Alpaca Chobi


Ledz had turned her back on her family and pride after the announcement that the new warlord was going to make reaver a male only title. If one did not care for females that was their business but Ledz would be damned to be treated as lesser. She was a proud Kirin Viking and she'd earned her place as well as any male. Her disapproval was silent as challenging a fresh warlord seemed unwise. He was sure to have supporters and Ledz was still quite young and had a lot to learn.

The rogue lands had been a strange experience as there had been random black outs and sporadic weather events. It had also been lonely with out any family or pride by her side though Ledz would never admit that.

Her black iced paws were dirty from the grit of travel and her expression could only be described as permanent b***h face. This was unintended but one look at Ledz and any lions would know not to mess with her. She may not have been shaped by no lions lands but she had been shaped by the storms which she'd argue gave her more wisdom in the ways of violence.

The lioness was currently resting on a bolder looking quite unapproachable. Ledz was just fine with that.

Kokako has spent most of his life in the rogue lands. When he was younger, he lived in a land covered with snow. While his sister opted to stay in the white blanket area, the pale yellow and green male opted to move on. It wasn’t as if they had parents keeping them there. Their mother he died early in their life, and their father was an unknown stranger neither him nor Kulia had ever met.

It didn’t bother him to much to say the least. Koka just figured he was some deadbeat male with only one thing on his mind. It wasn’t like he was too far from the truth, if he had actually know Ciro.

Koka’s eyes narrowed as he had spotted a rather beautiful lioness whom looked like she would castrate anyone that neared her. Good thing Koka was up for a challenge.

With a suave smile, the lion approached. “My, that look doesn’t fit a beauty like yourself.” For not knowing his father, the apples didn’t fall too far from the tree.

Ledz was not expecting any company what so ever so when a voice came her way she was surprised but not startled. Claws instinctively flexed out of her paws and her teeth may have been barred.

That was til she saw the owner of the voice and noticed a very distinct shoulder marking she was all too familiar with. No, Ledz was not about to make assumptions but there was still something quite soothing to that shoulder marking that had her relax.

“This is my face and it does what it wants,” Ledz shrugged. She took in the green males sight a little later longer still perplexed and calmed by his shoulder marking. She wasn't saying anything out loud but it was very obvious she was staring at this males shoulder. Ledz was never one for tact or conversation.

Kokako held a smirk on his maw as the female seemed to eye him. He would be lying if he said he didn't see her eyeing his shoulder marking. His sister had the same marking, though hers was across her nose, instead of on her shoulder.

"Feisty, aren't we." the male purred, the smirk that could rival his father's, widening on his face. "Be careful sweetheart, those words can be misconstrued many ways, and in the southlands here they may not be beneficial for you. Although," he eyed the sheathed paw, and noted her barred teeth from earlier. "It does look like you can defend yourself. So, by all means." The male grinned.

"Are you a wanderer too? Or do you reside in a pride." Koka resisted the urge to say 'a pretty little thing like you shouldn't be out here,' but he wasn't sure how much of his luck he could push with the female.

This males words were not unlike some she'd heard from among the ranks of Vikings to those who may soon find themselves a thrall. All of this flowery flirting only made Ledz more and more untrusting of this male. Her tail flicked from side to side as her purple eyes adjusted to meet his with a very unamused look about them.

There was no way she was going to trust him and let him know she was on her own. Reavers would take the chance to use this information against her and Ledz was not too familiar with other prides to know of others would do the same.

So Ledz leapt from her once comfortable bolder and stood squarely in front and of this male. Now that she was on fores it could be said she was a pretty sturdy lioness. Her purple eyes narrowed.

“Are you a traveler?” Her tone was prodding.

Koka was a shorter, bulkier lion. Ledz likely stood taller than her. He never let that bother him though. What he lacked in height, he could make up in other areas. Strength was one. Other devious activities Koka believed as well, although he wouldn't openly admit that with a female around.

"I am." The male had no reason to lie. He didn't back off as she squared up against him. "Never found the right place to call home really. Not that I am actively looking. The southlands you see...they are quite a bit" Another toothy smirk. "I don't think I am ready to give up that just yet." He almost whispered.

"Now. It's only fair you answer a question for me now? Or, do we need to tango some for you to trust me?"

Ledz only narrowed her eyes some more as the male willingly gave up that he was alone. She was still unsure if she should trust him so she stayed silent. She did not have much experience with outsiders despite being a once reaver and she'd seen enough thralls regret their naivity to want to give up the answer.

Luckily for this male his familiar shoulder marking made Ledz a little more at ease than maybe it should have.

“You know it's unwise to trust a stranger right?” She finally said but did not go in more detail. Her tail swished once more as she sniffed at the air around him and found no other scent. Still, Ledz stubbornness did not allow her guard to drop.

She actually turned her back on this male and started off a different direction.

"Is it now?" Kokako hummed. "Well, we wouldn't be strangers if you would just give me your name now, would we?" The rogue asked, frowning when she turned her back to him.

"Well, that's not very nice now is it. Guess I'll just have to follow the lovely lady until I get some answers now, won't I. I feel we are hardly strangers. I've known you for a good five minutes now." He chuckled, trotting after the kirin.

"So. Gotta name?" He prodded after trailing Ledz. "I'll give you mine if you give me yours," he grinned, chancing physical contact and swiping at the female's tail. That should rile some sort of reaction out of her.

Ledz had her ears flat against her skull at this males continuous questions for her name. She did not care what his name was nor was she about to tell him hers. The female did her best to keep her eyes forward and away from this male until her tail was touched and she pivoted to face him.

There was no snarl or growl but those purple eyes gave him a look that could kill.

“No.” Her tone was flat and matter of fact.

“Why do you care? It's just a meaningless word.” A brow lifted.

Kokako held up his paws at the death look Ledz was giving him. That didn't drop the amused look in his eyes.

"Why?" He asked in return to her matter-of-fact answer.

Ah. So she explained a little bit. "I don't think it is a meaningless word. A name is usually something that identifies yourself. For me, it was given to me by my mother. It is the only connection I have left to my parents." He found himself shrugging. "So, you may think it is meaningless, but there is some worth to it. Even if it isn't something that you were given at birth, unless you are called 'hey you!' or 'pretty lady' it has a meaning." He thought for a moment, before muttering. "of course pretty lady COULD have a meaning..." Kokako digressed, before focusing back on Ledz.

"So, Pretty lady," he found himself chuckling. "Care to say it?"

Ledz was not about to go by pretty lady by this male but she wasn't about to give him her birth name either.

Once more the lioness glanced at the males shoulder before uttering the first name to come to mind.


The male was right a name had meaning and it was all the more reason Ledz held on to hers with a death grip. The two had more in common than they may have even know as Ledz couldn't help but think of her mother and how she'd never known her. Ledz had no idea if it had been her father or mother that named her but she was sure the name was hers. It was all she had taken when she turned her back on her pride.

“Okay so what's yours or do I need to call you pain in the a**?”


Kokako found himself tilting his head at the name. "Hmm...Ciro it is. See, that wasn't so hard now...was it?" The male asked with a grin. You can call me Kokako," He laughed, eyes lit up in mirth. "Although, I have been called many things along the lines you have suggested. So, I guess I could always answer to that if you preferred to call me that. Pita, maybe? It's not as long."

"Well...Ciro. It seems you aren't one to talk, so I won't pry. But, now that I know your name, next time I see you we don't have to play this question game. We won't be strangers then...maybe we can have more of a conversation?" Koka asked, backing off the female slightly. No need to continue to pester her, now that he had what he wanted. Too bad it was just the wrong information.

Ledz remained silent as she listened to the male. She was annoyed but also couldn't fully take out her frustrations on this male. He thought he had her name but really it was close in her heart away from him. Once more Ledz turned her back with out a comment and started off. Her ears were pinned to her skull as she went still annoyed.