Sphinx - normal
Kasai - bold

The sun’s light was slowly creeping into the den. The warmth from the outside was nothing compared to the warmth Aldan currently felt with the other body pressed against his. His paw lay over the pale female, curled slightly as to pull her closer to him. The previous night they had shared so much. Whatever troubles the two would go through, last night was proof they could get through anything.

His eyes opened slowly, gazing at the pale form next to him. She was his. Not in the form of slave to master, but she was his love. She had accepted him, accepted his love.

He would continue to watch her, lowering his head to nuzzle into her neck, before giving her a small lick. He had littered her neck with small love bites during the night, something he would have to apologize to her later for. But for now, he rested his head over her neck, a small purr vibrating his form.

The lioness was hard to wake, so hard in fact that when Aldan licked her neck she did not move a muscle. Eyes danced under tightly closed lids as Yorshka swam in a sea of dreams. Everything felt light, it was like she was opening her eyes for the very first time. In her sleep everything felt honest. "Mm...." A moan slowly rumbled from within her chest, fading into a yawn as the lioness slowly opened her pale eyes. Delicately the female raised a white paw to her damp neck, poking at the male's face as he continued to curl into her.

"Hey you..." Her words trailed into a tender smile. For a while the lioness held on to this moment in silence, everything felt different the morning after, everything had a vibrancy to it that just hadn't existed until now. Until they shared this one thing together. It was different this time... it felt right.

"How did you sleep?" The pale beauty questioned in a whisper, faintly purring as her body leaned into his. Aldan kept her so warm, this was the best sleep Yorshka had experienced since coming to this strange and unforgiving place.

"Let's just say it's been a while since I slept this well." Aldan chuckled softly, nose twitching as she poked at his face. He nipped lovingly at the offending limb. "If it wasn't for the sun wanting in, I think I'd still be in dreamland." What happened the previous night, up until now still felt as if he was in a dream. Did it really happen? If it wasn't for the small marks on Yorshka's neck, Aldan probably would be doubting it as to a really, really good dream.

"I hope you slept well," he snuggled into her, a content sigh releasing from his maw as he decided he wasn't ready to let her up just yet.

"I think we should stay like this. The whole day. No one would bother us," he cooed. At least, he hoped no one would bother them.

He couldn't move her even if he tried. Nothing could take this moment from her. Yorshka knew reality was harsh and that life could be incredibility unkind, but for a while here in this place.. things felt perfect. She was right where she belonged. "Did you like it?" A sheepish grin crossed the female's soft face as pale ears pulled back in. A paw moved his head back to her neck as the lioness held him close.

This was the first time she had ever experience anything like this before, it was pure and transparent, something she longed to have and feel. Sharing this with Aldan meant the world to her.

"...It's going to be hard to get up at all." Yorshka mused, laughing softly to herself. "Do you still love me?" The lioness questioned just so she could hear him say it again.

Aldan's ears perked forward at the sudden question. He wasn't expecting that from her. His eyes widened as he seemed to cough, taken off guard. "...I don't think like is the right word," Aldan purred, his head being pulled back to the lioness, resting on her once again.

"I don't think I showed you enough last night how I liked it. Perhaps we should change that," he found himself suggesting, a small, confident smirk on his maw.

"We don't need to get up." If it was at all possibility, the male pulled the female closer, wrapping his paws around her stomach as he rotated his body, so he now lay underneath her. Now he held her to his own belly.

"Of course I still love you. I will never stop loving you." He purred, his neck craning from the ground, as he reached to place a kiss on the bridge of her nose. "You are mine. Forever." There were no ifs and or buts about it.

Wide blue eyes peered down at Aldan as he rolled over so that her body lay directly on top of his. It was amusing to see just how much the lion had grown, for the longest time they were the same size, and now he was able to move the lioness without much restraint. It was endearing and in truth excited her a little, not only could the demigod protect himself now, but he was able to love and protect her in a way Yorshka had wished for. The simple things meant the most. "Oh...well." Her face was flush with embarrassment.

"I'm glad we can both agree getting up just isn't an option." At least not for now. This time mattered and the pale female wasn't sure how many perfect moments they would allowed to have. The future was still very unclear.

"Mmm." The lioness purred at his statement. Yes, she was his. Nothing could change that now.

Aldan couldn't help but chuckle at the light tint that coated her cheeks. After all they had went through, a simple suggestion of a possible repeat had caused the blood to rise to her face. Granted, Aldan probably had the same faint glow, becoming more comfortable talking about what most considered 'personal' when it came to speak with Yorshka.

"Nope. Not now." His back feet stretched underneath him as he shifted his love on him, trying to find a little bit more comfortable position with her on him.

"You never told me though," he said quietly, his paw caressing her back. A single claw traced her spine, before it slowly rose back up towards the base of her neck. "Where did you go....when you left?" He had wondered this while he was out. He hadn't tried searching for her, which was a stupid idea when he thought of he. She could have been dead, or worst, a bed mate for another lion. He shuddered at that idea, clinging to Yorshka, afraid to let her go.

"Oh." At his question the lioness frowned, lost in deep thought. This question didn't upset the lioness it as much as it caught her off guard, so for a moment Yorshka thought quietly to herself. "I'm a creature of habit, so I went down to the sea." The lion would know what she was referencing having been down to her spot before. "I just needed to clear my head, watching the waves roll in and out relaxes me. It's personal I guess, and hard to explain."

As Aldan re-positioned himself to become more comfortable underneath her weight she smirked, speaking out softly. "Did you worry?" Deep down she must have known the answer, still, hearing it from Aldan helped her understand his way of thinking, knowing what made her now lover worry seemed pretty important.

"No one bothered me though, I was a ghost." She sang as she lay her head under his chin.

"Did you invite your friend to make me jealous?"

The male nodded. He should have known that's where she went. She had gone to the sea after their first time together. She had gone to the sea just days after he had returned from his viking. There was some connection between the water and the lioness that Aldan had yet to figure out. He was sure he would though, he just needed to share time with her at her special spot, or at least near the water.

"I understand. There is no need to explain." If Aldan didn't get those terribly headaches, he would probably enjoy the secluded part of the pride he found. It was so quiet and out of the way, with no one to bother you. It was a blessing, but a curse for the young demigod.

"I did." He began. "I am sorry I didn't come after you." He only thought he would push her away more, if he were to follow after their last fight. "I am glad you returned." They wouldn't be in this position if she hadn't. He would have spent the night alone if she decided to stay out.

"....maybe..." his tone was low. "You said I wouldn't be good for you...so I wanted to prove you wrong." K'i-lin was a pretty lioness, but she was his friend, and he could never see himself with her. Same with Ayanga or Runa. He had his heart set on one lioness, and she lay atop him.

"It was a stupid plan. I am sorry." He apologized again, paws wrapping around her once more as he reversed the position. Now he lay 'on top' of her. His weight was to his paws as his body hovered over hers. "Can you ever forgive me?" The reaver asked, nuzzling into the crook of her neck.

While Aldan explained himself Yorshka simply chuckled to herself and as she rested her tired eyes. He had done a good job and succeeded in making her envious, still, it would be a lie to say it didn't hurt. It just didn't hurt half as much as losing him would have. "I figured." A giggle followed her words, nothing about the situation was making the lioness bitter, they needed to be able to talk about these things. Especially now, after everything they just shared. The one thing they could always count on was the ability to communicate. That would never change. Her tail flicked from side to side as a smirk crept across her maw.

"Let's not try to make each other jealous anymore." The female joked as she ran a soft paw along his wild mane. "I'd rather us fight together from now on, not separately. Even more now... we have to be a team. A strong one." Yorshka's eyes narrowed as the male pulled her over so that she now rested against her back with his large frame held over her. The male lingered as his eyes focused on her face. "You have nothing to say sorry for. I should be apologizing. I was just afraid."

It was hard to admit just how little the lioness felt, though she did try. Yorshka would always try when it came to the relationship they shared together. "You will always have my forgiveness, Aldan." As his head curled into her pale neck the female hummed, speaking in a soft voice. "I'll be here right beside you, every step of the way."

Let’s not try to make each other jealous anymore. Aldan’s ears perked at that as another purr rumbled through his form. “I don’t know about that, Yorshka.” He started, reaching down to n** at her ear, being mindful of the small injury she had incurred the previous day from it. “I did rather enjoy the aftermath from it,” he said rather huskily into her ear. He couldn’t help but chuckle at his antics. The lion had grown so much in the short time he had known the pridelander, whether it be physically or emotionally.

He nodded as she said they would fight as a team. Together. “Whatever the world has to throw at us, we can take it,” he purred. “I have no doubt about that.”

He shook his head, nuzzling her cheek. “You do not need to apologize. Not after what you have been through.” He wouldn’t accept it. Yorshka could do what she wanted, she was the one that was forced (technically) to stay here.

“I wouldn’t want it any other way,” he said quietly.