothering him and also didn’t want to make the man say it in front of Adi if he didn’t want to. Was his tension from Hessianth or something else? She didn’t know and that bothered her. “I slept better than I have since Therianth started feeling the urge to go up.” It was not really a complete answer. Shahera moved over to stand in L’nik’s personal space. She would have given him a kiss but even standing on tip toes she wouldn’t be able to with out his help. The man was frustratingly tall at times.



PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:17 pm
Fortunately for her, Adi had no stake in whatever was happening out on the ledge, as her own blue was on another ledge entirely, and still not quite awake. She could feel him dozing when she reached out, and pulled back to keep from disturbing him. He was happy with his new brown friend, and they deserved to enjoy their morning.

As for hers, well, that looked to be a bit up in the air. Now that she was the only one left in the bed, further cuddles - or anything else - were looking unlikely. "I slept great," she answered, idly kicking her feet over her back as she leaned down over the side of the bed to rifle through the assortment of clothes for anything that looked familiar and wasn't currently on someone else...or too far away to reach. "I hope you didn't wake up too early, or it wasn't 'cause of us."

Maybe he'd gotten too warm.





Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 5:21 pm
The nuzzle seemed to mollify Hessianth for a few moments, pausing in his attempts to dethrone the offending blue on the ledge to return it with a content rumble. I am unhappy in myself, but we already talked about that, he answered, before turning whirling orange eyes back on Rekamuth.

All sides are her good side. I have no desire to share the one I love with any other. He'd never looked at any other, and while he didn't hold the flight against either (biological need was not emotional love), the blue was pushing at his patience. And since pushing wasn't seeming to work, Hessianth changed tactics by beginning to dig his very large frame under the blue to attempt to physically hoist him from the spot.

"I feel like I got the opposite," L'nik admitted as he slipped an arm around Shahera, half burying his face in her hair but admitting to little more. Adi got a more assessing look now that the three weren't just tangled up in each other, his stomach twisting upon itself. The general feeling was met with a private laugh from Hessianth - You'll try harder next time. We both will.. "No, you two made sure I at least got some sleep," he assured them both.



PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 12:13 am
Aching in the right way, fiercest~ Rekamuth replied, sending Therianth a warm good morning, and attempting a nuzzle for himself. It was only slightly upsetting that ichor had a terrible smell to it.

He couldn't suppress the moan this time as Hessianth persisted, and eventually the blue was pushed to his paws. He shook slightly from the effort, and it was clear that he should probably get at least a cursory glance from a healer before trying anything strenuous, but Rekamuth was nothing if not a living, easy smile. Therianth was not his first violent flight and was sure she wouldn't be his last.

Reka still hadn't left the spot. Been shoved a foot or two, yes, but he wasn't quite ready to give up. Not when he sensed a possibly entertaining opportunity arising.

I see. How terribly sensible. One could hear the grin in his voice as he turned to Therianth. And what would you desire? A trade? A second helping? Dessert?




Anxious Spirit


Predestined Cultist

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 6:15 pm
Maybe she should have enjoyed having the two fight over her small though the fight was. Some of her sisters would have, yet Therianth only felt sad to see it. She had caused this and she didn’t want anyone to get hurt more. She liked Rekamuth and wanted to get to know him more. Hessianth clearly didn’t want that right now.

That little bratty part of Therianth decided to point out that while Rekamuth had asked what she wanted that morning, Hessianth had not. Interesting. And that bratty part wanted to explore it. Inside Therianth a fight had begun for control between the sensible, ‘don’t get anyone hurt’ part and the brattier, ‘what does that mean’ part. As a result, Therianth didn’t say anything.

Shahera gave Therianth a mental hug. She couldn’t tell the dragon what to do. Shahera’s instincts were always to be the brat and she knew that didn’t always work. And yet, sometimes it was needed. They would have to feel out this situation together.

L’nik was acting odd. Shahera was sure of it, and had no idea for the reason for it. He had grown up in a Weyr. Being with two woman should not cause this. Was this Hessianth? Leaning back, Shahera smiled up at L’nik before stealing a kiss from the conveniently lowered head. “Have you met Adi before? She is in Yokohama Wing with me.” Shahera wondered if she should make formal introductions. “Adi, L’nik of Brown Hessianth. He’s in Star Flame Wing. L’nik, Adi of Blue Mazamath.” At least everyone had a name now.



PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 3:28 pm
It took a bit of a stretch that probably looked a little silly - but not as silly as it would have if she'd lost her balance and tumbled onto the floor! - but Adi managed to snag the edge of the wrap she'd been wearing around her waist and pulled it triumphantly over, making little humming noises under her breath all the while.  For all her seeming preoccupation, though, she didn't fail to notice that Shahera and L'nik were looking awfully interesting over there.  She'd not been in a good state to pick up on clues the night before, but there were a few nibbling at her now.  Hmm, hmm.  Ah, but then came formal introductions, which elicited a little giggle in the wake of everything they'd gotten up to, and the position she was currently in.

"Nice to meet you, L'nik!" she chirped as she sat up.  Looking down at the fringed wrap now in her hands and surmising that there was just enough of the wildly pink fabric to suit her needs, she wrapped it around herself before sliding out of bed.  It was by no means modest, but everything that 'needed' to be covered was.  More or less. "Anyone want breakfast?  I'm starving."

If they did, awesome.  If not, it was a good and tactful way for her to get out of their hair.  Mazamath would have been proud.





Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 5:18 pm
All the pushing and shoving came to a stop now that Rekamuth was up on his feet, though Hessianth did not settle into the spot that had been vacated. Instead, his attention rested sharply on Therianth and her silence. She was an active and playful sort and for her to suddenly have no commentary on it all didn't sit well.

Rather than rising to the blue's bait, the brown rested so all four of his feet were beneath him, resting his head against the ledge near the green's feet with rapt attention, eyes whirling purple as he offered mental nudges of love. The only thing that had changed in her morning was his arrival, after all.

Maybe she no longer wanted him.

L'nik wouldn't have mind if the kiss has lasted a little longer, finding it far more pleasant than the feelings of his dragon. Hessianth's pride had a hairline crack in it he was trying to hide in his rider and it twisted his heart in place as he found somewhere safe to tuck it away where unlike the way the brown wheedled at him, it would go unbothered.

"I have not," he looked to Adi, uncertain if he should offer a more proper handshake before settling for the much more casual nod of acknowledgement. "I'm sure there are less exciting ways to bond with your wingmates," though L'nik had no interest in such things himself. Weyrborn or not, his night had already been a bit more than he probably should have done.

Breakfast didn't sound bad, to be honest, but looking out at Hessianth he sighed. "Maybe in a bit," he didn't exactly want to leave his dragon unattended right then - and it showed in the way his jaw set as he looked at him.



[IC RP] Western Weyr

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