With the new power, came time for her to leave. It was getting more strict, and in her opinion, not worth keeping up the disguise. Sure the famine had gone, but things weren’t changing for the better and she’d rather not have her cubs be born in uncertain times.

Ciro didn’t even know she was pregnant. She was pretty sure they were his, but they could be Tanaka’s. In truth, she wasn’t sure which one, but something in her told her that she wasn’t carrying gods.

In the cover of night, Ninati had shed her mortal form and flown out of the pride without so much as a word to anyone about it. They would probably assume the thrall may have been killed or just fled. It no longer mattered to her. She would fly until that pride and surrounding land was out of sight. She didn’t want her cubs to be near there.

When morning sun was shining on her back, Ninati was forced to land out of how tired she was and the fact she was aching quite a bit. So with a drop as graceful as she could make it, the goddess landed with dust kicked up and a loud grunt. “Oof...”

Tuu wasn't one to spend her days alone, yet today she found herself without the company of an attractive male or lover. Today she was indeed covered by a blanket of solitude. Perhaps she wanted it this way, the speckled lioness hardly knew what she wanted anymore. In truth she had been feeling pretty unimpressed with the males she was seeing. Maybe it was time for her to find a proper lover?

She cracked her neck before moving up from her place against the cold ground, the darkness around cloaking her markings in a mask of deep black, still though, her eyes could be easily seen. Shining like two small ambers in the night.

Before Tuu could do much else the a figure had fell before her, landing just a few feet awa, unaware of what it was she approached with a frown.

"What the..." Oh, well, wasn't this a surprise? A lone Goddess all the way out here, and alone to boot. The night was turning out to be far more exciting than she expected.

"You look pretty uncomfortable." She spoke out, moving a bit closer to the fallen female. She looked as fat as she was tired.

"Are you well?"

A voice made Ninati's head whip around and those unmatching eyes stared at the other lioness for a long moment. She wans't actually aware that she had landed anywhere near someone. Oh well. She could misjudge things. Even goddesses weren't perfect.

Then the female moved closer and seemed to inspect her. Well that was a loaded question. The goddess definitely had a few thoughts running through her head. Mainly that she had no where to birth her cubs, and wasn't sure where on earth it was going to happen. She let out a hard sigh and then adjusted her wings to gingerly rest against her back.

"I'm..." She hummed a little. "I've been better. Just flew for a long time when I haven't in a while." It wasn't true, but no need to spill her troubles to a stranger.

"I see." Tuu smirked, circling the Goddess once before moving to sit down with both of her paws in front of her, she wore a smug look across her maw.

"What brings to the middle of nowhere? Certainly you didn't just decide to visit the land of nothingness on a whim?" Her eyes narrowed a bit as she shrugged. It didn't really matter why she was here, Tuu wanted to know more about her growing belly.

"Are those cubs going to be fully Divine?" The question was blunt and very intrusive. Again, Tuu hardly cared about formalities or whatever you wanted to call it. She wanted to know more.

"Honestly it was because I'm tired. I would go further if I could, but.." The goddess gave her best smile and just shrugged.

Then came that blunt question, but Ninati just went with it. "I don'... think so? There were two males I was with that could be the dad. One like myself, the other mortal. I feel these are mortal," she said, sitting down in such a way she can look at her own growing belly. It wasn't ...huge, but it was already obvious she was going to have more than two or three.

"My only litter was born from a Divine." Tuu laughed softly to herself, she understood having two lovers, hell, even more, so she would not judge this Goddess's indiscretions. She herself had no room to throw shade.

"Sadly though I haven't been able to find another God to give me more divine children." Tuu sounded very upset about this, despite her confidence.

"But soon I hope that will change..." It was true, she was on the hunt for another god to give her more cubs, believing that the offspring she bore would be stronger and more beautiful than any mere mortal.

"You should stay until you have regained your strength."

“Well, if you go near the Stormborn, lots of gods there. One named Tanaka… He’s the other potential father.” Ninati didn’t mind at all giving out his name. If he saw this female, he would undoubtedly try to have her. “The only other male I’ve met is my dad, and I don’t recommend him just because he’s my dad?” That would be so weird. Pimping out her dad? The thought made the goddess pull a very undignified face.

Stay until she got strength back? “Honestly, I was going to hunt around for a den, even if I had to spruce it up myself. I’m way too tired to do much of anything.” Too often Ninati forgot to eat before she was pregnant, mainly to keep up appearances, but she couldn’t afford to do that right now.

“I’m Ninati. Most end up calling me Nina, so you can if you want.” She looked back at the mortal and grinned. Her colors were so pretty. Not chimera like, but really pretty none the less. “I’m jealous of your colors.”

"You are denless? That won't do." Tuu frowned and moved herself to stand. Her eyes searched the area the best they could given the darkness, she would have to cure this.

"If you have no place to go with the state you are in you will have to stay with me. I am no stranger to birthing children, I had eight at once. So, let me help a little."

It wasn't like Tuu was a total b***h, she did care for others as much as anyone else could, but her twisted logic left her feeling a bit entitled, yet half the time she was totally unaware of this character flaw.

"Stormborn you say? Interesting. I'll have to keep that in mind." When Nina spoke of the many gods the pride had to offer she could only smirk to herself. Maybe she would be able to make her dream a reality now.

"Nina, I am Tuu - and thank you. I feel old and unattractive half the time, but I do appreciate a beauty like yourself acknowledging me." It would be lie to call Nina anything but beautiful and Tuu could hardly allow herself to be green, the Devine were after all superior in almost every way.

That was...very oddly comforting to her. Ninati had fully expected to go at this alone when she left just hours ago. Now she had someone offering her a place to birth her children. And a mother, to boot. Just because her children were grown didn't mean anything. She was still very much a mother. It was like something in her settled and a huge weight lifted all at the same time.

"Tuu.. That's an easy name to remember." Old and unattractive? "Oh, trust me, you're anything but. And thank you for the compliment." She did give the other girl a wink and she let her tail flick gently. "Thank you for offering me a den. That's a huge, huge relief." She breathed a sigh to show just how much.

"I don't know when I'm due, but I am due for a sleep. I don't want to hurry us but..."

"Of course. We cannot have you flying around like this. Come on, it's this way." The lioness smiled and nudged the Goddess with a soft paw. This would give her something productive to do besides, Tuu loved Devine children, so seeing Nina's would absolutely be a blessing. To her at least every cub born from a God was a blessing.

"It's settled, I'll help you through this. It's not a problem." Whatever Nina had been or done before this matter very litter to her, the lioness had already made up her mind.

"You can have the den, I am wide awake. I will find us some food for when you rise." With that said she turned from Nina and headed into the darkness, leaving her at the entrance to Tuu's den. Inside she would find a plush bed made from a pelt and some dried grass. She hoped this would be enough for the Goddess.