Players || Yuli + Ledz

Word Count || 1057

There was no waiting around for any thing other to be said in the gathering as Ledz had heard enough to make up her mind on the spot that she would not submit to a lesser role when she had equally earned her spot among the Reaver ranks. Ledz made it a regular habit to challenge males in her youth and was known to come out on top so hearing she'd be placed under broke something inside and had the lioness silently break off from the group with out so much as a heads up or a word. There was nothing to say as the decision was finalized and there wasn't any use in whimpering about it now. The only thing in her control was whether or not she'd be present for the new era of this warlord and she would not be as her pride would not allow it.

Yuli had been in the crowd when he caught a glimpse of Ledz walking off on her own. The male was far more interested in the reasons why Ledz would walk away. Okay, he knew full well why Ledz was upset but a little bit of mischievous pouring salt in the wound seemed like a fun thing for the younger male. Ledz had always been known as a tough do not mess with female and to see this weakness in her now couldn't have brought a bigger smile on the males maw.

He followed after her all the way to the border when Ledz finally turned her head at the male and lifted a brow. There were no words or questions only a quizzical look which Yuli immediately resented her for. How could she give him such a brush off amused look.

"So you're leaving ... ?" He did nothing to hide the hopeful tone that she may fill in the blanks.

"Yeah." The female shrugged and took a seat. The two were still at the border and her black iced paws had not officially stepped over to no lions territory just yet.

"Are you planning to go do a viking on your own cause you know it was just decided that you can not." Yuli puffed his chest out like he'd just said check in a game of chess. His blue eyes stared expectantly in to Ledz oddly calm purple eyes. The female was giving the blue male nothing to relish in.

"No. I won't be coming back." There was a hint of mild disappointment in her words as Ledz was very hard to read. For anyone that knew the lioness this was enough to know she was upset. Yuli was feeling his own nerve falter at the surprise that his older (perceived) sister was not coming back and this was real. He stared at her a little too intensely.

Silence was to be had by both though on the border as an important life decision was already made.

"You do know we can always reclaim you as a thrall," Yuli offered raising a brow at Ledz.

"I dare anyone to try," She grinned, "They would have earned me as a thrall if they could beat me." Confidence radiated from every word she was saying as Ledz was pretty damn sure she would beat any being that tried to capture her. The lioness was tough and she was not one to allow things to happen to her with out her putting up a fight. Ledz dawned a strong will proudly on her sleeve.

"I ... suppose that is true." Yuli was loosing steam at teasing Ledz. All of a sudden this wasn't as much fun as it was supposed to be and Yuli wanted to turn back and join the others far away from here. Maybe it was because before it had been a game but now he was facing reality and there were no more games to be played. Ledz and Yuli had never been particularly close but the two had grown in the same family. Ledz had always proven how strong she was from the get go always accepting challenges from males who had wanted to test their strength against a girl and Ledz had always proven more than capable. Yuli wouldn't say it out loud but he did admire his older sister.

"Listen kid," Ledz's exterior sharpened in to something much more serious than the female was presenting before, "I don't think you'll ever understand as you were blessed in being born a son but for those of us that were born daughters we already had to prove our selves so much more than you'll ever know. I don't want to prove my self that much harder than I already have. " She looked to the border and fell silent as she had said her piece and didn't believe there was much more to add. The female got back up and stretched out her haunches as it was probably time she step over the border rather than longingly gaze.

But Yuli opened his maw causing a bit more of a delay.

"You're really gonna do it then? You're leaving?" He took a few cautious steps forward.

"What? You're gonna miss me now?" Ledz looked amused. "The families going to be fine. I've been away from the family den for some time now. Pretty sure you'll be fine," She turned back to the border and stepped over it with confidence. The lioness was now no longer with in the prides bounds and some how that felt liberating for Ledz. Yuli could only stare in disbelief that she was deserting the family so calmly like she was now. A defiant daring look was shot over Ledz shoulder before she started off as if she was on a casual stroll. No jeering insults were to be had from Yuli as, quite frankly, the male was both impressed and distressed that Ledz would leave the family with so much ease. He sat there for a long while not sure what he was going to say to the rest of the family or if they'd even mind that Ledz was out on her own.

He decided if he ever was to run in to Ledz again he would challenge her. Glaring in the direction she disappeared he decided it was time to turn back and re-group with the rest of the pride.