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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] Western Weyr
[PRP] The Night Unfurls [Shahera/L'nik + dragons] Goto Page: 1 2 3 4 [>] [»|]

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Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 10:15 pm
L’nik could feel the contentment that radiated off of Hessianth. Even without really waking, feelings flowed easily between the two of them. Sometimes, this meant that he tried to not so subtly plant ideas in the back of his head. Other times, it was simply suggestions that they sleep in. Hessianth was very much in favor of that this morning. With graduation creeping up, morning lessons were less and less critical - especially with the Junior Weyrlings needing more and more attention.

For Hessianth, it just seemed like a better idea to stay curled up on his ledge. He'd twisted himself into what should have been an uncomfortable position around Therianth, one wing draped over her like a blanket over a child who'd simply sprawled out on the floor and fell asleep. Even if it had been uncomfortable, he was pleased with himself. More than the first time they had flown and not needed rescuing. In fact, he seemed more satisfied than any lesson’s completion. Though he never liked them much anyways. The night’s festivities were much better than anything (barring his L’nik) that he could have thought of. But only because it had been her - because he had desired her so, and would have still even if she'd not chosen him. He offered such sweet affections to her openly, even in his half-sleep.

It was that smug adoration that nudged L’nik to conscious enough to take stock of his own situation. He'd certainly not forgotten how eagerly he'd fallen into Shahera’s lips again, how his hands had roamed seeking out soft flesh, and definitely not how his body fit against hers. Though if he'd have had the same fervor without Hessianth’s eager contributions would go unanswered. It wasn't the first thing on his mind when she was still there in his bed, adding a warmth foreign to it.

Maybe she wasn't much of a cuddler and would mind, but L’nik would push his luck just a bit, shifting so he could rest his cheek against the top of her head, one hand idly tracing over her hip.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:46 am
L’nik shifting woke Shahera instantly. She didn’t start or move, still completely relaxed after the night before. It wasn’t the first time she had woken up in someone else’s bed, though it was the first in a while. Therianth, who was resting contently on the ledge, shared her amusement at that thought. Of course it had been a while. Therianth was still very tired and slightly sore from the night before and made no move to dislodge Hessianth. She was glad she had chosen him. It was right. She shared that feeling with the male dragon.

Luckily for L’nik, Shahera enjoyed a good cuddle and she made no move to separate the two of them. Finally she shifted slightly allowing her hand to come up and trace around the shallow cuts on his chest. She would not apologize for that act. She was proud of them and of him for not running away at the sight of a knife. Where had those ended up? She guessed it didn’t matter at the moment.



Predestined Cultist


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 7:53 am
Hessianth rumbled, moving his head so it bumped up against the side of Therianth’s. It was as up as he really wanted to be that morning. Good morning, the thought was still edged with the same sweetness he’d willingly poured through their mental link hours before. If his stubbornness was anything to contend with before, L’nik was going to be hard pressed to pry his lifemate from her until it was fully his idea. Idly, he wrapped his tail around Therianth’s. I am thinking of skipping our morning lesson in favor of staying right here, he added, letting her in on his plan. Just in case she had any objections - but he had a feeling she’d be right on board with him.

“‘Morning,” L’nik murmured into Shahera’s hair. If he’d been a dragon, he likely would have rumbled in a similar contentment as Hessianth did (and boy, he was loud about that). Instead, his mind traced the pattern of her fingers across his chest, ignoring any lingering sting for her touches. It hadn’t quite registered with him to wonder why she had knives on hand to be able to cut him with one. A thought for a later time.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 8:53 pm
Therianth reached her head around to look at Hessianth’s. What lessosn? The question was all sweetness and innocence. There were no lessons they had to go to, none at all. Therianth also informed Shahera that they Would Not be attending lessons. Shahera was fully aware this was not an argument she was going to win even if she had wanted to. Which she didn’t. Though Shahera also expected that Liat would be Not Impressed with the pairs. Therianth found this highly amusing. She shared the image of a stern and frowning Liat with Hessianth. Only, she added the most ridiculous outfit.

Shahera titled her head up to steal a kiss. It was a light and short one, more indicative of affection than passion. “Good morning,” she smiled up at him. “Therianth has informed me that neither of them will be going to lessons this morning.” She lazily traced her hand down L’nik’s arm. "Seeing as how it would look foolish to show up without them, we might as well not attend."



Predestined Cultist


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 6:15 am
With Liat in such a funny outfit, it was only fitting that Orioth match - which was Hessianth's contribution to the whole mental image. Though it was a little more difficult to fit a dragon into a garment that he frankly had never cared about the logistics of, so it may have been backwards on the one leg it was wrapped around. Are you feeling better now? he asked after he'd given enough time for the shared mental image to play out the laughter it had been meant for between them. He'd been attentive enough to her changing mood over the last sevenday, and while he pondered if it was some variation on the proddiness that older dragons claimed greens started to feel, Hessianth also wasn't about to be so bold as to assume that everything was better now that they were curled up together.

It was probably a good thing the kiss didn't last longer than a moment. Even with sluffing their morning routine, anything more amorous likely would have gotten them a little too wrapped up again. "Hessianth has been trying for months to get to, so I think I can let him have this one," it was less of a relenting statement, and more the same humor Shahera was using in stating the two of them would be better off skipping the day as well. They'd likely get in trouble, but it wasn't like any amount of lessons on the subject would have prepared for actually getting wound up in a dragon's lust. "Sounds like we'll have a lot of time to ourselves. Anything fun we want to put on the agenda?" not that laying there curled up with Shahera wasn't fun. But maybe she wanted to do more than just stay in his bed while he traced his arm along her side, rediscovering soft edges he'd explored just hours before.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 12:35 pm
There had indeed been laughter at the mental image shared by the other dragon. At Hessianth’s question Therianth huffed and head butted him. I was perfectly fine. She said imperiously. It was everything else that was wrong! She huffed again for emphasis. Really. She gets a little cranky and everyone reacts like she is out for blood. Which in the end she guessed she was, but that was beside the point.

Shahera pushed L’nik over onto his back and rolled on top of him. “I can come up with some interesting ideas.” She told him as she sat up. “I suppose we should get up though.” She made no move to actually leave the bed. Humming, she mused, “it might be in bad form to wander around the Weyr though when we are shirking lessons.” She just smiled down at L’nik. “Any ideas yourself?”  


Predestined Cultist


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 1:48 pm
Playfully, Hessianth butted her back. Just making sure I didn't need to tear any of the other things apart still! he countered. Her moods were hardly a problem as long as it was within his power to right everything.Problems bigger than him? He'd still chew on them.

L'nik was very compliant with the change in position, hands moving to rest on her hips as he looked up at her. "Hmm, like keeping us both cooped up all day would be anymore appealing?" he asked, though he knew that was very unlikely. Plus, they'd only agreed on morning lessons - for now. She'd surely be able to change his mind if she wanted to. As for ideas? "I have no complaints about staying like this for now.....or there's always those straps we were talking about," before they'd gotten distracted by other things.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 7:32 pm
You don’t need to. I won’t stop you if you want to though… Therianth teased. She still wasn’t going to move from where she was. Therianth was happy and content. The world could wait for a while.

Shahera smiled sweetly at L’nik. “We could make it appealing.” She wasn’t normally one to stay inside all day as she normally found it very boring but there were ways to make it entertaining. “Planning those straps being one of the ways.” She traced a finger along the curve of his chest thoughtfully. Her stomach reminded her of when she last ate, a while ago, which dampened her mischief spirit a little. “We might want to find some food though if we are staying in.” Shahera looked around curiously. Was it normal for people to stash food in their weyrs? She didn’t do so at least. “I don’t supposed we could sends flits for it?”



Predestined Cultist


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 8:47 pm
For a long moment, Hessianth seemed to actually consider this. However, it seemed like a lot of effort to get up, and it would certainly have meant unwrapping himself from Therianth. The latter of which wasn't very appealing. Make me a list, then, and I'll get on it when this is no longer comfortable for the both of us.

"Breakfast does sound appealing," though L'nik didn't usually think to stash more than just klah in his weyr. Nor was he fortunate enough to have a weyr with one of the dumbwaiters that some of the more prominent riders and non-riders had at the Weyr. He'd have to fix that someday. Hessianth was clearly amused by this notion. Planning to spend more late mornings in with someone, are you? he teased privately and L'nik shoved him mentally. "I'm not sure flitter-delivery is normal protocol. Think it would cause much trouble to try anyways?" he half-smiled, clearly picturing a few ounces of mischief with it. "Gives us some time to plan out our project."

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 9:12 pm
Therianth gave a startled laugh. She hadn’t expected Hessianth to take the silly notion so seriously. It was good to know if she ever needed it though that he would. That might take some time. And thought. We wouldn’t want to tear up something we need later, would we?

Humming, Shahera reached out mentally to see where her flits had gotten off to this time. “We could certainly try. Too and Free are around. One is off retrieving a letter I think. They might bring interesting things…” She trailed off trying to convey the request to the two firelizards. Specificity was important and she wasn’t sure she got enough across besides ‘bring food to me.’ “Well, I think they are trying at least.” She shrugged, “we’ll see what our feast will be soon enough.” There might be a rule somewhere against this sort of thing she realized. It certainly didn’t happen all that often, if at all, that she was aware of. Or maybe most firelizards weren’t trained enough to fetch things. Seeing as that was the whole point of her flits…She shook her head and looked back down at L’nik, contemplatively.



Predestined Cultist


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 6:15 am
Her amusement was delightful to him. True, true. We can just pretend that the bite-toy is whatever it is later, Hessianth suggested instead. Therianth was certainly ready for play again after spending the middle of the night shredding several dragons.

It was rather easy to picture the kitchen staff being pestered by Firelizards at least. "They at least get points for trying. I'll think of something else if it doesn't pan out," though most of those ideas already involved having to get dressed and L'nik was rather enjoying not doing so. Idly, he stroked her hips, pondering what Shahera was thinking about while she looked at him, but not quite ready to ask about it. There were a lot of thoughts to mull over for both of them, though he suspected he had more to think about than she did.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 6:43 am
I suppose so…That does sounds slightly less satisfying…I guess we will have to be good and settle. Therianth was starting to itch to get up and play. But like her rider she had a feeling that doing so would negate any arguments for not going to lessons.

Shahera began tracing the muscles in L’nik’s stomach thoughtfully. It was nice to be sitting here but she was also itching to do something. If they stayed in bed that something would not be conducive to eating. “I suppose…” she began unconsciously echoing her dragon, “that we need to get up and get dressed. At least enough to eat breakfast.”



Predestined Cultist


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 9:10 am
Therianth's unease was palpable enough that Hessianth was already stirring schemes and pulling his dear L'nik into them. If we're going to go as far as to skip morning lessons, why is here the only place we're allowed to skip them at? he inquired. Won't we get into just as much trouble if we go somewhere else? Who will suspect we aren't here? he pulled Therianth in on the thought, more than happy to go all in on it either way.

L'nik looked away from Shahera and off towards the ledge at Hessianth's machinations. "Sounds like we should consider a morning out, if we want to be completely gone for a morning. No reason we need to be spotted around here if we're just avoiding lessons, right?" as he spoke, he moved to sit up, pulling her into his chest.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:06 pm
Therianth could think of many flaws in Hessianth’s argument. Shahera had a few more to offer as well. Therianth didn’t care. She wanted to run and play. No fuddy-duddies need come along, she informed her rider. She stretched carefully, still being under Hessianth’s wing. That sounds like an excellent plan. Shahera informed Therianth that it was a terrible plan. Therianth stuck a mental tongue out at her rider.

“Why, L’nik, are you suggesting we leave the Weyr?” She asked the male rider. “Because anywhere within it we will be spotted. There is no privacy outside our little weyrs.” She took a break from poking holes in his half formed plan to give him a kiss. Pulling away again, she continued, “And leaving the Weyr as a weyrling is forbidden you well know. Plus, I have no clean clothing.” She looked at him accusingly as if it was his fault she had no clothing in his weyr.



Predestined Cultist


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:29 pm
Shahera did have a point about the rules of what they should and should not have been doing. Though they also shouldn't have been spending so much time canoodling in his weyr either - not that he was going to complain about more kissing. L'nik kissed her again, if only to let the logic of her words settle for a little longer. "So many excuses to stay inside," he hadn't pulled away entirely before he spoke. It probably was best to not push their luck with so little time before graduation, at least. "We can always stretch our legs inside, but what about them?"

He nodded towards the ledge where Hessianth fidgeted restlessly next to Therianth. We can go to the beach on our own, if you two don't want to come with. Hessianth was absolutely prepared to get in trouble - and all lessons had been lately was Threadfall, Threadfall, Threadfall!

[IC RP] Western Weyr

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