Sphinx - Normal
Kasai - Bold

In the weeks following Aldan's departure Yorshka had made herself a home inside the den he left behind. The once messy home was now neatly organized, every item placed with consideration and care. Dark pelts lay sprawled along the back of the den, away from the entrance and from prying eyes. It felt more comfortable this way and it would help keep them warm when the seasons changed. The night could be so frigid when the sunset, due to the breeze that followed the waves and sea, still, it gave her more reason to settle herself into this place. This was now her pride and it was starting to feel a lot like home. At least here in this den she shared with Aldan.

During the day the lioness spent her time close to Ciro's den, staying inside only when he was free from company. Recently though she had become more comfortable venturing off on her own, so the pale female did her best to make herself antiquated with the surrounding lands. It was important to learn the local vistas, so when Aldan returned home Yorshka could show him what beautiful things she discovered in his absence. It was the tiny things that kept her mind busy while she waited for word from Aldan.

It had been about a week and a half of silence and things were starting to feel a little concerning. The whinged male had been almost obsessively on time with every raven he sent back to her, so when her last message went unanswered the lioness found herself sick with worry.

The sun started to set, so the lioness knew it was time to go back home. Yorshka called out to Ciro as she walked past his den, smirking playfully. "Night Ciro, thanks for the company!" Her sarcasm was palpable but she was just teasing. The dark lion had spent a good deal of his day entertaining a female guest, so Yorshka had actually spent most of her day alone. It didn't bother her though, if anything she found Ciro's actions comical. At least he made a lot of ladies happy?

With a smile on her face the female strolled down the beaten path that lead to the den she now called home.

Ghost-like eyes watched the retreating form of the pale lioness from Ciro's den. He had returned shortly after his winged foe left for a mission, but he had avoided the beauty while in the dark captain's care. He knew something was up. He watched the raven flitter back to the den every few days, before flying out and returning again. His target was always the same, the newest thrall Kristanf wanted.

Who else could be communicated with her other than Aldan. Kristanf would need to change that. So he did. When the raven had landed in the empty den, the reaver took only a moment to snap it's neck, rendering it dead and whatever message it held to be lost to the world.

He discarded the body in the tree line nearby, before watching his target. Tonight. Tonight he would make a move. Explain what was going on. He smirked at his own devious plan.

Once far enough from Ciro's den, Kristanf moved up to Yorshka. "Oh...Your eyes are dry. Surely you have heard the news about your lover, no?" The male taunted, strolling closer to the thrall.

Yorshka could have gone her whole life without ever seeing Kristanf again, in fact it was something the lioness longed for. In her dreams she would kill him every night, over and over again just help ease herself into silent dreams, otherwise his lingering touch burned her. He had stayed away for sometime now, how silly was she to think it would ever be that simple. Wishful thinking would always backfire. Things would always be difficult, do long as this b*****d lived.

"!" As the red-haired male made his grand entrance Yorshka pulled back, quickly removing herself from the reach of his grasp. She wouldn't allow him to touch her, not again. This time she was quick on her paws.

"What do you want?" The masked female quested with a tired sigh before his words reached her ears. What? What was he talking about? Softly she frowned as her brow furrowed. Her lover....?

"What news?" How could he know something she did not? Was this a trick he was playing?

Kristanf couldn't help but smirk as the lioness was quick to scurry from his striking distance. No worries, the reaver would once again close the gap between the two. His eyebrow quirked as she didn't seem to question the remark about being the other's lover. The thought raged in his mind as he found them narrowing.


Kristanf straightened up. "The group got back earlier in the day. Party was much smaller than when they had left. More worn," the reavers raspy voice lingered in the air. "A certain winged male was not amongst them." Now, his eyes lit in delight. The group had not come back yet. Kristanf didn't know when they would. But, the raven carrying any word of the traveling group was rotting in the forest now, their location silent.

"Shame. He had some much prospect that young Aldan." There was sarcasm in his tone as his eyes glinted, staring hungrily at Yorshka. "You know what that leaves you now though?" He moved closer towards the female, wanting to be close enough she could feel his warm breath at he breathed.

"You are open for anyone." He sneered.


Aldan's group had actually been nearing the border as the incident with Yorshka and Kristanf was going on. The group was slightly smaller than what they had left, but their mission was a success. Aldan had also grown, filled out in his time away, his mane fuller and a little bulkier in muscle. His divine blood had given him size as he aged, something that proved well on missions.

As soon as the group dispersed, Aldan began to head home, not being alone for more than a few minutes before his eyes widened as a flash of light hit him suddenly.

His twisted figure lingered against her pale neck as she closed her eyes and swore under hushed breath. Everything about Kristanf was repulsive, from his wicked gaze down to the his filthy paws, Yorshka had never hated anything as much as she hated him. Still, he was free and she was not, this put her in such an uncomfortable place. He could do anything he wanted and Yorshka knew that fact alone got him off. He took pleasure in her suffering. He was transparent and ghastly, nothing she could do or say would ever be able to change that.

"You're lying." The lioness winched with wide eyes. Her limbs felt heavy as her eyes trailed along his figure, taking in every step he took, calculating his every move. She would never be able to trust this demon in disguise.

"That isn't true, it can't be." A soft whimper escaped her as her blue eyes shifted down to her paws. What Aldan...? No. He couldn't be, she would know it, she just would.

"He isn't dead. I would know if he was dead." Reasoning with herself took some courage but the female was able to talk herself back from the metaphorical edge. Still, Kristanf persisted.

"I am not open for anyone, Aldan isn't dead." The female warned as she slowly backed up, moving until she was standing in front of her den.

The light did not fade. Instead, started to overtake it. Aldan's form in the real world gasped, the pain in his head growing as his body hit the ground. Never were his visions this quick to attack, especially in the stormborn lands. There was always a warning.

Not this time.

Aldan felt pain in his flank suddenly, as the bright light started to den. He know only saw red, before that too completely faded.

As soon as the vision started it seemed to fade, yet Aldan was left writhing on the ground. He wasn't gasping for breath, but the lingering pain in his flank was enough to tell him something wasn't good. Someone was in trouble. But...where, when? He may have these visions, but never could he pinpoint when they would occur, or if they would ever occur. This one seemed so...different though.

"Yorshka..." He whispered, clutching the pendant as he shakily rose to his feet. He hurried in the direction on their shared den, hoping he would find her there.


"Am I though? I know you two have been in constant communications with the birds. It hasn't returned, has it? Isn't that a warning sign to you? I mean, Aldan likely didn't say who he was communicating with while out in the field, so no one could send a bird back to you let you know now, could they?" To Kristanf, it made sense.

"Oh, he is. And since I was there on your capture, that makes me the next owner of you. Congratulations, my newest thrall." Kristanf chuckled darkly. "Shall we get acquainted in his former den? Ah, what a prime idea."

Kristanf wasn't stupid. It wouldn't be this easy to get at the pale female. He'd need to subdue her first. "After you," he growled, stalking closer to her.

Yorshka knew Kristanf would say anything he had to in order to persuade her, but it wasn't going to work. The lioness knew Aldan, they had a connection... they shared a bond that was hard to explain. Both demi-gods shared a closeness he could never understand.

"No. He isn't. I know it. I can feel it." She snapped, her eyes pinning against his.

"You will never know what it feels like to have another so closely bound to you. He isn't here but I know he is alive. I can feel it." The female gave him a wicked smile in return. Was this what Kristanf hated the most? This connection he would never be able to relate to or feel? No one wanted to share themselves with him, did they?

"So you can stand here and try to tare me down but it's not going to work, I will not falter. I would rather die than be your thrall, Kristanf. What about that is so hard for you to understand? Are you not use to rejection? Or is it that you simply assume all females would gladly give themselves to you? I will never... ever give myself to you." As Yorshka spoke she faced him without fear, no matter how close he moved the lioness stood her ground. She was playing with fire but standing up to him felt so liberating. The feeling was intoxicating.

"No." Her voice was low and firm. The female would never give herself to him. Slowly she backed herself into the entrance of the den, holding herself still.

"Now leave before I scream."

"Denial is a terrible thing, is it now? Shame. You will learn."

He laughed when she said he wouldn't know what it's like to have another closely bound to him. "Oh, I have my other thralls that are bound to me. I know the feeling very well." He almost purred out. "Shall I say their names so you will know them when you join me in my den?"

"We can very well arrange that." He knew this wouldn't be easy. And if she wanted to die, well, Kristanf would gladly oblige at helping her. Even if Aldan was still alive, there was no way he would return so soon. Not with how long the Captain had figured the viking to go.

"Fiesty. Just how I like them. However, I don't like not getting my way. So, we will just need to change that." His eyes flashed. "Go ahead and scream thrall. No one will come and save you." And with that, Kristanf pounced at the lioness, claws unsheathed as they aimed for her flank.


Aldan's heart pounded as he seemed to race for his den. The weirdest vision, it needed explanation! He knew the lioness wouldn't have the answers, but he just wanted to make sure she was safe.

Coming home from a long viking however meant he was intercepted by a few pride members, asking how the raid had gone. Aldan tried to respectfully answer and excuse himself, but some were persistent. "Okay, it went well. Please, I need to head home. Let's meet up later, okay?" he would say, frowning as he trotted from the pride member, before loping off once more. His den was close now.

Yorshka didn't have time to react, not when the larger lion pushed her to the ground. She cried out as the back of her head hit the cold stone; everything went back for a moment. Everything felt surreal. Blurry eyes opened as the lioness struggled beneath Kristanf, crying out while she kicked her feet violently against his stomach. She was smaller than him and his weight could easily overpower her. The female struggled to find her voice, if she could call out Ciro's name maybe would be able to hear here from his den. Maybe...??

"No!" Her voice was caught in her throat as the female struggled to keep the larger male off of her, though her efforts felt meaningless. The b*****d was too strong, Yorshka could feel her limbs giving out from under his weight.

"Get o--!" Again words were cut short as she felt herself gasp for air. What... was this? Quickly her eyes darted down to her side. Blood. He had cut her? When did this happen? The lioness closed her eyes tightly and winced.

Was this the end? Was he going to get what he wanted after all?



Aldan froze. Yorshka! His eyes widened as his pace quickened, as he saw Kristanf and Yorshka in a brawl at the den entrance. His eyes narrowed as his he saw blood dripping down her hip.

"Ha, ha, ha. Just how I like my thralls." His head lower to just whisper into her ear, "right underneath me."

However, the weight on Yorshka was lifted as Kristanf found himself bodyslammed by another, bigger lion. Aldan roared as he stood protectively over Yorshka, eyes narrowing as he assessed her momentarily before glaring at the male. He didn't wait any longer as he now took the offensive, an act he would never had done in his younger days. Kristanf was on his territory now, and Aldan would protect it by all means.

"She is mine," the larger male growled, swiping at the other's shoulder, claws leaving marks against the pale pelt.

Kristanf did not have much time to react from the wrath of the demigod on him. He tried to fight the other reaver, but he had grown to a size Kristanf wasn't expecting. He got a few hits on him, but not enough to consider crippling damage.

One more hit from Aldan, and the older reaver found himself skidding across the floor, just outside the den entrance.

"You come near us again, your skull will be my trophy." Aldan sneered, tail thrashing behind him.