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Utako was sleeping soundly when he felt something brush across his nose. When he opened his eyes he saw the hyena Iyubi sitting across from him her paw raised. She casually whacked his nose again. It was still dark out. It was way to early for her to be waking him up. He let out a grunt and rolled over.

“We don’t have all day. I kept my end of the deal. Now you have to keep yours.” Iyubi said, bumping her head into his back.

“Just go with her Utako. Leave and let me sleep.” Kyoto muttered, not moving an inch.

Utako let out an annoyed growl, but got up slowly. Iyubi had a triumphant grin on her face.

“Now try to keep up. As embarrassing as it is traveling with a lion, I rather not have to go back and look for you.” She said.

Utako tilted his head. Traveling with him was embarrassing? No one ever told him that. He was half tempted to tell her to go travel by herself then, when he came up with a better solution. Within a blink of an eye he turned from a lion into a hyena.

This caused Iyubi to step back and trip. “What in the world-“ she muttered, her eyes glued to Utako. “What are you?”

“I am Utako, god of labyrinths.” Utako said with a hint of arrogance.

Iyubi slowly got up and circled around Utako. When she did a complete rotation around Utako, she stood in front of him, her eyes narrowed. “I have no idea what a labyrinth is so you must be a weak god.” She determined. “Hm and to think that I was going to trick you into following me back to my pack and becoming a slave. That might be a little difficult now if you can just change your form. However if you stay looking like this I might still have reason to bring you back to my pack. Looking like this, you wouldn’t be too bad of a mate.”

“Ugh just leave already. Take him to your pack or whatever. I don’t care.” Kyoto groaned, turning toward the two.

“Well Iyubi I won’t be joining your pack, but if you still need help I can do my best even if I am a weak god. If you try anything though, I am going to sprout wings and fly away.” He warned.

Iyubi just grinned wider. “I wouldn’t mind seeing that. Now follow me. I still need to grab some things from a special little pit. If you do have wings those might be useful.” She said, before setting out.

“Try not getting yourself enslaved Utako!” Kyoto said jokingly as she rolled back over.

Like before Iyubi led the way, determined that she knew exactly where it was she was going. Utako decided that it was best to not question her for now. If they did get lost he knew how to get back to Kyoto at the very least.

“What did you need me to do?” Utako asked curiously. The more they traveled the more they became surrounded by sand. It did not bother him much, it reminded him more of Anvesana Caritra, the place he was called his home away from home. In the distance there was an odd structure that appeared to have collapsed. They were on the track toward it.

“You my little god friend will be my pack mule. You already have the bag for it.” She explained. “I am sure it is a task that you can handle. Especially now that you have improved yourself by becoming a hyena. Seriously I have no idea why you would ever be anything else. A filthy lion is nothing compared to a hyena.”

“Aw some of my favorite creatures I have met have been lions. Take it from me when I say that they aren’t all bad. Perhaps you have only met the filthy ones.” Utako said. He knew well enough that there was a rift between species sometimes. Most of the time he just ignored it and other times he played along with it.

They approached the structure. Whatever it was, it did not seem natural. It was completely abandoned, but it provided much needed shelter form the sun. They went deeper in and began going downwards. There was hardly any light.

“Look at this beauty.” Iyubi said, stopping at skeletal remains. Next to the bones were some cloth and metal. “Now this is treasure. Come here Utako. Let me put these in that bag.”

Utako stepped close. Iyubi started to put things in his bag.

“What are you going to do with these things?” He asked curiously.

Iyubi picked up one of the smaller bones and dropped it near Utako. “This one will be used as part of a necklace. Other pieces might join it others might turn into other decorations. If you prove useful and stick around long enough you might find yourself with one of my earrings.” She said with a wink. “I only give my favorites those.”

He grinned at her. “I’ll keep that in mind.” He helped her put the things in his bag. She would occasionally tell him what she was planning for the object. It was an oddly relaxing way to spend his time. Without realizing it, the day and come and went. When they were done and left the structure it had become nightfall. Utako cursed under his breath. “I should not leave Kyoto alone at night. It isn’t safe. We should hurry back.”

“Ah come on Utako. She is an adult. She can take care of herself. Plus I bet there is more stuff if we go down deeper.” Iyubi said. “To sweeten the deal for you, I will let you have a single small trinket to bring back to her. I am sure that is worth the risk.”

“I don’t think she would see it that way. You can stay here if you would like but I am going to head back.” He said, walking back where they came from.

“What a shame.” Iyubi said. She ended up following him, though slowly.

They did not make it far from the structure when they were ambushed on their sides by a group of lions. They had their teeth showing at the two. Utako looked back at Iyubi who moved closer to Utako. The group that ambushed them was 5 strong, mostly female with one male. She let out a low growl at the lions.

“I believe you have something of ours hyenas.” One of the lionesses said, approaching Utako. “If you do not want trouble I suggest that the two of you leave your bag and run for your lives.”

Utako looked at Iyubi. He could feel her shaking next to him, but she gave the appearance of calmness. Sometimes he hated when he felt a connection to mortals. They always found themselves in predicaments where they needed to be saved. He stepped toward the lioness so that they were only inches apart.

“You and your friends can have the remaining treasure that is down there. We did not take everything.” He said, staring her straight in the eyes.

The lioness cackled. “A truthful hyena? What do you take me for? A new born cub?” she spat.

“A cub would be smarter.” Iyubi replied instinctively. Utako gave her a warning glance. She responded with a shrug.

“You should be thankful that we are thinking about sparing your lives. Hyenas are nothing but weak beings that live off the scraps of others.” The lioness said. She took her paw and peered into the bag. She pulled out one of the bones. “Aw look. Of course scavengers would have nothing else but bones. They probably think this is the greatest treasure they could find. Left all the shiny jewels and gold down there.”

“See, we have nothing you want.” Utako said.

“You do hyena. Those gold rings in your ear. And the bangle. Those look appealing. Give those to me and we will be on our way.” She ordered.

“Just give them to her Utako. Since you were ready to hand over my things. You should be willing to give up your precious belongings.” Iyubi said, with more confidence. “Unless you think you can take them on. Which would be a show. I would love to see their scared faces running away from you.”

“Is that a joke?” the lioness said.
“No.” Utako said, before altering his form. He became a towering god before them. The lioness who had been talking stepped back.

“What?!” she said as she moved away. The other lions were bowing there heads, their limbs shaking. “I- I didn’t know what were. Please let us go.”

“Run far away and leave this hyena be.” Utako ordered his voice serious and low.

“Of course.” And the lions ran away from them.

“I like this form too. Though you as a hyena is way more attractive.” Iyubi said. She patted one of his wings with her paws as if to see if they were real. “So are you going to ditch me here and go check up on the cheetah?”

“No.” he responded returning to his hyena form. His bag had snapped when he transformed. He would have to carry it in his mouth until someone could fix it. “I think it would be more enjoyable to travel with you. Plus I can make sure you don’t get into any trouble.”

“I could have taken them.”

Utako let out a sigh. “Of course you could have.”

They headed toward a small hill side and stopped for the night.

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