He shouldn’t have run. He should have continued to protect Yorshka until his final breath, yet…Aldan flight response took over his fight, and he (as fast as his battered self could) fled the scene, leaving his love and her niece at the mercy of the other two gods.

It was a cop out move, but Aldan couldn’t change anything now. His body hurt, he was bleeding, and new bruises were beginning to form under his light skin. He debated going home, but the idea of the god following him there or Yorshka there honestly terrified him.

He went to the only other place he could.

Ciro’s place wasn’t too far, but every step he took was like fire in his feet. Every breath he took was like pins to his lungs. Aldan didn’t know how, but he finally made it to the den, collapsing to the ground near the entrance.

The sound of a thud caught his attention. Ciro’Mekaitso lifted to his feet, his golden eyes narrowing as he approached the mouth of his home.

“Aldan?” He said aloud, eyes narrowing at the beaten form of the younger reaver. “What in the gods’ name happened to you?” When the pale lion didn’t answer, Ciro sighed, moving over to the large male. He moved to finagle Aldan in a way he could lift the other male up, to move him in the den. He deposited him (not too kindly) on the ground, causing the reaver to groan.

“Ah, you are back to the waking world I see.” Ciro commented, heading to the back of his den to retrieve a small pouch of herbs. He refused to call any of the priestesses. If Aldan wanted one, he could walk his merry butt to their dens. “It’s not like you to return to the pride injured. Why come to me and not your pale beauty, hmmm?” The captain asked, peering at the contents in the back. He was no healer, but knew basic skills.

That didn’t stop him from pouring some of the contents haphazardly in one particular gnarly wound. “What did you get into a fight with?” The dark male asked with a slight roll to his eyes.

Aldan squeezed his eyes shut as the contents of the pouch hit the open wound. “Yorshka’s brother.” He muttered, opening his dark eyes to stare at the captain.

“Her brother? Wait, her family is here?”

Aldan gave a small nod. “They followed me from the Pridelands. He---ah” the lion growled when Ciro poked the wound on his shoulder. (“Sorry”.). “He demanded Yorshka and Ny return home to him. And…I intervened and said they were home alrea-dddy. Ouch!”

Another prod, and another murmur of an apology from the Captain as he assessed the damages. “How big was this guy? You’re a brute yourself, and to have these injuries? That shoulder wound in particular deep.” Ciro asked, concluding his assessment as he shuffled the remaining contents of the bag. He found a leaf inside, grabbing it and handing it to Aldan. “Chew on this, it’ll help dull some of the pain.” Note to self, get more healing herbs.

Aldan listened to what he was instructed, taking the almost brown leaf into his maw, chewing it slowly. The bitterness of the leaf caused him to cough, and almost spit out the foliage.

“That’s the only one I have. You lose it, your fault.” Ciro warned, eyeing the other with mild amusement.

“a**.” Aldan growl, but continued to chew on the crunchy leaf until it dissipated completely in his mouth. “Her brother is a god. It was...from his horn.”

Ciro’s eyes widened as the words rang in his head.

“Wait.” He blinked, staring at the injured male. “You fought with a god? Do you have a death wish?!” He almost cried out, shaking his head in disbelief.

Aldan sighed. “I couldn’t let him take her. I love her.”

Ciro hummed, shaking his head. “You are going to have a long struggle if you keep up with that.” The Captain advised. “I mean, I don’t know many to fight with gods and live, let alone doing it more than once.”

“I can’t lose her.”

“What about her family? She has already lost them? Is it not the same from their perspective?”

Aldan was silent as if lost in his own thoughts.

“Aldan?” Ciro asked.

“I don’t want to lose her.” He whispered, shutting his eyes as he took a breath.

Ciro shook his head. This situation reminded him slightly of his time when he had taken a feline thrall. He had loved that lioness, and thought what he was doing with her was in her best interest. It had been wrong, and ultimately he decided to let her leave.

“If you love her, you would make the right decision.” He said almost cryptically, a hint of sadness in his voice. It was obvious this situation was bringing up some unwanted memories for the captain. “Rest, gather your strength.” He said quietly, watching the reaver shift on the bed of pelts.

Aldan could only nod. He didn’t want to let her go. But…Ciro was right. He had taken her from her own family that loved her. He had done unspeakable things to protect her. Did she really love him? Or did she just think she did, because she had no other choice?

Aldan found himself curling upon himself, letting his thoughts continue to run his mind. All the ‘what ifs’ began to run his mind. What if she stayed? What if she went? What if he released her from her thralldom, and he never saw her again? What if she traveled back with her family and was injured? What if he never saw her again?

A small trail of tears left his eyes as he clenched them shut, to prevent any more of the liquid from releasing. He let the small throbbing in a wound loll him to a restful sleep, the images of a scared Yorshka, and ferocious Airion burned into his mind.

Ciro sighed once he noticed Aldan was out. “Poor kid…what did you get yourself into?” He said, sitting a ways back from the male, his tail curling around his paws.