Sphinx - normal
Kasai - bold

Morning couldn't come soon enough. Aldan had thought he could sleep a little bit better once Yorshka was settled into his den. Unfortunately, he was wrong. He found himself tossing and turning most of the night, curling a top and underneath pelts trying to get comfortable. It was only when the morning light started to creep into the den when Aldan found himself falling into a light snooze.

Until those damn birds started their happy songs. Bloodshot eyes opened quickly before narrowing, as he rolled himself to his feet, stretching and groaning as the bones shifted back into place. He smoothed out the pelt, deciding he really should have a thrall come in and clean up the place. He couldn't and wouldn't ask Yorshka to do so.

Aldan sighed, turning his head towards the lioness. Was she even awake?

Mist covered earth gripped Yorshka still as the lioness stood in a field of red flowers that had held a youthful bloom, the sky above roaring with crackling lighting and flashing light. She could taste salt against her lips and feel sand between her white toes, and when her blue eyes closed the pale female was transported to a sandy beach where the waves poured in and out roughly, water ebbing around her legs.

She gasped when cold air reached her wispy frame, turning the ocean waves into shards of towering ice. Bewildering images flashed across her mind before large chunks of diamond came raining down upon the world, everything in near sight faded to black. Silence consumed all.

Gasping for breath the female rose violently, her eyes pinned wide as she frantically pawed at her throat while gasping for air. Why couldn't she breathe? It took a moment to come back down from her vision, but when she was finally able to center herself again the pale lioness had created quite a scene, all the pelts she slept lay scattered across the room. For a long moment she sat in silence, unaware of Aldan's lingering gaze.

Slowly Yorshka turned and stared at him with a fluttering heart and pinned ears. "I'm so sorry." Embarrassment covered her as quickly as shame set in. What was going on? Slowly she would rise to face him, though the lioness found it hard to look at him, surly the sight of her had startled him too.

".... I don't know why this is happening." A whimper followed her words faintly.

When the lioness seemed to jolt, gasp for air, Aldan found himself moving quickly towards her, pausing mid step as she apologized. He quirked an eyebrow at the statement. "...Don't apologize." He said quietly. "I get them too..." Sounds like whatever dream like vision she had wasn't good.

Maybe that was another thing the two had in common? Perhaps they could use that to come together in the future?

"The life of a demigod." Aldan said, somewhat sadly as he closed the gap. He placed a paw on her shoulder. "Other than that, did you sleep okay?" If she didn't, he'd have to figure out what to do to make her more comfortable. He'd put his own comfort aside for that. It was the least he could offer.

"I want to show you around the pride lands today. So...when...if I go out on a viking you know your way around." What if in the event his next viking involved Ciro? He couldn't leave her in the thralls den for any other freeborn, reaver or captain to try and claim.

"If you want that is? Some fresh air could be nice too to clear your mind from the vision?"

"It's only a vision." Yorshka had to remind herself, even though she was aware of demi-gods and the powers they possessed the act of actually having a vision was still very knew to her. This was only her second time waking from a pale dream. They felt so palpable and the lioness found herself licking her lips only to find the taste of salt still lingering. How could this be? Slowly she turned to face him, pale eyes narrowing as she found comfort in his presence and words.

"I slept well-" She paused, blushing a little. "And deeply. I was very comfortable." Exhaustion was finally leaving her room to relax, maybe moving in with him had helped cure some anxiety she felt being in a new place. Aldan helped far more than he would ever know.

"Oh, I suppose that would be important.. me knowing the area, I mean." As he spoke her eyes followed his, the earring he had given her lay gently against her pale neck. It would move with every tilt her head made.

"I would like that, Aldan. Fresh air sounds lovely and it could help." He was always very kind to her, maybe that's what made it easy for the female to forgive him, maybe it helped her trust him again. She knew that deep down he carried with him a heart of pure gold.

His ears couldn't help but perk forward as she had said she slept well. At least one of them had. Aldan just had to learn how to let it go. What had happened, happened. There was no way he could change the past at this point. All he could do was learn from it. He would vow to himself to never let Kristanf use him as he did, just to get a point across.

"I'm glad to hear that," a small, genuine smile flashed across his maw as he took a step from her, and towards the den entrance.

He nodded. "The pride is pretty large. I am not sure if it's as big as the Pridelands, but we do have many lions here. Always wear that feather on your ear if you go out without me. It will signify you...." he couldn't bring himself to say 'belong to me' or 'are owned'. Instead, he trailed off, "...your...rank." He murmured almost inaudibly.

"I'll take you to where the herds are. They are starting to become abundant again." He stepped out of the den, glancing towards her. "Our land went through a terrible famine. We lost some to it, from young to new mothers." Aya's grandmother had been one of them, and had been particularly hard on the other seer.

"...I can also show you the thralls den...if...you ever wanted to stay elsewhere." He threw the options out there as a just in case.

As the young male spoke Yorshka found herself nodding in agreement until the word 'rank' came up. This made her frown a little, pulling herself back down to reality once again. Her rank was slave status and he owned her, regardless of how they dressed it up she was pretty sure that Aldan could kill her if he wanted to and would not reprimanded for it. No matter how upset this made the lioness she knew she needed to let it go, at least for now. Arguing over a poor choice of words would get them nowhere. Still, it stung all the same.

"I had no idea." As he spoke of the past famine her heart sank a little, the idea of cubs dying from it was so disheartening. How long had it lasted? Yorshka would have asked if she had the courage to, sadly for the lioness though she felt very small in this moment. Had Aldan lost anyone he loved? Maybe someday he would feel comfortable enough to tell her on his own, so for now she wouldn't press the issue.

"...What?" As he spoke of a communal thrall den she frowned and moved herself from him enough to create obvious distance between the two. His words felt so empty and honestly made her sick. Why was he saying this to her all of a sudden? Was he reconsidering her staying with him? So many thoughts started to cloud her worried mind, she couldn't help but feel panicked. With a soft voice she spoke out to the younger male, her tail curling along her hind legs.

"Stop that. I don't want that." How could she make her feelings clear? Why was he even offering this to her? Maybe it was out of kindness, maybe it was out of guilt, whatever the case was she couldn't help but feel a little slighted.

"I am not leaving you." Her words were firm as she settled her eyes on his, a soft frown drawn across her face.

"A lot of reavers had left the pride to avoid the effects of it. It's...not something a lot will talk about it seems. We...lost our Warlord too in the midst of it. The pride seems to very much be in turmoil over it. I hope it will settle." Aldan could see himself out of the pride more if more and more drama built up.

He could take Yorshka with him if it came to it to.

He paused, his gaze shifting to her as she seemed to move away from him. Did he...say something wrong?

"You don't...want it?" He found himself questioning, looking confused. "I...just wanted to give you the option." He shook his head. "I...don't want to force you to do anything, including stay with me if something were to happen between us." He didn't know what, but after what the two had been through who knew what sort of wedge could come between them.

"Okay..." He said after a moment. "I won't show you it." He didn't want to make her uncomfortable. "The herds it is," his pace quickened slightly as he headed towards the western part of the pride, were the prey beast were normally kept. "Here's the hunting grounds."

Aldan didn't notice the slinking form of a certain reaver come up behind him.

"Well well well," the all too familiar voice rasped out. "If it isn't our newest man of the pride," Kristanf let out an eerie chuckle, eyeing the pale lioness near Aldan. He licked his lips, his stare saying it all.

Aldan's fur on the back of his neck bristled, finding himself taking a step towards Yorshka, as if to cover her from Kristanf's pale sight.

The lioness could have battled over semantics all day but found herself refraining from her natural response, Yorshka could see how badly Aldan struggled with his words and knew that her heightened emotions were just getting the better of her. Still, the female couldn't help but feel nervous when he spoke about her options. Was he unaware of her true intentions? Of what the promise he made to her meant? She wouldn't leave his side - his vow to protect her was the one thing she could cling to in this hell she now called home. Who knows what would happen to her if she was left alone for too long?

"...Thank you." The pale lioness whispered as he agreed to drop the conversation, her eyes heavy with regret. Why did it always feel like she was being too harsh with him? Had her demands become too much? Softly she sighed, nodding again as he spoke. As the two ventured deeper into the pride she found herself enjoying her time away from the den the two now shared, the soft breeze helped wash away some persistent fears she carried with her. Her blue eyes would shift as they followed every word he spoke.

For a moment she simply wanted to enjoy the sight of wildlife - for a moment in time things felt a little less chaotic.

Perhaps fate really did find pleasure in punishing the two, because the moment she allowed her shield to falter a familiar voice called out, creeping into her veins like venom.

"...!" Her body froze. With wide eyes she gazed at the red-haired beast. Why... why was he here? Quickly she found shelter behind Aladn.

"Come on, Aldan. Aren't you going to tell me how she was?" Kristanf's smirk widened, but his eyes narrowed as the younger male took a step towards the thrall. "I mean, it sounded like the two of you sure enjoyed yourself. But, perhaps your pale beauty needs a bit more lion." Kristanf took a step towards the pair.

As the older reaver moved towards him, Aldan's ears pinned back. "No thank you." The adolescent stated quickly. He flashed a quick, apologetic glance towards Yorshka before turning back towards Kristanf.

"We had a deal. She is mine. You are not to touch her. Ever." The younger male stated, feeling adrenaline flowing through his otherwise shaking form. "Now, if you excuse us," still, the lion held some pleasantries, even though he was mad.

Once he turned his back towards the other, Kristanf shot out a paw, grabbing at Yorshka's tail. Aldan noticed the larger male's action, and pushed the female from his grasp, Kristanf's claws hitting his front paws.

"You better watch yourself." Kristanf found himself growling. "You think capturing her was easy? Just wait if I would like to get ownership of her. Deals can be broken easily in a challenge." The lighter of the two male's argued, glancing towards Yorshka once more.

Aldan seemed to freeze at those words. Were they true? Or was it more of Kristanf's mind tricks.

At his words the lioness could only frown, her eyes never leaving Kristanf's twisted figure. He was like a shadow dancing on the wall, a demonic effigy that planted itself in ground. Still, she felt safe beside Aldan, no matter the case they did have each other and the two of them would always be able to outweigh him, at least when it came to the moral high ground. Still, something inside the female stirred, something just as twisted as the beast before her.

Never before had the lioness felt the need to be so bold, but today the circumstance called for bravery. Where Aldan seemed to take the high ground... Yorshka fell deep into the shadows, playing with fire.

"I pity you." The pale female spat, her ears pinned back, a disgusted look drawn cross her white-masked face. Blue eyes gazed right through him as he spoke of the night she and Aldan....

"I wonder how much it must have killed you to hear sounds of pleasure - when you so clearly longed for cries of pain." Something had come over her, something cloaked in darkness and filled with hate. Yorshka found herself standing up for herself for the first time in what felt like forever. This was a side of her neither of the males had ever seen before. Up until now she had been nothing more than a meek, frail thing, lost to sadness. "It must kill you to know I loved it." Well. This was a little intense. He wanted to know that the thing he had caused crushed her spirit and caused them both to suffer - Yorshka would not allow it. Not for one second. Even if she had to exaggerate the truth to get desired results... the lioness was lost in her own personal loathing.

"You? A lion? I see no lion here, just a pathetic excuse for a man hiding behind his own insecurities." Fire flowed through her as she hissed.

When he went to grab at her tail she froze before Aldan pushed her away. A second longer and her claws would have made a move for his flesh. Never again would she allow Kristanf touch her. He would bleed before she let that happen.

For a moment she had almost forgotten Aldan, who was all on his own trying to protect the both of them. His threat fell on empty ears, the lioness stood her ground behind Aldan, her harsh expression never changing.

"I will never belong to you."

So many emotions in the area right now. Kristanf seemed to be seeing red. It was unclear what was holding him back as the female spoke, but he was about to explode.

Aldan on the other hand, was confused, angered, happy even? It was truly a whirlwind in his mind. She...loved it?

"HAH." Kristanf found himself barking. "Loved it? I know what lionesses love. Aldan is nothing. You are too naive to know what you actual love." Kristanf found himself defending himself almost. "We can change that. Right now, actually." And he lunged. Not towards Yorshka, but towards Aldan.

The young reaver couldn't even prepare himself for the attack as he found the bulkier male atop him, his fangs and claws sinking into his flesh. Aldan couldn't even find a time to attack back, Kristanf's weight overpowering his own form easily.

Kristanf's claws found their way under the other's neck, his light eyes glaring at Yorshka, warning her if she were to take a step forward.. "One press on this most sensitive area and your lover boy is dead." Kristanf sneered. "I will take you then. You will be mine."

Everything was in slow motion for Aldan. The claws sinking into his skin, fangs tearing at his flesh. And yet, he couldn't land a paw on his attacker. His eyes met Yorshka, his mind backtracking slightly. She loved it? he found himself thinking, as Kristanf's claw made its way to the soft spot under his neck.

A scuffle near the herds? While Ciro did not normally travel this way, his curiosity got the better of him as he followed his ears, spotting the fight before him.

Kristanf, the male he had once thought of as his son, atop of Aldan, with Yorshka nearby. Hadn't he had enough drama in his life for now?

Ciro sighed. Part of him wanted to stay out of this, but Ciro was also one to not have an unfair fight on his hand. Aldan was most definitely at the disadvantage here. He had to intervene, if for Yorshka's sake. How much more traumatized could she get? though, it looked like Aldan was the victim here.

"That's ENOUGH." Ciro roared. The sounds of hooves echoed as the preybeast around fled, leaving the only wildlife present in the area as the four lions. The dark colored captain found himself reaching for Kristanf, finding some loose skin and yanking him from the younger male. In doing so, Aldan could feel a long scratch to his throat. Superficial, at best.

"Go home Kristanf. Unless you want a real challenge." The Captain growled, tail flicking wildly behind him as he glared down at the male, working on getting to his feet.

"No one could ever love you." Yorshka fumed before he took action against her. His response was chaotic.

Remorse was lost on her as he provoked her before making a move against Aldan. At the younger male's assault she cried out, clawing at Kristanf as he pulled the smaller lion to the ground, mounting him with a wild look spiraled across his wicked face. She hissed and moved back as her tail jolted from side to side. If only she knew how to fight...

"Don't you lay your filthy paws on him!" Her cries came from a place of real fear, not for herself, but for Aldan. At this point she couldn't care less what happened to her as long as he was safe beside her once more. Before the lioness had popper time to react she froze when Kristanf held the younger male down by the neck, claws meeting flesh in a violent way. He was truly the devil.

"Killing him won't change it, b*****d! I would rather have my eyes plunked from my skull. I would kiss fire before I would touch you!"

Yorshka wasn't afraid of him, no part of her feared his hallow threats. Something inside her found it's way to the surface and it was clawing at her insides, dying to be free. Before things could get any worse a familiar voice called out, the pale female turned to see Ciro standing in the distance. Was fate actually on her side today? Would he be able to stop Kristanf? As Ciro made his way over and pulled the larger male from Aldan she quickly ran to Aldan's side, tears swelling in her eyes as she frantically looked over his wounds. "Aldan..."

Her eyes flashed wildly.

"Coward!" She yelled before turning to take a long swipe at Kristanf, who had now retreated to the opposite side of Ciro. The lioness moved without any thought to her own safety, nothing but hatred fueled her right now. If anyone was going to stop her it would have to have been Ciro. Yorshka was lost in a blind rage.

"I will kill you..." At her final words she lifted herself to swing, claws completely extended, teeth flashing with rage and disgust.

"We can make that happen." Kristanf snapped, just before the roar bellowed behind him as he was pulled from the smaller form, and tossed to the ground. He watched as the lioness take a swipe towards him. He didn't brace himself, only wanting the swipe to fuel his rage even more.

It never came.

Ciro was quick to hold back the female, before she could do any damage to Kristanf. "Ah, ah ah." The Captain said quickly. "Lay a paw on him you are opening yourself for a death sentence that will come in the near future." Ciro's golden eyes glanced at Kristanf, who returned the glare before he ended up leaving the scene. There was no reason battling one against three. Once out of range, Ciro let go of Yorshka.

"While I don't want to play the bad guy here, I think I have to. Reality is, you are a thrall. Thralls do not lay paws on freeborns, reavers or captains." His eyes focused on the area Kristanf once was. "At least, not one like him." He turned back to Yorshka, before glancing at Aldan, who lay on the ground, coughing and rubbing his throat.

"I suggest you both go home. Stay there until this blows over. Get...acquainted." Whatever that meant, coming from Ciro. "Kristanf should be due for a viking soon, which will let you guys roam in peace. Let things settle for now." Ciro advised with a sigh, rubbing his temple.

Aldan rose to his feet, his back and neck achy. "Just kill him already." Aldan said to Ciro. "He's just going to keep doing this." The demigod looked towards Yorshka, shame creeping through his orbs. "I couldn't even fight, how am I suppose to protect you?!" the internal battle in Aldan's mind once again, starting back up.

The female was still seething, from both good ends she could feel herself turn with anger, struggling to find her footing as Ciro pulled her back and held her still until Kristanf fled the area. Yorshka had lost it, gone berserk, and acted dishonorably, yet the lioness felt no remorse, if she had another chance she might just try again, that was until Ciro spoke of punishment and death. In this pride... if she was assaulted it didn't matted because she was a thrall? This caused her to cry out in frustration as she turned from the darker male and moved to sit beside Aldan, frowning as he grasped at his own neck. This was her fault. His blood was on her paws.

This was because Yorshka couldn't control her anger. What had she done? Softly she spoke out, her face red with a mixture of sorrow and fury . "I'm so sorry, Aldan..." Ah, tears again, this was becoming a daily thing now. The female's lower lip quivered as she pulled her gaze to her paws, searching for the right words to use. She needed to beg for forgiveness, but before she could find the courage to Ciro spoke again. His suggestion to lay-low sounded like a good one, even if it felt like punishment. Something inside the female felt so defeated, and it wasn't easy to accept.

"I--," Before she could speak Aldan stood and spoke, his tone more apathetic than before. Had she broken him too? When he spoke of Kristanf's death at the hands of Ciro the lioness could only agree with a slight nod of the head, her eyes darting from Ciro and back to Aldan as he continued to speak. Protect... her? Blue eyes went wide as reality hit her. This was all her fault. He would never have had to protect her if Yorskha had just kept her mouth shut. She did this to him.

"No..." Softly she spoke, eyes pinned as she searched his face.

"This was me. I am so sorry...please--don't blame yourself."

Aldan found himself looking anywhere but Yorshka as she apologized, saying that this was her fault, not his. She was wrong. This was his fault. She was here because of him. If they had not met, or if he had not come back to the Pridelands to see her again, she would still be at home, and he would be thrall-less.

Ciro's words seemed to interrupt his thought, as he found himself looking at the older Captain.

Ciro seemed to notice Aldan not looking at Yorshka as she had apologized. That was it.

"You two. You are grounded." He found himself saying. "I think it is for the best. You will stay in the den. I will have Saki keep an eye on you to make sure you don't leave. If you do..." He let the warning linger. He wasn't sure what he would do really, but he didn't want this to happen again.

"Let's go." He motioned for the two to start walking. Yes, he would chaperone the two to Aldan's den. Then he would tell the purple and orange raven to keep watch, and alert him if they were to leave.

"You can't...."

"Ah, I can. I did. Let's go." Ciro interrupted again. "Come on, move it." He nudged the two. Aldan may have been injured, but he was okay to stand on his legs. He would be fine to travel the short distance to his den.

A sigh in defeat, Aldan just nodded, not looking at Yorshka as he began the (somewhat painful) journey home.