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Windy today. Cama leaned into it, head gently twisting in turn with the gusts that rifled through his mane. He couldn't have stopped the smile that slid over his muzzle if he wanted to. He'd noticed a lot of wind, actually, in his short time along the silvery coast. It seemed to rise up quickly and without warning, blustering over all and sundry, before withdrawing just as abruptly. Fangs as pale as his pelt bared in a grin, chattering only slightly, into the cold. Just another thing he found himself loving about this place, despite his reservations!

Curious that the wind had been so much calmer on that other coastline. It was possible, perhaps, that he'd simply missed its arrival. It was possible, too, that the circumstances of his visit had played a part: he'd traveled there during a time of strife, after all. Though he had not seen quite so much of that other beach, he could be sure that it was neither so stony nor quite as stunning as this one was. Still, could there really be so much difference between the two?

Perhaps that was what he was here to find out. His prior guide had been extraordinarily helpful, but Myli had left his side some time ago. She'd gone off, allegedly, to find someone who would give him permission to remain here if he so chose. Much as Cama appreciated her assistance - and he did, to be sure! - he still struggled over such a weighty choice. She had filled him in on the basics, at least. Some of it he approved of, and some he did not.The pale lion paced back and forth, soft susurrus of his thoughts mingling with the sound of the surf and the wind buffeting his fur. It seemed to him, though, that there was still more he could learn.

Pandorus Sphinx