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Reply [IC] Deserted...
[P-ORP] Couldn't Put Her Together Again..

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Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 4:54 pm
Disaster was upon them.

The Queen, a beacon of hope and new life, was at risk of death at any moment due to a pair of wicked, spineless outsiders that had taken it upon themselves to attack an expecting mother when she was weak. Perhaps it was her own foolishness that put her in that position but she was strong enough to cling to life, for now. The ravens had sent a warning call chiming throughout the red sands and by some miracle an incoming group of Firekin had answered, chasing off the yellow-bellied Stormborn - but for how long?

With some effort they had gotten the Queen to her feet and trudged back to the safety of the redstone caverns. She could not make it to the pride heart, let alone the Queen's outlook, and thus she had been safely holed up within an outlying cave for the time being. The pride as a whole did not know much yet apart from the cries of the ravens but the Viziers, the Queen's inner circle, and those that had been witness to the treachery were convening just outside of the Queen's temporary home as she succumbed to a deep, painful sleep. Her orders had been few and quick before she slipped into exhausted silence -

"Call for my daughter and heed my heir."

Kethiwe was acting regent in the wake of his mother's injury and his sister, one of the few healers their pride boasted, would be her attending aide.


Hello folks! This is an invitation-only ORP; if you have been quoted, please assume that the ravens have summoned your character to a meeting place just outside the cave where the Queen lies. Kethiwe will address everyone once they are all assembled. This is not required - if you do not post, please assume your character was simply in attendance unless they have a reason they could not arrive in time.

For everyone not involved in this, your character would have heard the ravens calling and will know that the Queen is, at the very least, injured. Please do not interrupt the assembly lest you suffer the repercussions of some very upset, frustrated leaders.

Ctrl F Greenie
Characters in attendance: Ska, Marionet

Characters in attendance: Katiti, Isigidi (if you want)

Daffu Panda
Characters in attendance: Your firekin (they brought the Queen home to safety and they may stay as witnesses) and Sukari (if you want)

Characters in attendance: Your firekin (they brought the Queen home to safety and they may stay as witnesses)

Characters in attendance: Ebbe and Aera

Characters in attendance: Shetani

Pandorus Sphinx
Characters in attendance: Tahka (if you want)

Characters in attendance: Azisa (she is primarily coming to tend to her mother's wounds but she may also be a part of this)

Characters in attendance: Amachwane (if you want)

Characters I have in Attendance: Kethiwe, Delphi and Jiryan

(If I have missed someone's character that they believe should have reason to be here, please let me know! As it is, I have only invited: viziers, vizier apprentices, wise ones, Ashiki's children and the Firekin group that intervened in the attack)
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2018 3:00 pm

Once the sounds of Katiti's minions had called out to him, Ebbe was quick to follow. He may have disliked the rats with wings, but he couldn't deny they were of use for communication. The question was, with how frantic the avian seemed, what was going on?

Ebbe's eyes narrowed as different thoughts plagued his mind. He had made sure shields and scars were stationed at the crevice, and were to alert him if it got bigger. This couldn't be that though? The ravens wouldn't be as frantic in their calls.

It didn't take long for the Claw to approach the outside den. What an odd place to convene? His orange orbs found the small group already present. Not the first to arrive, and he was unsure if he was the last. His eyes remained in slits as they found the dark female he had chosen to continue his own line, scuffed up and bleeding. The Monarch's Claw chose to take his position next to his apprentice, standing right now to her, but remaining silent. Delphi was strong, he wouldn't deny that. So why was she bleeding.  


Moonlight Hunter


PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2018 7:14 pm
Purple eyes scanned the group as Ebbe stalked up, not bothering to nod to him as he continued to his spot next to the pretty lioness he'd grown attached to. Her attention remained on her whirling thoughts even as she continued to watch and wait.

It hadn't taken long for rumors to start to spread, but most of it had been baseless, lacking facts to back them up. It left her on edge, this lack of knowledge, especially when it so heavily involved their queen. She disliked not knowing how she was doing; if she was indeed heavily injured and in need of help.

Shetani, herself, had been out with her apprentice, going over the day's routine with their Eyes, when it had all started - and it hadn't taken long for the ravens to seek her and the others out. She agreed that this was... an unconventional place to meet, but the haste that this occurred left a bitter taste in her mouth, and she was quick to brush aside the strangeness of it all. After all...

Something was wrong.

Was it another pride? Someone foolish enough to challenge them?

And worst of all... were the worst of those rumors true? Her upper lip curled up at the thought.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:02 pm
Tahka hadn't been far from the border when word reached him... something was wrong with the Queen, his flesh and blood. Without any notice the large red lion left his post in haste and headed for the caverns, grief riddled throughout his bones as thoughts as black as the night crept into the lion's downward spiraling mind. "Please..." Softly he whispered to himself as he quickly found himself outside the cavern, his fur bristled and breath panting deeply.

A group had already started to form as he made his way closer to the opening. "What happened..." his question was so faint it could hardly be heard among the cluttered crowed. "What..." before the older lion could finish his thought his eyes went wide. "Mjrn?" Why was she here - the lioness looked like a omen of death with her black silhouette standing out against the crowd.

"Tahka..." The darker female stuttered as her ex-husband arrived. "Maybe you should stay back, Tahka..." It was unlike her to shield the red male from harm when he himself had harmed her in the past so carelessly, yet... now, in this moment everything changed. "I...-" the female paused as her emerald eyes closed tightly. Mjrn did her best to keep her tears at bay, though it was becoming an impossible task. Her flush faced turned from him in shame.

"What happened Mjrn?" His voice was weak yet he couldn't allow himself fall apart, not yet. "Where is Ashiki??" The strain on his voice would only confirm the anxiety that was building within his chest. Soon surly Tahka would burst.

"She is inside my love, please, just wait..." Mjrn moved to comfort him as she lifted a paw to hover over one of his own. "No." Tahka snarled wildly as he pushed the darker female to the side without any hesitation or remorse. Her efforts to comfort him wouldn't help, not right now.

He had already buried his mother and mourned the death of a beloved sister... the lion could not do it again, he raised Ashiki and all of her siblings as if he was both mother and father to the orphaned children Tiah left behind. The green eyed lion looked so unsettled and unlike himself.

All he could do was wait.

It was driving him mad. His eyes frantically searched for his nephews and niece.  

Pandorus Sphinx



Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 4:14 am
Aera felt it strange being called upon by one of the ravens. Being with Shetani made her feel a bit more at ease, but it was rather unusual for the former rogue. "What's going on?" She found herself asking the Mind as she followed her to the atypical meeting location.

The red lioness had watched as the Monarch's Claw approached, taking his position near another lioness. The sleek crimson female stood slightly behind the darker Mind, a frown on her maw as he bright red eyes glanced curiously around.

She occasionally would glance at Shetani, looking for any hints. It wasn't good. There was a battered lioness already, and their queen wasn't to be seen. Aera glanced at the den entrance, to the shadows that danced inside. An uneasy feeling settled as she returned her gaze to the group.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 5:51 am
She was here.

Of course she was here.

Katiti'manina sat with a cold expression upon her face. The red lioness' posture was stiff, creating an aura around herself that simply said 'leave me alone'. The Monarch's Soul was usually more personable, but these were dark times and she did not have all the information necessary to know all that had happened. Her Queen was gravely injured and the fault could be placed upon no other but herself. She may not have dealt the blows, but she should have seen them coming.

Foolish to let the birth of her cubs blind her sight so. Who would have thought that anyone would dare lay a hand on their Queen? Still, her gaze should have been focused upon their borders instead of the young life growing in her den. But, could she even blame her children for her failures. Katiti'manina should have been better. Did she not have years of experience underneath her paws to know that the worst would always try to find its way towards the Ukulhwa'Izwe?

She had sent a raven to one of the pride's Guides, Zakiya. A mothering, nurturing lioness to tend to her young in her stead now. With her cubs no longer concerning her, she could focus on the unraveling events.

A caw sounded overhead, and she did not move as a blur of black swept into her peripheral vision. Melpomene, her favored raven, landed upon her shoulder. A gold beak pressed to Katiti'manina's ear, whispering the knowledge the ravens had witnessed or uncovered.


Isigidi had been in the heart of the pride when he was summoned. The raven had been brief, but the message delivered efficiently. Isgidi did not think they had time to waste now on finding out all that happened. The young male had excused himself from his current company, making painfully certain that he did not rush away from the pride for all to say. He had to remain calm - he did not want to be the cause any unnecessary panic.

But, once he was safely away from any prying eyes, he ran. He ran as fast as he could to where they were all to meet. Isigidi was not the first to arrive - the Claw, Mind, and Soul were already here. Some of his family had already made it. Isigidi was the youngest son for now, the one son who did not have to be perfect.

That was good, because he was so very far from perfection now. "Is my mother inside?" What would he even be able to do for her? Nothing. He was a warrior, not a healer. He possessed no political tact, and he was sure the only reason he had been summoned was that he was the Queen's son. Isigidi felt useless, knew he was useless.


Tipsy Senshi


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 5:20 pm
The arrival of Ebbe was more comforting than Delphi would have admitted aloud. It was not due to some romantic fantasy but, truthfully, because of the sheer and overwhelming sense of safety his hulking mass instilled in her weary bones. A set of pale eyes rolled up to him and more emotions than she could ever express toiled within their depths - shame, worry, fear and so much more.

"Ebbe," she breathed quietly between them, too tired to rise from her haunches. Her dark coat was smattered with thick, dried blood. Some of it was hers and a lot of it was not. A dull thudding in her hind leg told her she had done more damage to the still-healing injury but now a fresh set of claw marks had ripped open a shoulder and one eye was squinting against swelling in the side of her face. The sand beneath her feet was dark with spatters from the dripping wound but she would not, could not, budge from where she sat.

"Ebbe, I tried, I.." ancestors, but she was tired and all too aware of the ears that were straining for a whisper of anything, "the Queen -"


"..is resting." A deep, gruff voice cut off the young apprentice.

From the depths of the cavern Kethiwe emerged, head high and body stiff. There was fear in his gut and anger in his heart but he knew that now, more than ever, he was responsible for keeping himself composed so that his pride might draw strength from him. Steady paw after steady paw carried him forward into the daylight until he could meet each of those gathered with his bright eyes, Ashiki's eyes.

"I will not lie to you, she is gravely injured. Her bleeding has stopped and the healers have provided her with some herbs to dull the pain." His tongue felt heavy in his mouth, but he pushed on. "She is not well."

The dark male shifted the pelt across his shoulders and drew a long, deep breath through his nose. As stoic as he tried to appear for their sake, it was clear that he was not unmoved by this. He had never quite mastered his mother's cool ease but he was trying his damnedest so that these few, important souls might hold it together; he could already tell that Tahka might not last long.

"Uncle, you are welcome to step inside but please try not to wake her if you must."

The Crown Prince stepped aside enough so that the older male might pass him if he wished but his eyes were already swinging to Ebbe - no, to the apprentice that sat at his side.

"Delphi, I need you to explain."


The apprentice was not nearly so composed as the Crown Prince and her eyes flickered nervously up to Ebbe before she finally, with some effort, pushed herself to her feet and stepped forward so that all those gathered might hear what she had to say. Her weight was carefully shifted off of her back leg but her head was high despite the battered half of her face.

"I followed the Queen to the border since it seemed unwise for her to be out alone," the implication in her words suggested she never would have told the Queen that, "where she met with Ska to.. talk. They were attacked from the brushes by a pair that proclaimed themselves Stormborn. The male is the one that attacked the Queen with her back turned, I engaged the female to prevent her from interjecting.."

Her eyes shifted then, away from the Prince and up, at last, to the stoic Monarch's Soul.

"Katiti, it was one of your daughters."



Pandorus Sphinx

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 5:32 pm
Ebbe's eyes roamed Delphi, taking in her form. The tiredness, the blood, the claw marks etched into her pelt on her shoulder, and even her face swelling from impact. A frown remained present as his narrowed orbs focused on the others in the group.

His ears flickered as Delphi spoke, saying she tried. He was about to speak, when Kethiwe had beat him to the punch.

Resting? His eyes narrowed again at the crown Prince as he listened. She was gravely injured. His heart beat wildly in his chest as dark thoughts entered his mind. He should have been there. Delphi was skilled, he wouldn't doubt that, but if he was there, would the Queen's outcome be different?

He nodded, almost reassuringly to Delphi as she got up. He refrained from helping her. Here wasn't the place to show weakness. Delphi needed to prove herself she was strong.

"Did anyone go after these intruders?" His ears pinned back as Delphi mentioned to Katiti that one was her daughter. A low growl emitted from his maw as he glared towards the Soul. "Your blood was the cause of this?" He hissed towards the other vizier.  


Moonlight Hunter


PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 6:09 pm
Normally Shetani would have loved to discuss the situation with her apprentice, but as it was, she really wasn't sure, herself; and it was just as well because soon after, the prince arrived.

She stared with an icy gaze as Kethiwe spoke, resisting the urge to growl at the description of her injuries. Who would dare? An attack on the Queen was as good as an act of war. As their topic moved over to Delphi, the dark lioness listened with a calculating look on her face. The pause as she described Ashiki wishing to speak with Ska made her wonder, but her attention was diverted at the mention of the Stormborn... and of Kat's daughter.

The Mind shot a contemplating look over at Katiti, though she refrained from addressing that issue herself. After all, the Soul, for all her games, had always shown her allegiance to Ashiki above all else. While it did make her wonder what could have caused her daughter to deviate from that path, it could also have been entirely a coincidence... though she rather doubted that.

It also brought into question why Kat had not seen this attack, given her "sight", her daughter's involvement and the many ravens flying about -- but then, Shetani had always been a believer that a seer wouldn't be able to see all things. It was one of the reasons she chose to rely on facts rather than visions.

Regardless though, something else caught her attention.

The Mind frowned as she spoke, "The Stormborn.... They're a marauding group, aren't they?" She remembered hearing of them while the pride was dispersed in the rogue lands. "And where there's one, there is likely a band of them not far behind."

Her narrowed eyes turned coldly towards Delphi, "Did they mention anything that might suggest a further attack? Can we assume that this was the act of just those two, or simply the beginning of a raid on their group's part?" Woe betide them if it was the latter. The Outlanders would not stand for such a thing, especially when they so cowardly began by attacking their Queen.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 6:16 pm
As Kethiwe emerged from the entrance of the cavern Tahka rushed to his side and clung to every word the Prince spoke, listening with wide eyes and a heavy heart. It was hard to gauge what his nephew was truly feeling in this moment, and who could blame him? Surely not his uncle who now was fuming with both anger and disgust. "Who would attack a pregnant Queen..." The red lion muttered as he swore under his panicked breath. Before the older lion moved to enter the den he paused to listen to Delphi speak, her words made his stomach twist with rage. An ambush?

"Thank you, nephew." Tahka spoke with a slow bow, his eyes heavy and cold. "I will do my best..."

It was hard to find the words to express himself, in this moment Tahka was lost and hallow. His mind could only focus on his sister, the Queen. Standing around like this was pointless, so the large male slowly made his way to the entrance of the cave, stopping only when Ebbe's words reached his ears.

"...Focus that anger on the true culprit here Ebbe, Katiti is not to blame for the actions of her progeny." Fighting among themselves like this was foolish, they needed to stay strong and focused... for Ashiki's sake. They had no room to splinter, not now.

Slowly Tahka turned his back on the group and entered the cave as the red lion made his way closer to where his sister was now resting. "Ashiki..." His voice called out quietly as mud covered paws brought him to her side. "I'm here, sister..." This was too much... even for him. The dried blood covered her like a thick blanket, she was so still... and...

"I will be right here...." Even if the Queen couldn't hear him... Tahka would sit beside her, unwavering and in silence. All the green-eyed lion could do was wait now.

He wouldn't leave her side.

Though she was a Queen first to everyone else here... Ashiki was always going to be his little sister, a cub he helped raise from birth. Seeing her like this was truly heartbreaking. What was going to become of her cubs?  

Pandorus Sphinx



Tipsy Senshi

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 7:04 pm
Katiti's eyes pressed shut as Kethiwe gave the news that none wanted to hear, that the Queen's wounds were grave. Ashiki was strong, had been from the moment Katiti had first stood before her. If there was any lion who could pull through such an assault, it was her Queen. The Monarch's Soul would hold onto that faith in her Queen until the end. Ashiki's life was her purpose, this pride a home she was proud to call her own. It would not end here, Katiti would make sure of it.

Opening her eyes, her gaze shifted to Delphi as the apprentice explained the events that had unfolded. 'Katiti, it was one of your daughters.'

Melpomene cawed loudly at the news, drowning out the low rumbling of a growl deep in Katiti'manina's chest. Rage threatened to consume her, but Katiti was not a fool of a lioness. She was not so weak to let the whims of emotion carry her away into blindness. But she knew. Perhaps she always had. "Calypso," she breathed the name. She had other children, but all had distanced themselves from her.

The only child foolish enough, the only child vindictive enough was Calypso. She had raised her children as tools, and this was the result of her avarice. Her gluttonous pursuit for wealth and power had twisted her own blood away from her. Truly, she had kept tabs on all of her children to the best of her abilities. The world was vast, and her sight only recognized so much. Calypso had slipped away into a world where she thought her mother could not find her.

Foolish, stupid child.

Ah, she knew Ebbe of all of the lions here would dare challenge her now. Her patience was thin, and the sharp eyes that fixed on the Monarch's Claw made it clear that she was in no mood to be tested. Her thoughts needed to be elsewhere, not defending herself to a lion she had little affection for. Did she respect the Monarch's Claw? Yes, to a degree. But, he had never been fun to play with and she would not indulge him now.

She ignored him, turning her attention then to the youngest of the Viziers. This was no time to squabble with one another - they needed as much information as quick as they could obtain it. "Melpomene, go," she ordered the raven. The only sound of the raven's dispersal with the wind pressured away by the beat of her dark wings. "I have dispatched her to assemble the ravens to scout for this group of lions."

The Soul frowned, considering in silence for a brief moment. "Blood begets blood, Tahka. I thank you for your support, but..." her gaze lowered to her paw, toes curling against her palm. She did not even wince as claws pierced the pad of her paw. In silence, blue eyes observed the pool of blood drip down her limb. "Blood begets blood." This was her blunder. She would right it.

"Calypso is not stupid. She would not be so brazen to attack us on her own - she would assume we would be able to handle that. If she has access to a large force, she will use it any way she can."


"Then we need to start preparing for an assault if that is the case," Isigidi spoke up. The condition of his mother, their Queen, made him feel for the first time scared. He could not bear the thought of losing her, not when...

He hadn't learned from her like his brothers had. Isigidi knew he still had so much he could learn from her, still so much he could prove to her. He was the fourth son, the one who lived without the responsibility or burden of his brothers. But, that did not mean he did not want to please his mother and his pride. Before, before he thought he had time to come into his own and show his value to her. He had been too carefree.

His mother's condition, even the betrayal of Katiti's blood, all that right now paled in comparison to the bigger threat that was looming at their doorstep. The pride had to come first, before all else. Isigidi would protect it the only way he knew how, and that was to fight. If there was a large force headed their way, they had to be ready to meet it. "On top of that, we need to see to it that the young and those unsuited to fighting are safely tucked away in the heart of the pride.

Brother, we need to gather our forces!" he appealed to Kethiwe. Surely, the Crown Prince knew that there was no other option.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 12:28 pm
Kethiwe fell to silence as Delphi spoke and as those around them voiced their opinions and questions. In his quiet, his eyes swiveled from Vizier to relative, turning upon each as they added their thoughts to this impromptu meeting. What could he do but listen to those not only older than he but wiser, more accustomed to making the decisions that mattered?

What he could do was irrelevant.

What he must do was lead.

"I was informed that Clio has been tailing them," his eyes followed Melpomene as she rose to the sky, he had no doubt that she would find her mate and one of them would be back with direction within hours. It left them little time to make their final plans but if there was one thing he would not tolerate of his pride, it was idleness.

"Blood begets blood," he echoed and, for the first time since they had all gathered outside of his mother's resting place to meet with him, let a single emotion crack through his carefully concealed exterior. The heavy brows of his eyes drew down and his lip curled into a snarl as he imagined the treacherous fools that had attacked his mother. He could not know it, but in that moment he had channeled every ounce of fury and vengeance that was the bloodright of his kin. "The Scions of Taka will not take this insult lying down."

"Shetani," his eyes locked upon his mother's Mind, "consult with your Academy. Find out who among our greatest minds know about these Stormborn. Try to find out how they operate, how they fight, what their drives are."

"Katiti," next, he looked upon his mother's Soul, "gather the vessels and see if any of them have or can see the size of this force and if more are coming. Ask your Clergy to search the stars and pray that the ancestors might guide us."

Then, at last, his gaze fell upon Ebbe, his mother's best warrior and her Claw.

"Ebbe, rally the army. Put your guards in place and prepare our best warriors for battle; it is time to avenge my mother."



Pandorus Sphinx



Eloquent Lunatic


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 12:57 pm
The Claw watched as the raven lifted to the skies, taking off.

His ears flickered as Katiti explained her daughter, inwardly shaking his head, although his features remained stoic. His claws dug into the earth, leaving small marks in the terrain. One by one, the viziers would advised what to do. Finally, Kethiwe landed on him.

Ebbe didn’t need to be told twice. He gave a firm nod to the crowned prince.

“There is no time to waste. If there is nothing more, I will begin doing that now.” The striped male stated, glancing towards his apprentice. Although he would have enjoyed (Ebbe, enjoy something?) the experience this would garner for her, with her new injuries, and obvious agitation of her old one, she would need to sit this one out. If she pushed herself too much, he would be of no use as the future Monarch’s Claw.

He didn’t wait to be excused, instead, only tilted his head slightly as he walked towards Delphi, and nudged her shoulder to beckon a follow, before leaving the area.

These “Stormborn” would pay dearly.  
PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 7:01 pm
Katiti'manina had to remind herself that she was not responsible for the actions of her child. The others could judge her as they saw fit, but there was no greater critic than the Monarch's Soul herself. Her Queen was her life, her purpose. She had been by the great lioness' side since the beginning of her reign, and she refused to see it end here. Kethiwe was capable, but young - it was too soon to turn the throne over to him.

Her Queen had to recover.

Her Queen had to survive.

...and her daughter would have to pay for this.

The strands of familial bonds were weak between herself and her children. She hadn't... raised them with the care that she perhaps should have shown them. Kat was a selfish creature, even now her brood of golden cubs were born out of that selfishness. She could raise them better, mold them into pillars for the pride to stand upon.

Was she kidding herself?

The red lioness sighed. The time for reflections had passed. Ebbe had already left to attend to his duties - such a fastidious lion. He had the right idea, though Kat was unwilling to admit it. Grace and mannerisms were unnecessary when it seemed like war loomed upon the horizon. "Of course, it will be done..."

She paused, realizing that the weight upon her shoulders could not be lifted by sheer willpower alone. "I... have failed you. I will not fail again."


Isigidi should have left with the Monarch's Claw - he was a member of the lion's division and a valued warrior. For a moment, he had risen to his feet to follow the veteran fighter to gather their forces. Something stopped him from following suit after his brother laid out his plan. His duty was to his pride, but also to his blood. He could not leave the Crown Prince's side just yet. The Monarch's Claw was more than capable of gathering their forces and seeing to the necessary preparations.

What the royal family needed now was a show of unity and decisiveness. He needed to stand by his brother's side and support him. To the young male, his family was everything. They were the life blood of the pride, the beacon in the night. The youngest prince re-seated himself by his brother's side to see the Viziers off. His support was unspoken but clear.

Whatever his brother needed him for, he was here to do. "We will win," he muttered grimly. They had no choice but to.


Tipsy Senshi


PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 11:19 am
Shetani watched as the raven took flight, then turned her attention to Kethiwe as he spoke. It looked like they were all in agreement. This insult to their pride would not go unpunished.

As he turned to her, the black lioness bowed her head in a nod, "I won't leave a stone untouched." There was bound to be at least a handful of lions who knew of the Stormborn, if not a few who even hailed from there. Their pride taking in so many Unbranded may just aid them now.

So, with a determined look, she turned to her apprentice, Aera, and gestured for them to start moving. Before she took a step forward though, the Mind cast a worried glance towards the cavern that their Queen lay ill within and sighed, "If there is anything I, or any of my Academy, can do for her... please let me know."

Then the lioness turned and hurried off. She wouldn't dally any longer.
[IC] Deserted...

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