After Ciro had led the lioness to the waterhole to bathe herself, he had take her to pick out one of the pelts that hadn't been claimed, and headed back towards his little bachelor den.

He glanced at the ledge inside, noting the two ravens were gone. He didn't question it, but would need to advise Judeau of their newest den mate for the time being. He would rather tell the avian about her, instead of him assuming she was just some lady of the night.

But for now, Ciro helped settle Yorshka near the rear of the den, and let her get some shut eye.

During that time, he had pulled his own bed of pelts from her, giving her space as she rested. Ciro made himself comfortable, watching his new ward, shaking his head at what she had been through.

"Never in my life." He said to himself, lowering his head on his forearm, to rest.


When he awoke the next morning, Ciro's golden eyes glanced towards the pale form in the back of the den. "Must be tired." He said quietly, rising to his feet in a stretch. He'd let her sleep some more. Poor girl probably needed it.

It had been days since the female had be allowed time to properly rest, so when she found herself tucked deeply away in the back of Ciro's den all Yorshka could do was sleep. As soon as the lioness laid herself down against the warm pelt he had given her everything faded to black. Her body ached from the travel here, fatigue lingering over every muscle in her body. The kindness this stranger had offered her was something the lioness would always be thankful for, even if her life here was destined to be nothing more than a living hell, in this moment, in this place - she found peace.

Who knows how long he let her sleep like this, time was void here in this silence.

Slowly though, Yorshka came to, blue eyes opening slowly to greet the day. A heavy pelt lay over her figure, covering most of her completely - minus her tail that curled around the soft upper coat. She could feel her shoulder crack as she rolled herself up form her resting place, the pelt rolling down her back as she moved herself to stand, stretching herself out as long as she could.

"Hello...?" Her voice called out softly, the shade of the cave hiding her face from the outside world.

Ciro's attention was caught when the form shifted, and her voice called out quietly.

"Oh, so you are awake," The captain mused, a small smile on his maw. "You don't have to get up, you are welcomed to keep resting. You look like you needed it." The male stated, shrugging his shoulder's forward. He remained where he was, not wanting to cramp the female's space.

"You are also welcome to leave this den at any point in time. I don't want you to feel trapped in here, but if I may forewarn, I can't offer you any protection should you choose to leave the den without me." The captain informed. "I also have nothing going on, so if you wish to get some fresh air," another shrug. Ciro wasn't sure what Yorshka wanted to do at this point. He had never really come across this situation before. It would definitely be a learning curve for him.

"I sense you probably have some questions....?" Ciro drawled out, pawing a wrinkle out of his own bed of pelts.

His effort was appreciated even if she had a hard time expressing it. This whole situation had left the lioness in a state of shock, whether she was aware of it or not, some part of the lioness felt disconnected from everything that had happened the night before. The events that brought her to this strange place felt almost unreal, like, if Yorshka tried hard enough she would be able to close her eyes and return home.

"Thank you." A small reply followed by an even smaller smile. She was trying though.

"Ciro..." The pale female's eyes narrowed as she gripped the dark pelt that had kept her warm through the night, translucent claws sinking into it as she spoke. The words felt hard to say... yet the lioness knew they needed to be said.

"He didn't... force me." Why did this feel so hard to say? Was she embarrassed by what had transpired between the two? Or was her own guilt creeping up on her?

"It's just... neither of us wanted it in the first place." Maybe this was Yorshka's way of clearing Aldan's name, perhaps Ciro needed to know that without question Aldan had not assaulted her. It was a complex thing to try to rationalize. Still, with a timid voice and cloudy eyes she would try.

"This was Kristanf, if Aldan didn't... he would." Yorshka needed Ciro to know the truth, the truth she was having a hard time coming to terms with herself. Even if he hadn't touched her, nothing the two shared the other night came from a place of free will. It was almost like the older reaver was trying to destroy the intimate part of both of them, through his vile actions and demands. The threats lingered.

Ciro listened to what the pale lioness said, mentally cringing at her words. He tried to keep his face neutral as she spoke, but he was sure there was an occasional look of confusion or disgust that crossed it.

Regardless of what transpired, he would need to have a word or two with Aldan. Perhaps Yorshka and Aldan needed to have a sit down, and Ciro could be the mediator between the two. In time, maybe. It was something the male would bring up later. For now, he continued to listen, only nodding occasionally to indicate understandment. He was truly at a loss for words however. Never did he think this would be a conversation he would have with someone.

Ciro's eyes narrowed as she mentioned this being Kristanf's doing. "That little weasel." The lion growled. "Not more than two seconds is his mother dead and buried in the earth, and this is what he ends up becoming." He growled to himself more so than anything.

Maybe he needed to have a word with Kristanf more than Aldan. He was curious how that conversation would go if he were to ever try it.

"I didn't think Aldan would force anyone into that type of situation." Ciro began. "I may not know him too well, but I was the one who brought him on his first viking mission and congratulated him on his return when he had ranked up to Reaver. As a reaver though, you don't listen to other reavers, but rather your captain. It sounds like Aldan hasn't learned that lesson quite yet." Ciro frowned, shaking his head.

"I am sorry you got mixed up in all of this." He apologized. "Times are rough in this pride. Unfortunately, I have little say in this matter." Stealing thralls was something Ciro had never done. He couldn't just up and free Yorshka. But, at least he could provide her comfort.

"Aldan will need to be talked to about this. We can be discreet and only when you are ready." Ciro stated. He wasn't blaming the adolescent, but if he wasn't spoken to about this, than it would only continue in the future.

"Where are you from, Yorshka?"

He was being extremely understanding, or as understanding as one could be giving the current circumstance, so opening up felt far less awkward. Emotionally she was torn, apart of her wanted to scream at Aldan, yet, another part wanted to hold him. This thing that has transpired between the two had locked them together, fated to feel the same type of agony whenever they would see each other again. Would this be forever? Was this Kristanf's master plan? No. He just wanted to punish Aldan for standing up for her. Her eyes felt a little misty still, despite her best efforts to refrain from crying.

"Thank you." The lioness repeated before pulling the pelt back up around her shoulders. Being covered felt safe. The shame she felt right now was hard to mask.

"I am from the Pridelands. My mother is the Goddess of Purity and I have spent my whole life with her, back in my home." As she spoke tears started down her cheeks again, but it was hard to hold them back. What would her mother think if she knew what had happened to her? Something deep inside felt twisted.

"I didn't even get to say goodbye." Perhaps she would never see her mother again. This idea felt worse than anything else that had happened to her. Zimran would never know how much Yorshka loved her.

"Sorry, I don't mean to cry. I hate this." Uncontrollable tears betrayed her, yet she did her best to silence them, using a paw to wipe at her face until it was pink and raw. For a moment she sat in silence, glaceing at her paws before summoning up the courage to ask.

"Do you keep thralls...?"

Ciro found himself sighing again. "What you went through I would not want anyone else to go through. I see you are strong though. You will get through this. Aldan too, once things begin to settle that is." The captain stated, moving closer to the female, plopping himself on the ground instead of on his bed of pelts.

"Oh, the Pridelands," A small smirk lifted to his maw. "I do enjoy those lands on my visits. You guys have such lovely ladies there," Ciro grinned. Er--- that probably wasn't the best thing to say in this situation. "Plus Pride Rock is a pretty glorious site." How good was that save? Ciro scratched his ear nonchalantly.

"Oh...you're of god blood?" That god Ciro's interest. "You will find that a lot of gods apparently call this place home. Although they disguise themselves as mortals most of the time. I've been lucky to meet one in their true form." The feather Ciro wore on his neck was his summoning charm if he were to ever need that particular goddess. He summoned her for the hell of it sometimes, just to see if he could convince her to stay in the den for the evening. He always failed, but didn't mean he didn't try.

"Once...once things get better, thralls can go on viking trips with their...owners." The words sounded so foreign coming from his mouth. "You may see your home again."

He couldn't guarantee it though. He was sure once things blew over, Aldan would take Yorshka out. Maybe even free her?

"You can cry. It is understandable. This is a hard situation. Some thralls cry, some fight, some just...go on as if nothing happened. Everyone reacts differently." Ciro just happened to be a lucky one born in the pride, and did not need to adhere to the thrall life.

At her final question, he shook his head. "I...I don't....technically." He still did not consider Judeau a thrall.

"I mean...I did...once. If was a similar situation it sounds like that you had with Aldan, except I wasn't forced into...anything. It was either I kept her, or my captain at the time did. I opted for it." There was a tone of regret in Ciro's voice as he found himself looking away from Yorshka for a moment. "I let her go," his gaze returned to her. "But, she was pregnant and opted to stay until those cubs were born. She left shortly after the children were born, leaving me with two daughters. I don't know how many she took with her." Ciro explained. "I was...lucky enough to know of a female to help nurse them, who had a litter around the same time." He just didn't mention that that female had HIS litter as well. Something told Ciro if he were to tell Yorshka just what type of lion the Captain could be in the evening, things would become more awkward.

"Any non lions are considered thralls too. So my friend Judeau is classified as one, even though he is welcomed to leave at any time. I do not keep them or plan to any more. Not after what happened with Ruka." Ciro finally concluded.

"Did you love her?" The question came softly at first, bold and straightforward. Some part of her wanted to know what drove him to free her, without asking too many personal questions. He had once had a thrall he bore cubs with and still he let her go. Did all freeborn lions have this power? Her eyes drifted from his dark figure, lacing around his tousled miss-matched mane.

"Sorry, I really don't mean to pry, but talking about your life helps me forget mine." Everything was still so confusing, it was natural for her to be a little clueless. She kept the pelt draped over her as Ciro sat a little closer, the distance between the two brought her some comfort. It wasn't that she didn't trust him, Yorshka could tell he wasn't going to lay a claw on her, still, some part of her couldn't help but feel insecure. Ciro had a tenderness about him that kept her composed.

The neighboring prides she grew up around weren't anything like this. Nothing here felt recognizable.

"...Who do I belong to?" Another extremely bold question, though this one had everything to do with her and the future she was going to have in this pride of salt and sea. So far the pale lioness had only experienced pain here. Was this going to be her new normal? Cerulean eyes would leave him as the female turned her sights to the outside world. Yorshka let her mind drift to where Aldan was and what the younger male must have been feeling. Did he hate her?

Delicately the lioness would move her paws to rest right in front of her, her body still camouflaged by the coat he gave her.

"Am I Aldan's thrall?

The question she asked was abrupt, one Ciro hadn't been expecting.

"...I don't know." The male found himself answering. "Maybe it could have been love at one point, but... She wasn't here on her terms...and I have made some mistakes that I probably should have considered before acting." He found himself sighing. Ruka had gotten into Kaitrus' stash of fermented fruits as was all too willingly when it came for a nice evening when Ciro came to retrieve her. Looking back, Ciro would have acted differently. He now though of his daughters in the same situation and thought bitterly of it.

"I still think about her to this day." He wondered what he could have changed, or really if he would have. He had his two beautiful daughters as a result of that coupling. He loved them just as much as he loved his six with Njia.

"You are fine to inquire. It is only fair, is it not?" He said with a small smile.

That...I don't know. While you normally would have been first offered to the War Lord, it looks like that might have been bypassed. So the Captain of your band denied you, which left the remainder reavers. Kristanf, Aldan and Ayanga. Out of them, Kristanf has the most seniority, so he would be the first in line technically, but it sounds as some sort of arrangement was made so Aldan got you, no?" Ciro tried to recollect.

"It sounds like you would then be considered his thrall." He concluded. "Reavers and Freeborn keep thralls for a variety of reasons you see. Some like to have them around to keep the den clean." It was obvious Ciro was in need of one. His den reeked of a bachelor pad. Although, he would bribe a thrall occasionally with a night of pleasure if they were to clean it for him, he wouldn't keep them around 24/7.

"Others don't take thralls." He pointed to himself. "And lastly...some take thralls for a more...personal reason. Cubs may or may not result in that reason. Reavers and Freeborns use to claim the children of cubs to continue out lines. Now, we no longer can." Ciro just had to make sure if he was sleeping around, it was more or less with a ranked member so his progeny wouldn't be considered a thrall.

"I see..." Her words would linger for a while before the lioness broke her silence with, "I am sure some part of her might think of you too." If Ciro had freed the female and allowed her to leave unscathed she figured it would be hard not to think about it once in a while. Freedom was a liberty most clung to, after all. It was hard to wash memories as tightly woven as the ones he was reminiscing on away. Faintly she smiled under her own blanket of sadness.

"I had no idea Aldan's home was like this. He... he never told me." Though she knew at the time telling her any of this would have caused the very new friendship to rift and fall apart, still, maybe if she had known... she needed to exhale and breath. Yorshka didn't want to remain trapped in "what ifs". Ciro's words made her disengage, how could she be friends with someone that... owned her? This feeling of despair was immense. Would things... ever be the between the two?

While Ciro's honesty was extremely welcomed the pale lioness couldn't help but shiver under the weight of his words. Slaves could be used to clean or offered as laborers, that seemed like something she could have assumed on her own, yet, his last statement made her feel incredibly uncomfortable. Was... was she going to be that for Aldan? They had already...

"Ciro?" Yorshka questioned with a faltering smile.

"You don't think Aldan would use me like that, do you? You... you know him better than I do at this point. I mean... I thought I knew him. Maybe I don't know anything." Some part of her longed for Ciro to assure her that Aldan wouldn't ever make her his concubine, but the lioness also felt disgusted with herself for even feeling the need to ask. Did Yorshka trust her friend at all? Was he even her friend?

Ciro made a bitter sound. "You are wrong in that aspect. I assure you. The only reason some part of her would think of me is to think I am dead. She said so herself. She was also a daughter of a goddess, and was 'gifted' with visions of the future. She stated mine would fall, or something along those lines." He shrugged. He tried not to think of the past with Ruka. It brought up strange feelings for the darker male.

"It's...not something the Stormborn openly talk about. Maybe he did that in your best interest. This wasn't obviously the first time you two had seen each other before you were captured, no? Maybe he didn't want to spark anything, or have you follow him for that reason." All Ciro could do was speculate.

Ciro hummed when she called his name. His ears perked forward as she continued.

"I...don't think he would. He has never struck me as a lion of that type. Now, other lions in the pride would not hesitate, which is why I would not recommend going out on your own. Once you go back to Aldan, he may give you something to indicate that you are his, and that no others are to touch you."

"He seemed rather distraught when you confronted him about it. If he wasn't remorseful for those events, I don't think he would have stammered as much as he did. I think you will be fine when you go back to him." It wasn't an if you go back, it was a when. Ciro couldn't keep Yorshka held up in his den forever.

"Come come, let's change the subject a bit. Surely you would like to see the pride instead of the insides of this den, no?" He said with a smile. He didn't want to speculate answers to the questions she asked. These would be things she would need to ask Aldan in the future.

The lioness nodded, trying her best not to over-step, his kindness was something she would never want to take advantage of. When he spoke of his past and the seer he once called his thrall her heart sank. Yorshka could feel the pain buried deeply beneath his words. She would not question it again. Her own visions had just awoken from some place deep within her, trying to understand them right now felt like an emotional massacre. So, the lioness would learn what this new ability meant and could do over time.

Still though, that necklace...

"I understand." Yorshka understood that Ciro didn't hold all the answers and that eventually she would have to face Aldan again. So she tucked her feelings away until she could see him again. The lioness had questions only he could answer. Had she been too harsh last the spoke? In truth it was hard not to be, she had lost apart of herself that night, something inside her changed. As Ciro spoke it was clear he was trying his best to help her move on to a lighter topic, it was a very fatherly thing to do. This act of kindness made her smile quietly.

"I think I'd ready to leave." In a very odd way this den had become her only safe-haven. Apart of her never wanted to leave this place, apart of her wished she could just fade away - but reality was here and Yorshka could not ignore it. It was time face the world. As he spoke the lioness lifted herself to her paws, shifting the pelt over her left shoulder. It still covered a lot of her pale fur, thankfully. She was smaller than him, her frame untarnished by scars or labor. The necklace around her neck swayed softly from side to side.

"Let's go."