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            tab Herds are groups of ponies who have collected due to a similar interest of some sort. Most herds have a leader, and some can even influence the story of the shop depending on how involved they get. While herds can have similar themes, it is expected that all of them can stand on their own.

            tab There are a few things one needs to know about herds before joining or starting one. Please make sure to read this thread in its entirety.

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            • When creating a herd keep in mind Gaia TOS and our rules.
              While darker themed herds are very welcomed we also want to keep things suited to Gaia TOS. You may absolutely have a herd of murderers and violent-aligned ponies, but keep in mind what you can and cannot have that herd do.
            • Ensure your herd stands out on its own.
              There may be similar herds, but all of them must have a unique element to them! There can be two herds based on healing, but one could be a hospital and another a traveling healing band. It's up to you and pretty easy to make something just a little different!
            • You must have your herd approved before seeking members.
              We're trying to ensure every herd follows the rules and has its own unique spot in the lore so we'll be approving the herds before they can become official and seek out members! You can find the thread for approval in this very subforum!
            • When joining a herd, make sure you know the rules.
              Check how the owner requests applicants! You need the owners approval before you can say your pony belongs to said herd!
            • A pony can be in multiple herds if the rules let them.
              Keep in mind the rules of every herd. Some may let you participate in multiple herds. Some herds are more of a belief than a group, while others restrict their members.

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