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            tab While roleplay is fun and we greatly encourage it, we also need to have rules to ensure everyone is comfortable, safe, and doesn't get our guild flagged. Please read and understand these rules in their entirety before making your first roleplay. If you don't understand something then please contact staff.
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            • Your pony must be certed before RP.
              We do not allow those not certed to partake in RP, as certs have valid information we need to document.
            • Use [ORP], [SOLO], [PRP] or [FIN] in your titles.
              We need to know what kind of RP you're doing! It's important to label RPs correctly. Someone may not know the RP is private if you don't label it as such, or if they can join in if it's an open RP.
              [ORP] = Open RP. Other customers can enter if they wish.
              [PRP] =Private RP. It's between a set number of users who have agreed to RP.
              [SOLO] = Solo RP. Only one owner may RP in this thread.
              [FIN] = Finished RP! Edit title for this so we know it qualifies for points.
            • Do not use the old lines for RP.
              We do not own them anymore, so only use lines from the current version of M4S!
            • Keep RPs PG-13.
              Do not RP excessive gore, sexual content, and similar themes. It's expected ponies have naughtier habits, and it's fine to discuss them briefly or without vulgar context, but we're a PG-13 shop and don't want to be flagged by Gaia.
            • Rape plots will immediately earn you a spot on the greylist.
              We do not condone such plots and do not want to see them within our shop. We will delete any thread that hints at it and place all those who participated on the greylist. If it's a repeat offense those involved will be blacklisted.
            • Fade to black, please.
              Affection is fine. Flirting is also okay. But when ponies want to do the deed the RP must fade to black and omit those details. You're free to do whatever you like on a private Discord, but the public side of the shop does not need to see those events!
            • Don't control the other users actions.
              You control your pony, that's it. Don't dictate what the other user does and force their pony to RP a certain way. It's not cool.
            • Keep in mind the limits and lore of My Four Seasons.
              The shop tries not to be strict, but honestly it's an entirely new world. It's going to have limits and specific lore, just like Earth does. You can't fly on Earth without something attached to help you. There's just set rules. Keep in mind Everchange's rules and adhere by them.

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