Iwa waited nervously at the edge of Northfarthing, waiting for the outsider that wished to see the pride. A messenger had been sent ahead to let the pride know that a female from a warrior pride wanted to explore and they were a bit wary of her arrival if only because the Suzat was a peaceful pride. Still, they were hospitable to all those that were wandering and curious and so long as she didn't cause any trouble they would welcome her with open paws. Iwa just wondered why she had to be the one to show her around.

Runa followed the lion leading her through the massive grasslands that were apparently the prey grounds. She noticed a few lions here and there planting things which was a bit strange, but her guide had explained that the Farmers and Herders worked paw in paw to ensure the herds here remained healthy and well-fed. It kept them around rather than migrating away to more fertile lands. It was an interesting if time-consuming concept to be sure. She was glad when some rolling hills came into view along with a brown lioness who seemed to be waiting for them and she gave her a wide grin in greeting.

Iwa nearly scowled at the sight of the lioness that approached with one of her fellow pride members. She was dark in coloration, but it was the strange markings on her face that made her grin look twisted and pointy that startled her. How unsettling.

"Welcome to the Suzat," she managed to get out with a shaky smile of her own, bobbing her head in greeting. Hopefully the stranger wasn't as terrifying as her appearance suggested.

"Thank you. It's a very...cozy little place you've got here," Runa said as her guide dipped his head in farewell and headed back the way they'd come. Looked like she was with the slightly nervous lioness now. Rolling her shoulders and tilting her head to crack her neck, she surveyed her new surroundings. It was much more habitable than the flat plains they'd just walked across, the rolling hills covered with soft green grass. How lovely.

"Ha...yes, it is," Iwa said with a weak laugh before swallowing thickly, trying to get her nerves under control. "My name is Iwa, I'm a Herder here in the pride. Most of my pride mates are Hobbits, though. Sort of a catch-all for those that don't wish to be Farmers, Herders, Marsh-Waders...you get the idea."

"I do," Runa said with a little grin. "My pride only has a pawful of ranks. I think the equivalent would be Freeborn. I'm Runa," she added. "Born of the storm."

"...Stormborn? I've heard of that pride," Iwa said, her ears flicking forward. Her mother had made mention of it before in passing, claiming it was the home of lions who enjoyed fighting and little else and to give it a wide berth. Little did she know her own father was from the pride.

"Lots have," Runa agreed, looking around again. "But I'm not here to talk about my pride. I'm here to see yours! So, tour guide, let's get going." She looked expectantly at the other female, a fiery brow raised.

"Oh...right," Iwa said, trying not to look too sheepish. "Well, you've seen Northfarthing. That's where the Herders work with the prey. We're in Westfarthing which is where the dens are. There's not much to see here, so we'll end our tour here so you can rest and refresh yourself. I think if we start with Eastfarthing it would be most time-effective."

"Lead the way then," Runa insisted, not minding that the tour would end where she'd be able to rest. She had been assured that she could rest here as long as she was peaceful and she had no problem with that. Although she was a warrior who could hang with the best of them she was still one lion in a prideful of strangers and she wasn't about to try to start a war single-highhandedly.

Iwa gave a little nod and headed off down one of the well-worn paths that led from Westfarthing to the east. This path would take them through the farm lands to the river but he wouldn't take her that far. Walking from the rogue lands into the heart of the pride was a journey all on its own and to walk all the way to the river and back on top of that would be exhausting.

"So Eastfarthing is where the Farmers work," she said as they walked side by side. "They grow and harvest the various plants the herds eat and they replant it in Northfarthing to keep the herds well-fed. It's long, hard work but it's very much worth it in the end."

"It's very unique," Runa said as they walked. "In my pride we herd prey a bit but nothing like this." She'd never heard of catering to the very creatures they'd eat later down the road, but she could see the benefits. There would be no worry of famine or migration, just this tedious task of plant growing.

"Oh? It seems we're not so different after all," Iwa chuckled, feeling a bit better about the whole 'warrior lioness' thing. She might be from a pride where they valued strength and battle-prowess but it seemed she wasn't a brute with no manners.

"Southfarthing is the last area of the pride, it's mostly swampland," she added. "We grow a plant there that needs marshy conditions to survive that we chew to relax, usually after a meal. It's called iboga and you're welcome to try it when we return. We also create Brew, most of the ingredients are grown in Eastfarthing. It's a drink that sort of alters your state of mind for a bit after consuming it. Again, you're welcome to sample it when we return."

"Both of those sound interesting. I'd be glad to sample them." Runa liked the sound of mind altering substances quite a bit and was more than eager to give them both a try. She wasn't going anywhere anytime soon after all, she could indulge without worrying about stumbling through the rogue lands and leaving herself open for attack.

"By the time we get back it'll be supper time so we won't have to worry about waiting," Iwa said, growing more and more comfortable the more they spoke. Despite her rather chilling expression permanently on her face, Runa was turning out to be good conversation and company. Hopefully he'd prove to be the same and she'd leave here speaking only good things of the Suzat.

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