Sphinx -normal
Kasai - Bold

This was it, his eyes were settled on the figures of his daughter and sister, he had been watching them for a few hours now, waiting for the perfect time to speak to them. It looked like Ny and Yorshka... lived together? So far he had not seen any signs of the male that had taken his sister, or he lion that Ny ran away with. Still, he needed to be careful. He promised his mother after all. Slowly the God crept, keeping his eyes settled on the two females.

On their return home, Aldan found himself lacking the normal headaches and nightmare like visions. Maybe the thrall one of the reavers had acquired was of divine blood, and that was the reasoning? He didn't question it. He needed the clear head to think of what was going to happen when he spoke with Yorshka. Perhaps he would just say his mission failed.

He may have not gotten Zimran's blessing, but at least he had let her know Yorshka was okay. That was all he could do at this point.

A sigh from his maw as Aldan crossed the borders between the no man's land and the stormborn. He had been gone for just over a month. He missed Yorshka deeply, and wanted to rekindle the passion and intimacy they had put on hold for fear of cubs. He couldn't allow that fear to enter his heart. No. If cubs were a product of their love, then so be it. He would figure it out if that came to it.

The lion headed towards Ny's den, spotting the pale female he loved just outside. A smirk crossed his maw, as he crouched low to the ground, slowly approaching the underbrush before pouncing on her. He could easily knock her to the ground with his size.

A purr rumble in his form, to let the lioness know the tackler was of no harm. "Miss me," he cooed, nuzzling her.

Being away from Aldan had it's perks, sometimes Yorshka enjoyed her time alone. It wasn't like the lioness longed for solitude or was deeply depressed... but on days like this she could enjoy herself without worrying about the safety of the male she loved or the demon that lingered when he was away. Today she could spend time with her niece and enjoy the sun. "Ny, how long have you and Gjen been together?" The pale lioness questioned with a soft smirk. "Oh, well, let's see..." Ny was sitting in the shadow of her den, away from the sun and breeze. "For sometime now, honestly it's hard to say, the day I met him I ran away with him, you know? It was just one of those things I guess." Her deep blue eyes narrowed as the darker lioness tapped a claw against her cheek.

"You and Aldan knew one another before all this, right?" The question was harmless, wasn't it? "Oh, well, yes, a little. He was much younger then." As Yorshka spoke she settled herself to sit beside the den's entrance.

"Do you really love him?" Ny questioned with a stern look upon her spotted maw. "I mean, you are his thrall here, even with that fact looming over you... you still are in love with him?"

"Oh, yes. I mean, I have loved him for a long time, even before I think he even knew what love was, to be honest." As Yorshka continued to speak her should pressed against the entrance to the den while she leaned all her weight to one side. "It's hard to explain what this feeling means to me, you know? It's not like I am well versed in this area-" her pale eyes reached Ny's as a soft smile broke her sentence. "I just know I couldn't be without him and that's something I've never felt before."

The darker female smirked as her aunt spoke of love and longing, it was easy to relate to given her own situation here with Gjen, still, where Ny was free Yorshka was not. This bothered her more than she wanted to let on.

"You ever think she would marry you? Free you from this life as a thrall?" At the question Yorshka frowned. What was she talking about? Marriage? Was the how she could..- before the lioness could reply a sudden embrace had her toppling to the ground. The tackle left her paralyzed as her eyes frantically searched for the culprit. It honestly took her a few seconds to realize it was Aldan back from his trip. "You a*****e!" Yorshka laughed as the male nuzzled into her warmly, his affection had been missed. "You are so lucky I did!" Her laughter made Ny roll her eyes playfully.

"Back so soon?" The darker female mused as she glared at the entangled pair.

"Ouch, what foul language. It is not becoming of such a pretty lady," the lion purred, nipping at her before realizing that she was not alone, but rather in the presence of her neice. Aldan removed himself from above him, giving a sheepish look towards the other lioness.

"Soon? I've been gone for quite a while." The mission was a failure, the two lionesses didn't need to know that. I trust everything was okay here though?" Aldan looked over the female, making sure there was no new scratches or scar. Good, it looked like Kristanf was being a good boy and adhering to Aldan's warning.

Airion was seething. Out of nowhere a red-maned lion appeared, nuzzling his sister, speaking to his daughter in a familiar way... was this Yorshka's captor? Was this the lion who stole her away? The God lowered himself to the ground his as his eyes followed this male's every move.

Airion was going to snap. He could feel his anger swell within his chest.

"Thank you for letting her stay with you." He found himself saying to Ny, once again giving the pale female he had dearly missed another nuzzle. "I am going to petition the war lord once I get rested to become captain. No more missions for others. Only mine. And then...then you can travel with me Yorshka! You can see the world, and..and not be cooped up here in the pride lands." It wasn't unusual for a thrall to go on a viking with their owner. They would normally be considered the 'pack mule' so to speak. Of course, Aldan would not even consider that for her. Only if they were accompanied by others, but even then, the first few missions once he became Captain Aldan wouldn't bother bringing others he didn't know.

"Would you like to head home?" Aldan found himself giving the female a small smirk. He wanted to share his (false) stories, and reacquaint with her.

"Oh yes, having her around is easy, we are kin." Ny gave Aldan a friendly smile as her tail flicked from side to side. "I guess I should also start address you as such." She was doing her best to see things from her aunt's perspective. He was what Yorshka wanted. He was who Yorshka loved. That needed to be respected. "You are both always welcomed here-" the dark lioness had started to stand so that she could nuzzle them both goodbye before a loud voice caused her to jump right out of her skin.


Her dark eyes went wide as her maw dropped to the floor. "...Dad?" Oh, well, Airion was here. The God had followed Aldan all the way back to the pride and was livid with what was playing right before his very eyes. His large paws shifted beneath his weight as the white God snarled, calling out once more. "Yorshka? What is the meaning of this?!" It was like he was in a bad dream. "Why are you both here, playing pretend with this lowly male?" His voice was rigid and raspy. "I have been worried sick, Ny-" As the God spoke he moved closer to the trio. "I thought something awful happened to you!"

"-And you, sister, something awful HAS happened to you, yet here you stand beside the male that stole you away? What poison has corroded your brain?" His words cut like knifes as he moved closer still with eyes as wild as a kindled flame.

"I..." Ny was at a loss for words, how on earth had her father found them? Wait... he must have followed Aldan back here... so that meant. "Why did you go to the Pridelands!" The spotted female shrilled as she turned to face the wing marked male. "Why did you lead him here?!" She was so focused on Aldan that her mind had almost blocked her father from her mind. "This has nothing to do with you, Dad. I am right where I want to be." A hiss crossed her maw as she frowned at the large God standing before them.

Yorshka felt so small beneath the shadow of her brother, it was hard to form proper words, they just felt like a large lump in her throat every time she tried to speak. "Airion.. please, Aldan is my mate. Ny lives here..." As the lioness spoke her body pressed close to Aldan, it was obvious how afraid she was.

"Silence!" He roared with a false swing. "You both are confused. You need to come home. Now."

Kin? Aldan's ears perked forward. He liked hearing that!

His ear flickered as he felt his blood run cold at the sudden shout. Everything played as in slow motion, as Aldan found his head swinging around, his dark eyes narrowing. He found himself stepping in front of Yorshka and Nyati, as the god he had barely known advanced.

"Stay back," Aldan warned as the god advanced, his tail beginning to thrash behind him. He stood tall, not as tall as Airion, but enough to show he wouldn't back down.

"I...I wanted to find her mother. To let her know she was okay." He found himself confessing. "I didn't think he would follow me back." Now it explained a lot. The missing headaches on the trip home. It wasn't the thrall they had acquired. It was from Airion, trailing him from behind without him noticing!

Aldan would be lying if he said he hadn't heard what Yorshka had called him, but now was no time for those butterfly feelings. As she pressed close to him, Aldan's eyes narrowed.

"Neither will be leaving. They are home. You, on the other hand, are intruding. God or not," Aldan felt a snarl release as he took another step forward, readying himself. "This is your only warning. Leave. Or I will make you leave." God or not, he would not be taking Yorshka from him.

"Make your choice, Airion." The reaver said with a growl. His claws extended, digging into the dirt.

As the mortal spoke and stood his ground Airion laughed loudly in defiance. "You have no ground to stand here, this is a family matter." Who was he to tell this God what he would do with his own daughter and sister? No one. Aldan was nothing to him. Quickly the God swag a paw right at the couple as Airion pushed Yorshka away from Aldan before he used his free paw to slap the demi-god right across the face. The white lion's back paws held him firmly against the ground, and with another swift swing the God snarled, landing another hit on the smaller male's shoulder.

He was reckless, hotheaded, and unlike himself in this moment, but it hard for him to face it - that his own child ran away from home, that his missing sister was still alive and well. Airion had just been reintroduced to his sister Nara, his emotions felt so conflicting and confusing.

"You will stand down!"

"Airion, stop!" Yorshka snapped as the lioness fall back from the force of his swing. Her should clipped the rough stone that was Ny's den. "Please, Airi, this isn't right, don't hurt him!" She knew her brother was in pain but this, this was too much. If he hurt Aldan she would never forgive him. Pale eyes watered as the Yorshka brought herself back to her feet, ready to lunge at her God-sibling... before before she could make a move Ny grabbed her by the should and snarled. "You idiot, don't, he doesn't look it but father is very strong."

Airi flashed his fangs at Aldan as he moved to stand back, his tail flicking as he let another chuckle out. "You will fall." The warning was firm and swift.

"Dad, stop, before you draw more attention to yourself." Ny cried out in anger. Why was he being so unreasonable?

"Yorshka IS my family." Aldan found himself saying quickly, his ears pinning back. His head jolted to the side, wincing from the slap, and snarling from the collision to his shoulder.

He wouldn't let these cheap shots bring him down. Aldan had learned fighting skills while in the rogue lands. He wasn't some green reaver anymore. "You'll never win with those measly punches," the demigod said with a sneer, his eyes focusing back on Airion.

The two lionesses behind him went unnoticed. "You are wrong. It's a shame your sister has to witness this," Aldan said rather cockily, as he lunged at the larger god, aiming to wrap his claws around his neck. He teeth would aim for his shoulder. He didn't know how to take the god down, but if he was going to keep Yorshka with him, he had to find something. His future was at stake here.

"Listen to your daughter," Aldan hissed, claws tearing into his skin. "Submit, or else more stormborn will be on you and have a new hide for their den floor."

This fight was becoming increasingly more pointless, Airion found very little pleasure in battle as it was but his hulking size helped him where he lacked in tactical knowledge. Aldan would draw first blood but it wouldn't change this mortal's fate; that was sealed the second he took the God's sister away. He wouldn't speak, not a single word escaped his breath as the God lunged forward and rammed his body into Aldan's with all his strength, it was a move the demi-god wouldn't be able to avoid or recover from quickly, not when Airion finished it with a headbutt that drove his horn into the younger male's shoulder. Though his horn wasn't very long nor was it very thick it penetrated nonetheless, leaving behind a well sized wound as the God withdraw himself, hovering over the mortal with a satisfied look drawn across his face. His dark blue eyes narrowed as he spoke out to Aldan, pinning him down by pressing a large paw into his wound. "Stand down." This was a command - not a request.

"Aldan... how could you?" Yorshka cried out as she pulled herself from Ny's paws, running to her lover's side with heavy tears. "Get off of him!" If she had the strength to remove him herself she would... but in this moment she felt so small. All Yorshka could to was watch Aldan withered in pain beneath her own brother.

Ny sat back in shock, never before had she seen her father act out in such a despicable manner. It was shocking... she was completely shocked. "How..." the female muttered under a deep breathe. "How could you? "

Before the females could do anything to try to persuade Airion off of Aldan another voice called out. "Stop." The command was firm and followed by the appearance of Zimran, Yorshka's own mother, in the flesh. The Goddess had followed Aldan and her son out here in efforts to find her lost daughter, this however was not what she was expecting. Zimran had heard everything.

"Remove yourself from that boy before I do it for you." Never before had this mother ever spoken her any of her cubs this way, but this situation called for extremes. What Airion was doing was unforgivable. "You will leave him alone." Slowly the horned Goddess moved to stand in front of them all, her presence alone was humorless and demanded attention and respect. She had never been to this pride before, usually the Goddess stayed within the safely of her own pride... but this, this wasn't what she was expecting when she followed her son all the way out here.

Both Nyati and Yorshka seemed happy here.

Aldan felt a sense of pride when he saw the god bleed. So, they weren't completely untouchable. However, that moment was short lived as the god lunged towards him. Aldan had not time to react as the large head swung towards his form, ramming the pointed appendage into his shoulder. Aldan let out a roar of pain, finding himself falling to the ground as the god withdrew from the wound. Unfortunately, that wasn't all the deity had to throw at him. Before Aldan could even think about getting up, the other male's large paw dug itself right into his wound.

"Arghhh!" Aldan cried out, as Airion told him to stand down. He writhed in pain under the paw, trying to squirm his way from it.

The pain emanating from the wound almost blocked out the sound of a stern, female voice. Aldan felt himself shaking, as his pained blue eyes stared at Yorshka, before they glanced towards Zimran. He couldn't...no...He took a shuddering breath once Airion removed his paw from the wound, finding difficulty to get to his feet.

Even though the goddess was here, he didn't want to chance two deities attacking him. The flight response was kicking in, as Aldan felt himself shying away from Yorshka as her mother approached. He stumbled as he took a step on the injured shoulder side, lurching forward before he regained his footing. With one short glance back towards the two mortals, and two gods, Aldan fled into the underbrush, leaving behind his pale lover.

As Aldan left Yorshka turned to Airion in tears, screaming at him as she took a swipe at him with a clawed paw. "You b*****d! You ******** idiot!" Her emotions were getting the better of her, here in this moment the lioness truly felt like she had lost everything that mattered to her. Slowly Ny moved to comfort her as she pulled her aunt from her father, speaking softly as she wrapped her arms around Yorshka. "It's okay... shhh..."

Airion stood in silence, ashamed. Had he really overdone it? Weren't his actions justified? How could his mother not see that everything he had done was for her? Slowly Airion closed his eyes, allowing his younger sibling to take a few swings at him before withdrawing himself from his mother's sight.

Had he failed in bring his family back together? His eyes s**t tightly as the God ran off, blood covered and shamed.

Zimran frowned as her eyes followed her son off before she rushed to her daughter's side. "Yorshka..." The Goddess purred as she nuzzled into the two females. "I am so sorry... he had no right..." Though the Goddess herself had no mate she knew what it meant to have another bound to you so closely. "Hush, we need to talk... we can find Aldan afterword."

Slowly both females moved into Ny's den as the Goddess followed.

This was going to be rough, but somethings needed to be said.