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[Viking] Sentiments are second hand (Yorshka x Aldan)

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Pandorus Sphinx


PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 3:18 pm
When Aldan and Kristanf returned, Ayanga's ears perked forward, but then back upon spotting a third. Her eyes narrowed as she sent a questioning look towards the two males in the party, before looking over her shoulder at the Captain who was tearing a piece of flesh from an old discarded prey beast.

"You are back early." Aya said quietly, watching the newer lioness. She couldn't miss the devious look her uncle was giving her, or the confused look Aldan was not.

Quirking an eyebrow, Aya rose to her feet, approaching.


Aldan's neck craned to glance at Kristanf, almost freezing at the look he had given the pridelander female. He made a small gulp, turning his head forward. "Oh...there's camp." He said quietly to Yorshka, as they approached. His ears swiveled atop his head as his friend made the comment.

"Er---yeah...I guess I didn't...know we needed to introduce the lions we met to the band....?" He said with a confused tone.

Kristanf, from behind, laughed at the questioning look Ayanga had given. "This is so rich. Neither of you have taken a thrall before, have you. Oh. Kid. You need to learn to see a lie. She is now one of us. Well, not one of us. She will certainly do well to serve one of us." There was a look of wanting desire from the paler male's gray eyes as he stared at their new capture.

"Lucky little Aldan went along with it so well. He just has so much to learn." Kristanf purred. "You wanted to capture thralls, Aya, did you not? Well, she isn't yours, but this will be a prime learning example for you."
PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 3:40 pm
You idiot. The echos of her own thoughts lingered in her mind as she slowly followed Aldan, placing her trust in him rather than Kristanf's penetrating stare. She couldn't help but shudder every time he looked back at her. Why was Aldan following someone like this? Why did Kristanf seem to hold power over him? The pale lioness understood very little about the culture they shared, and in truth was starting to regret ever wanting to know. Curiosity would kill her if it could, maybe it was readying it's teeth for one final bite. Yorshka gulped as Aldan spoke, his voice giving her very little comfort to cling to.

As they drew near she could make out the figure of another female, her eyes widening at idea of meeting Aya. Maybe she would be able to help her. Maybe Aya could protect her where Aldan wasn't. The lioness's heart skipped a beat as soon as she was close enough to overhear the two males speaking.

"Taken a thrall?" Her pale eyes narrowed as she glanced at her friend with a puzzled look. Her voice was prepped and ready to speak out in objection, yet, another sentence caught her attention, causing her to stop dead in her tracks

"She will certainly do well to serve one of us." Serve? What? Quickly she backed up a little, her ears pinning back against her head as she spoke out.

"What is he talking about, Aldan? What's going on? You told me I could come meet Aya...." Her words shook with her quivering frame, tail tucked between her back legs. Had... had he tricked her? This whole time? Was Aldan truly a friend, or was this all a farce to lure her away from her home? Her eyes darted from Aldan to Kristanf, her mind racing with untamable apprehension.  

Pandorus Sphinx


Pandorus Sphinx


PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 3:51 pm
"Meet the band?" Now Ayanga turned to stare at her uncle, who seemed to clarify what exactly was going on. She made a face, shaking her head.

"I didn't find the right candidate my last viking," Aya said with a frown. She was accustomed to capturing, but she knew her uncle was. He had an ever growing collection of female thralls in his den.

Aldan felt...lost. "But...you said she was just going to meet Aya and then she could leave."

"I lied." Kristanf said nonchantly. "Reavers lie. It would be best you learn that quick. Also, wipe that heart of your shoulder. It is unbecoming---ah ah ah," Kristanf paused as Yorshka started to back up. "I wouldn't do that if I were you princess. You're pretty enough without a scar on you, but I can make it so you don't walk for a week." Claws flexed in the dirt as a wicked smirk reached his maw.

Aya made a disguested noise. "Mom is not going to be happy with you." She finally said to her uncle, shaking her head. Kristanf just laughed, approaching Yorshka.

"Since when do I care what my sister thinks. She's been off spreading her legs for a god and look where that ended her. Right with a litter of cubs."

Aldan stared at Yorshka, his eyes showing utter confusion. "A...a thrall is...is like a servant to the pride....my pride..." He stammered. "I..I'm sorry. I...I didn't think this would happen."

"And there are his feelings again." Kristanf growled. "Keep it up boy. Here I was thinking of letting this beauty go home with you, however." Kristanf licked his lips, staring at the demigod. "I might have to rethink that now." His eyes seemed to ravish her form; it was obvious what his mind was thinking.
PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 4:22 pm
Yorshka's mind felt captured, locked in perpetual motion. Where her mind wanted to wander, she could not allow. The lioness already felt betrayed by her own friend, how could she stand here with a brave face on if she allowed herself to think about the worst possible outcome of her current situation? All she could feel was pain. Why was Aldan doing this to her? Why wasn't he stopping this?

"Servant? I am no servant!" The creamy coated female spat with wide eyes and flashing teeth. She was the daughter of a Goddess! A freeborn lioness of the Pridelands, this was a joke, right? Her eyes started to water as she noticed the other female offering her no help, nothing but empty words to her heinous uncle.

"Aldan... did you just pretend this whole time? Tell me? I was never a friend to you, just easy prey?" Even though she knew it was Kristanf spearheading this whole thing, she couldn't help but also blame the younger lion for the role he played in her 'capture'. He was the bait and never a true friend. That's all he was, wasn't he?

She felt her eyes water as her lower lip quivered.

"I don't want to go with you." She spoke in a whisper, her eyes cloudy with despair.

"I want to go back home..." Deep down she knew this didn't matter at all. Yorshka didn't matter at all.

"Let me go." Softly she spoke this time, her words hardly a whisper. Softly they faded, leaving only her body standing still. Fear kept her locked in place. Even if she wanted to run she had no idea how far her paws could take her.  

Pandorus Sphinx


Pandorus Sphinx


PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 4:53 pm
No, I guess you aren't a servant now..." Kristanf said almost thoughtfully. "Perhaps slave is a more fitting term for you. A pretty one too. I'm surprised the captain hasn't come over to see you just yet. It is probably a good thing. He probably would take you right here and now." Kristanf laughed. It was hard to tell if there was a joke behind his tone.

Aya, once again, snorted in disgust. "Enough, Uncle. No one wants to hear that." The young seer growled. "And here I think I'm beginning to miss Ciro." She rolled her eyes.

The name on his ears caused him to hiss. There was an obvious sign of something against the captain that dwelled in his mind.

"No---no I didn't! I...I didn't know!" The adolescent tried to defend. "I mean. I...I know our pride takes thralls....but that was never my intention! I...I wouldn't have come back if...if I knew." He tried to explain.

Kristanf laughed. Aya sighed.

"That's not how that works, Yorshka." Kristanf stated with a smirk. "You will be going home. Just, a /new/ one.

"Let her go back." Aldan whispered.

Aya placed a paw on her friend's back. She knew it wasn't going to happen.

"No. In fact, we need to start moving forward. Ayanga, get the captain. The longer we dwell, the more /painful/ this will be become. Unless of course, that is what you are into?" Kristanf snickered, a paw reaching out towards the pale lioness, dragging a claw against her leg.
PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 6:04 pm
Truly this must have been some sort of nightmare, she must have been dreaming, asleep some place safe and far away from here, nestled against her mother and friends. Maybe it was an out of body experience? It had to be. This... this couldn't be real. It was far too cruel.

But there it was, that cold touch of death crawling up her leg, the physical reminder of her place here in the waking world. Though she wished it wasn't true, this was her reality now. If she ran she knew Kristanf would strike her down without batting an eye. The lioness could feel his apathy with every look he gave her, every twisting smile that crossed his maw. No part of him would allow her to leave.

Just like she knew no part of Aldan would protect her from this fate.

Disappointment wasn't even the right word, maybe no word in the world existed to express what she felt in this moment. When she closed her eyes all she could see was annihilation. Of the mind and soul.

Yorshka had never felt life under the rule of another, she had always been free to be as she was. How could she live any other way? For a long second she thought about biting her tongue off, flirting with the idea of freeing herself from this bondage completely... though she knew she didn't have that kind of resolve in her. The lioness wanted to live.

She wanted to live, but not like this. Not this way. This wasn't living, it was closer to a living hell.

Her eyes snapped back to reality as she listened to Kristanf speak, his voice sounded like snakes hissing into her ear and it made her fur bristle in disgust. When he slid a claw against her skin the lioness could only swallow her words and shut her eyes tightly, quivering beneath the weight of her fears.

Yorshka could say nothing. When she opened her eyes again all she could do was stare at Aldan with a blank expression, disappointment could never compare. Whatever friendship the two once had... it was over. It was dead. She would bury it with her tears.

She had no choice but to go with them.  

Pandorus Sphinx


Pandorus Sphinx


PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:19 pm
Fine. The sooner they leave, the sooner she could find a new band to go out with. Valkyrie status was just within her reach.

The only one in the party who seemed to be having a good time was the older reaver himself. The wide smirk as he withdrew his paw from the newly ranked thrall grew bigger. “Well, look at you, already learning who your masters are. Granted, a pretty thing like you I am not sure if you will have multiple or just…one.” His eyes glanced at Aldan before snorting. Such a beauty would go to waste on a little brat kid like him.

Aldan looked away when Yorshka gave him a blank expression. His return expression was one of sadness, confusion. It was almost a pleading look, one asking for forgiveness he knew would not be coming from this return trip home. Aldan didn’t know if he should approach her, or just…leave her be.

“Yorshka….” He started, being cut off by the older reaver.

“Ah ah ah, no more talking now. Let the little princess settle now in her new role now, why don’t you.”

Aldan’s mouth closed with a sigh, just as Ayanga approached. “He’s ready,” She nodded her head over to the captain, who had risen to his feet. He was a large lion as well, with obvious wear and tear on his body from his outings.

Aya approached Yorshka, shaking her head. “Keep quiet.” Was the only guidance she would give the pridelander. It was up Yorshka to decide if she heeded that.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:35 pm
She would wince again as Kristanf spoke. It was staring to become a normal reaction to his voice, just listening to him speak made her stomach sink and body withdraw. The pale lioness sighed and glanced down at her paws, muddy and tired from her trek here. This whole thing was one big ploy to capture her, it was all staring to make sense now. Aldan never intended to be her friend, if anything, he was the worst of them all. Pretending to care was far worse than not caring at all. Yorsha knew that the older male and younger female didn't care about what happened to her, but having him pretend to for as long as he did felt like poison in her veins.

She could hardly bring herself to look at him now. The betrayal felt too raw. It was an open wound, and no word would be able to mend it now.

When he spoke to her with his meekly tone she only turned from him, before Kristanf even interjected. Yorshka wouldn't give him a second look. Right now at least... this was her way of protecting herself from the hurt the lioness felt everytime she saw his face.

She felt so small and useless. All Yorshka could do was follow an order given to her by the devil himself. This was it, wasn't it?

When Aya approached and whispered she froze, her blue eyes narrowing as she gazed past the group, setting her sight on the 'captain'. How many lions did they have with them? The fact that she was so outnumbered only made Yorshka feel sick.

I just want to go home.

Those hallow words echoed in the back of her mind, body frozen, unable to react to her surroundings. She would do her best to be invisible.  

Pandorus Sphinx


Pandorus Sphinx


PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:43 pm
Aldan's ears flattened which Yorshka looked away from him. He frowned, wanting to say something else, something more meaningful for the lioness, but found his words stuck in his throat. Nothing he would say would be helpful in this situation. He didn't need Kristanf angry at him in addition to the Yorshka.

He took a step away, just as the Captain approached. He didn't look at the group during the lead's inspection of the other. Instead, he found a particularly shiny rock on the ground to distract him.

"Ah, Captain. Our little Aldan here find such an exquisite specimen, don't you think? Of course...if you want her, you can surely have her." The Captain seemed to grunt, glancing between the adolescent reaver and the new capture. "If not, I am sure either of us," Kristanf referenced to Aldan and himself, "Could surely make good use out of her." It was this the Captain nodded, before turning.

"Let's head out." Were his only words, stepping forward to start their long trek home. Aldan followed, not looking back at Yorshka.

"You heard the Captain. Tut tut." Kristanf smirked, new ideas roaming in his mind now that the captain had disregarded claiming the thrall as his own.

He took a step forward, remaining close to the new prize. However, his niece had taken a firm stance between him and the thrall, so any other touching wouldn't come in this trek.

Aya finally sighed, glancing at the lioness. "Come on. It's best not to make them mad." She was surprised Aldan had been first to follow. Well...if the male wasn't going to be here for his once called friend, Aya sure would. She was going to have a tougher time once she got back to the Myrsky Syntynyt lands if Aya knew anything. She was hoping this female's future was one she wouldn't have to see.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 3:18 pm
The words the larger males spoke to one another only made her feel faint. She might have been sheltered by her mother, but she knew what wicked things they spoke of. The world wasn't a kind place, no matter where you lived. Yorshka had seen cubs born from assault, the aftermath was never anything thing she would wish on anyone.

Silently she vowed to herself, if anyone tried to lay a paw on her Yorshka would throw herself off the closest cliff, no one was going to hurt her. Not like that. She would rather die.

The pale lioness kept her mouth shut and followed the males as they started off, her eyes shifting from her paws to the dirt in-between her toes as they moved on into the evening. Her mind raced with every wild scenario that crossed her, all the what ifs, all the whys, it was hard not to fixate on her deepest fears when she was being taken from her home and family to be forced into a life of servitude... or worse.

Her heart felt empty and she had no time for tears. The pale lioness would never be able to understand why this happened to her, she could only comply. She feared for her safety... and Aldan's. Yes, her emotions were conflicting, but apart of her knew that his hand was also being forced, maybe he was a victim in this too. Whatever the case, she hoped that when they arrived he would be able to help her more.

He just had to.

When Aya approached Yorshka winched and created a little distance between the two. How could she trust this female? She allowed this to happen too. The lioness didn't understand how ranks worked, how could she? Still, she would take her advice. It wasn't like she could do anything else.

Blue eyes would turn to say goodbye to her Pride for a final time - before she knew it home was gone. Yorshka had nothing. Not even freedom.  

Pandorus Sphinx


[IC] Rogue Lands

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