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It had been such a long time since she had been outside the den, let alone traveled from it. Kotone knew that they were traveling slower then normal because of her. She found herself taking breaks only after traveling a little ways. Utako was patient with her though. They would find a place to rest, usually next to some water, and she would work on her crafts.

Utako was disguised as a mortal, something she was grateful for. As much as she would have enjoyed others flocking to them to see a weird wing lion, she decided it was better for her and her crafts that the attention remained on her. He wore a bag around his neck where she kept her trinkets she made and painted. Once they found some fruit and plants she would start putting them in there as well.

Kotone was currently resting at the first pond the two had found all day. They were heading into the dryer area and she knew that soon they would no longer have the beautiful shade and refreshing water. It would be all dusty lands with flowers being rare. The flowers in the area though were unlike the ones Utako usually brought to her, or at least he claimed that to be the case.

Utako appeared, returning from his hunt. He set the animal down in front of her. “We should be getting closer to the flowers now. It will only be a matter of time,” he stated to his adopted daughter. He sat down next to her and looked around. If he had flown there it would not have taken this long to get to the flowers, but it was better for Kotone to get out of the den and see the world.

“I wonder if there will be a dark purple color. Lately that color is all I can think about.” She said quietly before taking a bite out of the meat. As she ate, Utako kept a look out. He knew that out here strangers were more willing to figure others for meet then hunt for themselves.

“I ate enough,” Kotone said as she got up. She ended up eating a decent amount. Since their departure from the den, she had slowly been getting more and more healthy. When Utako got up, he spotted a figure approaching them.

“Let’s wait a moment and see what they want.” Utako said, noticing a pouch around the figures neck. Kotone nodded and sat next to her father.

Iyubi had been going a different direction when she spotted the lion and cheetah. Once she saw them though she switched directions and headed toward them It was strange seeing a pair like them, but Iyubi was not going to judge, especially when there was fresh meat around.

She smiled a big toothy grin as she got closer, eyeing the two up. The lion was larger then most she saw while the cheetah was such a small thing and looked even smaller next to the giant lion. Her eyes went to the partially eaten meat then went to the lion’s bag. Maybe he had something good in there, she thought.

“You two are lost.” She said, her eyes locking onto the lion’s. “Let me eat and I will guide you.”

Kotone looked up at Utako and tilted her head. “Is this normal behavior?” she wondered. Utako shook his head.

“You are mistaken. I have traveled here before. I know where we are going. We were just about to leave when we saw you.” Utako explained, looking the strange hyena. She was pretty, he had to admit. An assortment of beads was weaved through her hair.

Iyubi shook her head. “No no you are lost. I can tell. Tell me what you are looking for and I will assist you. It is not everyday that I am willing to help a lost lion and cheetah but I am feeling generous today.” The hyena said, widening her grin. “And maybe after I get you to where you belong we could do a trade hm? I have plenty of lovely trinkets that both of you will want. And I am sure there is something in that you have that I will want.”

Kotone gave Utako a concerned look, but he just shrugged. “Well, there were some flowers I saw that Kotone, my daughter, needed. They are a purplish color. We are also looking for some different plants and fruits found in the area.” Utako explained.

“But the flowers can’t be too dried up. I need them fresh and healthy so they will survive the trip.” Kotone added quickly. “I hate when he brings back broken up petals. It is completely worthless.”

“Well well well it is good that I found you then. You would have gone in the wrong direction. Let me eat and I will take you to where you need to go.” Iyubi said, leaning toward the meat and taking a big bite. “I’ll make sure there is nothing left for the scavengers.” She said between bites.

“Do you think we can trust her?” Kotone whispered to Utako.

“I have no idea. She is amusing though.” He responded with a grin.

“I swear if you start flirting with her-“ Kotone said with a growl in her voice. Utako rolled his eyes and looked at the hyena who was busy devouring his catch.

“So hyena, what should we call you?” Utako asked.

“Iyubi.” She said with her mouth full. “And you?”

“Utako and Kotone.” He said, pointing to his daughter when he said Kotone. “Have you lived in this area long?”

“Do all lions make small talk while others are eating?” Iyubi barked once her mouth was clear of food. “We talk while we travel. No sooner.” And she went back to eating.

While Iyubi finished up the meat, Kotone painted on a flat stone. Utako was resting next to the water. When Iyubi finished up she walked over toward him.

“Now that I am full I will show you the flowers. Come along slow ones.” She said, nudging Utako. “Try to keep up. I am not going to stop to wait for you.” Iyubi started to head out. Kotone put her rock into Utako’s bag and followed the hyena with Utako taking the back.

They followed her as she led them into the barren land.

“How far is it?” Kotone asked. She stood near Utako, using his shadow for shade. Iyubi looked back at them and grinned.

“If you two would move at a decent pace it wouldn’t take long at all. Here I thought cheetahs were fast.” She said, sticking her tongue out. Kotone let out a soft growl.

“You know this area well. Have you traveled it often?” Utako asked, wanting to switch the subject. He knew that Kotone wouldn’t act out in anger, but he knew that she would stop their travel if she felt enough annoyance at the hyena.

“Nah, this is only the second time I have been in the area. I just have a knack of knowing where strangers need to go. You don’t have to worry. I won’t lead you into danger.” She said with a wink. Her focus went back on the path ahead.

Kotone let out a groan.

“This is how I die, following a hyena in the heat far away from my beautiful creations. When my sisters hear about this they are going to be crying from laughing.” She said.

“At least they will be crying.” Utako added. He watched the hyena carefully. At this point him and Kotone might as well turn around and find their own path. However he couldn’t help but be interested in where the hyena would take them.

They continued, stopping only when Iyubi wished to stop. Even then, it would be only for a short amount of time. Eventually when it became night, Iyubi stopped near a river. “Here we are!” She declared, walking toward the water’s edge. There were a couple flowers that were purple in color. The flowers were not the exact ones that Utako had seen before, but he hoped they would do.

“There are not that many of them.” Kotone stated as she went up and sniffed the closest one. It smelled nice at least, she thought.

“You get what you get. Now tomorrow I want your help. I wasted my whole day dealing with your needs. Now the two of you will help me with something I want.” Iyubi said, finding a bush and climbing on top. Utako noted that it did not look very comfortable. He chose to find a grassy spot to lay down in.

“Utako we are not really going to spend more time with her are we?” Kotone whispered, sitting down next to her father. Utako glanced at Iyubi who was already snoring loudly. Kotone shook her head. “She is so pushy. I just want to take a break for the day.”

“Well, if I go with her, do you think you can handle being alone for a day? I can make sure to be back by nightfall tomorrow.” Utako said. Kotone frowned. “AND I’ll help you find some more flowers and fruit, but we will go at a better pace.”

“Alright but you and her better not take forever. Just do what she wants and then come back. I want to go back to the den.” Kotone said, curling up, getting ready to sleep. “Goodnight Utako.”

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