The glows were out, the caverns dark. All around were the sounds of other weyrlings and their dragons breathing, slight flashes of colored hide visible to those whose eyes were accustomed to the dark....Like Rune's. She had been used to slinking around in the darkness of her original hold, and so as she looked around, she studied each colored hide, and the face that corresponded. Some were in the infirmary, others were cuddled tightly around their new lifemates. It spoke volumes to the personalities of all the knew people she had with. Alone. The last thought got a n** from baby-sharp teeth, drawing her eyes down. She was met with red-orange from Saevath's gaze, the little Green agitated by her Rider's thoughts. It was taking Rune some getting used to, having a mind against her own that knew every single thought that passed across. You are not alone. You will never be alone again. You would've only lost me if you'd been so foolish as to deny me on the sands.

Saevath was right, of course, but at the same time. Rune's thoughts drifted over the experience of the past four turns, feeling her Dragon's breathing in time with her own. There had been so much loss in her life, so much gone horridly wrong, and only in the last Turn did they begin to go right. First, a Rider saved them from the destruction of their Hold...then they'd been brought here, and Olliah and Fianth had been kind enough to take them in. Now? Now she had her perfect lifemate, someone more important to her than anything else in the world, who fit so perfectly with her being. Fingers gently ran over her knots, feeling the new addition of Saevath's color, and smiling a bit. However, there was one bit of sadness. The Green hadn't been with her through the entirety of her life, through the ups and downs. No, that had been Rhys. For a moment, she turned her head to roll and look at her brother, until she realized...Oh.

Right....Rhys wasn't sleeping beside her any more...He was back with the Candidates....and she was here. Her heart thrummed, though Saevath sent a quiet push of reassurance, of love and affection. Rhys. Her Rhys, the quiet, bookish boy that she'd defended from people, protected from Thread. She still had scars, thick threadscore, that marred her chest. Her little brother that she'd tended and raised herself. Maybe she'd been a little too rough on him, growing up. Maybe she should've been more gentle, because now that they were separated, he was going to have a rough go of it.

Why should it matter, Mine. Rough go or not, he should learn how to take care of himself, like a big boy. The little one's tone was amused, though sleepy as she crawled up from the fur that they'd been sleeping in, on to her beloved's chest. Rune had to huff from the weight that suddenly pressed atop her, forcing her fully on to her back. She'd not changed out of her Feast clothes, still in the nice shirt and trousers, though the coat was carelessly discarded by the bed.
How can I do anything but worry, Saevath. He's my brother, my twin. It would be like you and Cythereath....the same idea. You want to protect her, make sure she's safe always...I wanted to do the same with Rhys. But now? Now that would be so terribly hard. Looking after a boy who was a whole world away (or so it felt) would be a task that couldn't be kept to. The sound of a soft cheep from her side reminded her of the annoying little Green flit that called her its own.

Nuisance had been gone for most of the Feast, but now sat by her Rider's head, claws playing with a little necklace. A rough-cut gem glittered in the light, the occasional flash of sparkle catching Saevath's now purely orange eye that just barely hinted with blue. Slowly, Rune took it, realizing just what her fire lizard had brought. It was a messy thing, using a small bit of stone, a net of leather, and a wher hide cord. Rhys had made it for her when they'd been brought here, said that this would be the perfect way to start their new life, with both of these made by his hand, for them. This had been hers...She must've left it in Olliah's weyr. On the cord was wrapped a small piece of parchment, and when she looked at it....

Well, there went the tears. Three words, and they were all she needed to begin to let Saevath's own exhaustion pull her in to sleep.

Proud of you.

She was never alone.