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Bryndis 1+3+3+4+2=13 | Kurejeshwa 4+3+1+3+1=12

Ah, fantastic. Bushy white tail flicking excitedly, Kurejeshwa dropped into a low crouch and rolled her spotted shoulders in anticipation. The leopardess spent most of her time alone these days, wandering almost aimlessly, deciding to use her lack of ties to a pride to her advantage this time around and explore and spend time with the interesting females she met. The males she encountered... eh, she could do without their company, even though they had their uses. It had been several days since she had bumped into anyone but Kure didn't mind. All she had minded recently was the hunger that had been gnawing at her belly since just before sun high, like a frisky cub chewing on its sibling's ear, and finally - finally - she had found prey. Just in front of her, a herd of waterbuck grazed peacefully, seemingly ignorant (or indifferent) to her presence. The snow bright leopardess prowled carefully forward, mint green eyes trained on her target, but the waterbuck weren't the only ones unaware.

Unbeknownst to Kurejeshwa, she was being shadowed - quite literally. A lioness as dark as shade had been watching from afar, blue eyes eagerly waiting for the leopardess to get too close. Bryndis smirked impishly as the intruder padded over that invisible boundary, tossing blood red locks away from her eyes, and loosed a roar that carried with it no subtle warning. The pride's herd, which she had been looking after when this creature had stumbled upon it, bolted further into the pride's territory and the leopardess's head shot up in her direction, green eyes narrowed. The look on this stranger's marred face seemed wary but not outright hostile - and in truth, it was. Kure was definitely irked that this midnight lioness had cost her a meal, but couldn't hide her curiosity and interest in a strong female character. Unfortunately, Bryn was definitely all hostility. She stalked menacingly toward Kure, muscles rippling beneath her black pelt, claws extended and fangs bared.

"Sorry to break it to you, stranger, but these prey beasts are owned by the Myrsky Syntynyt." Bryn paused briefly to give Kure a condescending look, lifting her lip in an apparently disgusted snarl before she spat, "Find another meal."

Kure's ears flattened and her glare deepened, curiosity and intrigue entirely dissipated. She may be smaller in stature, but Kure's own feisty spirit wouldn't allow her to be pushed around and intimidated.

"I'm sure you could manage to spare a small one," she sneered. The comment held no intention of actually bartering a meal but served only to annoy the combative lioness.

The remark was much more effective than Kure had bargained for; Bryn leapt forward without warning, claws outstretched. Thanks to the training she had received when she was with the Amazon pride, Kure was quick to parry the attack. The leopardess promptly rolled backward, her spine arched and braced, and lifted her hind paws to meet with Bryn's body. Using her strong back legs and the force of the attack itself, she thrust out and heaved Bryn off and behind her, then deftly rolled to the side to rise to her paws and face her opponent.

Meanwhile, Bryn managed to twist midair and landed - for the most part - on her paws, though heavily enough to skid a couple paw lengths and send up a cloud of dust. Her eyes narrowed with a wide grin. She was oddly pleased that this leopardess could hold her own. It had been a long while since she'd had a good fight.

"It seems I've underestimated you... That won't be happening again."

As she finished speaking, Bryn sprung forward again, this time keeping low and flipping onto her back at the last second. With the momentum of her lunge, she slid neatly underneath Kure. She immediately began pummeling the leopard's belly and the backs of her forelegs with all four paws, keeping her claws partially sheathed. After all, she didn't intend to kill the intruder. Not yet. Yowling in pain as sharp claws ripped furrows into her belly, feeling the warmth of her own blood dampening her fur, Kure awkwardly tried to sidestep and remove Bryn from underneath her. Unfortunately, that was exactly what Bryn wanted. As Kure leaned to one side to move off of the dark lioness, Bryn rolled out from the unbalanced side and hooked her claws into the leopardess' pelt, yanking hard and effectively dragging her to the ground. Kure let out a cry of surprise and rage as she tumbled into the dust. In an instant, Bryn was on top of Kure, digging her claws into her shoulders. It was enough to draw blood and a pained shriek, but no more than a minor injury. Surprisingly, the leopardess already lie limp beneath her paws, and Bryn relaxed her grip as she bent down to whisper smugly in Kure's ear.

"And here I thought you had more fight in you than that."

"I do," replied Kure with a snarl, suddenly surging upward and throwing Bryn back to fall hard in the dirt. She jumped up and whipped around, lashing out with claws fully extended, intending to do some serious damage to this demon lioness. Much to Kure's frustration, Bryn made a quick recovery from the surprise attack, rolling to her paws and leaping backwards, and she only managed to catch the lioness' ear - though she had to admit that the feeling of her claw tearing through it was still immensely satisfying. Kure launched herself forward with a hiss and Bryn rose to meet her, the two females colliding in a clash of black and white. Kure's fangs met Bryn's shoulder, a deep bite that caused hot metallic blood to pour into the leopardess' mouth and coat her face. Bryn roared in pain. Using a paw that had become wedged between the two combatants when they met, Bryn dug her claws into Kure's chest and pushed the white leopard backwards, though Kure squeezed in a nice clout to the head as she was forced back. Thankfully, her claws didn't make contact.

Using pure brute strength and her massive size difference, Bryn shoved Kure roughly to the ground, once again getting on top of her. This time, she was careful not be caught off guard. Putting her forepaws on Kure's shoulders, she dug in her claws - warranting another screech - and put all her weight forward. She then used her hind legs to kick the leopardess' back legs out from under her, awkwardly splaying them to the side and ensuring that little trick couldn't be used again. Standing squarely astride the much smaller feline, Bryn moved one forepaw to the back of Kure's skull and pressed her scarred face into the dirt.

Kure didn't even try to struggle, this time genuinely defeated. Bleeding from multiple wounds so that her white pelt was stained red, and undoubtedly outpowered, she couldn't have budged the lioness' pointed weight even if she tried. She was sure if she continued to fight, this dark-furred beast wouldn't hesitate to put her down, and her dignity was not worth her life. Besides, if she didn't give up soon, she wouldn't be able to care for herself alone even if this lioness let her walk away.

Sensing her victory, but also respectful of Kure's skills, Bryn forewent the gloating and said simply, "I do not want to see that disfigured face around here again." After a brief pause, she stepped off of Kure and allowed the leopardess to rise and slink off, a quick blow with a soft paw to the rump to send her running. Bryn stood and watched her out of sight. "Stormlords!" she cursed quietly and turned to limp in the direction of the dens. Best to find a healer to see to her shoulder, and maybe some catnip to really make her feel better.

Meanwhile, Kure stopped at a copse of trees that she deemed a safe distance away and climbed up into the branches, high enough to feel safe but not so high as to irritate her injuries. Settling in, she took to inspecting and cleaning her only worrying wounds - the not so shallow but not quite deep gashes on her belly. She would definitely have to avoid stretching out too much for the next few weeks. Kure's stomach growled loudly, reminding her of her hunger, but her exhaustion from the fight was more prevalent, especially as the adrenaline wore off. Kure nestled into the nook between branch and trunk and prepared for a nap. When she woke, she would go out and catch a hare or whatever simple thing she could find to pick off.