Sphinx - normal
Kasai - bold

Kiharian was in the library, reading up at a new technique he had not heard of in regards to healing. "Hmm," the male hummed as he skimmed the scroll. "This looks so much easier than what they taught us in the academy. I feel a little jipped." The male snorted, rolling the scroll up, before placing it on a top tier, away from most. He'd remember the placing, and would need to come back another day to reread it.

The light male rose to his feet, stretching his limbs as he left the library. He headed down the halls, ears flicking as the sound of his footsteps seemed to echo in the hallways. What a quiet day today.

Not that Kiharian was really complaining...some days were tough. He enjoyed the slowness when it was offered.

The spotted lioness had been summoned to accompany her Queen on a trip outside of the pride, every time this happened Ico returned with a deeper frown and new appreciation for simple tacks here around the pride. Sometimes Xiu Xiu could be so reckless, and on days like this her mind worried and felt uneasy. Days like this brought her very little promise of a carefree evening beside the beach. Xiu needed her though so she would answer the summon with her head held high.

"Ugh..." Ico moaned as she made her way down to the Lord's chamber where her Queen rested. She was pregnant and emotional so any wrong step could potentially set her off, still, Ico did her best to comfort the heavy Goddess though. If that meant risking her neck for the pleasure of her friend she would gladly do so.

Still, the lioness couldn't help but feel the way she did. Everything was so confusing lately. The silver female slowly made her way before she stopped at the library, peaking in with a smirk. "Kiharian." Her voice was firm as she lifted a paw to wave at the blue colored male. "Busy?"

Kiharian's pink gaze glanced at the spotted warrior as she called out to him. The male shifted on his paws, lifting a front to return the gesture. "Ico~" The male called out, shaking his head.

"Not at all," he said quietly. "Not that I am complaining. When things get busy, they are busy." The new Crystal healer stated, emphasizing his words. "I'll take this reprieve for now. I am sure once the Queen has her cubs, I won't be saying those words." Would Kiha be needed at the birth? He was relatively green when it came to those things, perhaps one of the more skilled healers would be called forth.

"And yourself?" Kiharian asked, strolling out to meet up with Ico. He gave her a once over, just to see if any wounds appeared on her pelt that may need to be taken care of. Not seeing any, he just flashed a small smile towards her.

"Oh, you know, about the same as the day before." The lioness gave him a smile in return before smirking. "You're a really nerd, aren't you?" Ico couldn't help but tease him, they came from very different worlds after all, where he understand writings and teachings she never could the lioness was able to handle herself in battle. They were opposites for sure, still, a friendship was formed and from time to time Ico liked to come bother him. He was often the only stop on her way to see Xiu Xiu.

"I am just tired. I honestly could sleep for a few more hours, but duty calls. We are going for a walk today, the Goddess needs to stay on her feet to keep those babies healthy." As she spoke the silver female laughed. "Look at me, I've already been reduced to a royal babysitter and the cubs aren't even here."

"Would you like me to pick you up anything on my travel? Need herbs, or maybe berries? We are heading to the left side border." The offer was a kind one, as Ico didn't often offer to help many others outside of Xiu Xiu and her Lord.

Kiharian blinked, before his eyes narrowed at the nerd comment. "I resent that comment there." He huffed, his pelt seemingly standing on the back of his neck, hidden by his thick mane. Just because he spent the extra time studying and reading up on the new material, didn't mean he was a nerd! He just...took his studying and job seriously. Much like she did, except hers was more so a physical learning compared to his intellectual one. He knew her words were just in jest, so the moment of disgust lasted only a second or two.

"Well when you are the Queen's right hand man --er...female." He chuckled sheepishly. "Ah, exercise will be good for you guys. UM Not to say you NEED it. It will be good for Xiu Xiu and those babies." Yeah, open mouth, insert foot, Kiha.

"I could always use some more herbs. There's a small patch of wildberries just to the north of the borders here that grow around this time. They are dark in color, and when you squeeze one pure red juice comes out. If you could gather some of those, I'd be the most grateful for them." While he could use the berries for medicinal purposes, he much rather try to grow them so he wouldn't have to rely on others to gather them for him. "Just a few really would do." He said with a hopeful tone.

The spotted female couldn't help but laugh under a wide grin. It was almost too easy, working him up like this a bit of sport though Ico meant no harm by it. He was pretty cure when he was upset, maybe she liked to see him this way because of that. Who knew, sometimes Ico was hard read. Softly she inched her way over to him until she was standing directly in front of him, her teeth clenched tightly together.

"Hahah." It was hard keeping a straight face when Kiharian fumbled over his words so easily. For someone so intelligent he sure knew how to embarrass himself. "You're fine." The lioness smiled. "I'm really glad I stopped by, you always know how to make me laugh." She poking fun at his comment about her weight, or lack thereof.

"-and I could look for them." Ico nodded as her ears pinned back slowly. "Though, without you around I might end up bringing back the wrong thing." Her dark eyes shifted to meet his as she poke again, this time her grin returned. "I mean, I'm not much of a nerd..." Oh, how she loved teasing him. This would be the last time she would be able to laugh so freely, soon her duty would take over and her sternness would have to keep her impulsive Queen in check.

Kiha frowned. "I can't go out to get them this time. I have to much work to study for. I mean, if you end up bringing back the wrong thing that's okay. Chances are it'll be something we already know about, and if not, it could be something we can work with and test its properties with! Oh!" Kiharian was excited for that prospect! His inner nerd truly showing.

"Just you know...don't eat anything you find." He gave a frown at that. "We learned about one who did that and...well...the stories were fun for us, not for them." Kiharian snickered. "Though, I am sure a brute like you would know that." Now it was his turn to tease her. Her rank as a chevalier was the complete opposite of his as a healer.

"Unless of course, you want to be the new story the teachers like to tell in the academy. I'm sure the new crystal healer prospects would be most interested in that." A sly smirk on his maw towards Ico.

The lioness frowned as the blue male spoke. "Huh, someone's getting a little testy?": Her eyes shifted from his figure and to the entrance of the Lord's den. "I promise I won't turn into another horror story. I might be a brute, but I'm not ignorant." Her tail flicked from side to side as she turned herself back to face him, speaking in a low voice. "You'll miss me when I'm gone, nerd. I'm the most excitement you get in a day-" Ico paused as she looked him up and down.

"Outside of your scrolls, of course." She winked as her tail slithered against his back leg. "Anyway, I know I should let you get back to it. I hate to say it for another time, but duty is really calling. I think I can hear Xiu Xiu calling my name."

The spotted lioness nodded before speaking again. "I will retrieve the berries for you, I promise." That was enough teasing for today.


"Ha. Ha. Ha" Kiharian laughed sarcastically. "As if. You are more of a pain in my backside than anything during the day." It wasn't the truth. Ico's word were. He enjoyed her company and the small banter the two got into. It certainly made his days go by much faster. "I will get to finally enjoy some peace and quiet with my scrolls." He huffed, sticking out his tongue.

He jumped slightly when her tail squirmed it's way on his back limb. "Personal space much?" He scoffed, kicking out at her tail. The flirting he had grown accustomed to with her, but he never reciprocated the action. Ico was a pretty lady, but Kiharian was always so busy to consider her much more than a friend.

"I will keep you to that, Ico." Kiharian said with a small hand wave. He should get back to the library and study some more on childbirth. It wasn't the queen that was pregnant, but more of the lionesses were with child. Kiha gulped. He didn't know if he was ready to help with that yet.

His actions only seemed to make her want to tease him more, something about his deflection was charming. Still, it was time to go. Slowly the lioness moved back. "Alright. Well-" she paused as he batted her away. Someday she would get him to return the flirting, it wasn't harming anyone anyway, right? "Nerd, be good while I'm away." As Ico turned her back to him she laughed and shrugged.

"Best believe I keep my word." Now, it was time to face Xiu Xiu. Today was going to be a very long day, but this tiny interaction at least gave her some pleasure before her duties became her primary focus. A little laughter went a long way, after all. Before he could reply the female was gone, swiftly making her way to the Lord's den.

Maybe when she returned she could get a proper smile out of him.