Hessianth was at the age where he should have been starting to chase - of that, L'nik was very aware. But long before that, the sport of watching the greens that were chased above the Weyr had drawn the brown's eye. So when flight after flight came and he didn't stir, it was curious. Even now, a rising green had his idle attention - but didn't draw him from where he lounged on his ledge.

You could go, L'nik suggested, though he wasn't exactly eager to cross that threshold himself. But Hessianth hadn't held off because his lifemate had a paranoia about flightlust....right? I simply do not want to chase this one, Hessianth answered, not even glancing back to his beloved, though he did allow his gaze to wander from the sky and instead to seek out a different ledge. L'nik moved to his side, running a hand over his dragon's side as he settled into the crook of his arm.

It wasn't difficult to see who he was looking for - he didn't even have to come look. Of course he was waiting. She will rise, and I will tear all of her other suitors from the skies, Hessianth informed his rider with a possessiveness that was usually reserved for L'nik alone. Part of him was a little jealous himself. That could be a while still, L'nik wasn't discouraging Hessianth from waiting for the one green he really wanted, but simply stating it as truth. All the more time for you to decide if that chase would be so bad - and for me to prepare my claws and teeth.

Of course, he meant Shahera. It was easy for her face to pop into her mind, along with a lot of other things that stirred up feelings that he still wasn't sure what to do with. There were easy words for those feelings - ones that if he tried to use he was sure she'd laugh about and probably think were so funny. Maybe it was a lot of nothing. I don't think it was a lot of nothing, he didn't have to give Hessianth context - the brown knew quite well about those feelings both well in and after the moment. But they were quite funny in that sense - the brown had known the moment his own feelings had formed that he would act upon them until he either was successful or completely rebuffed.

Why was his L'nik acting like that was such a poor course of action?

Then don't let it be. Take it for all you can have of it - and if she doesn't want more, move on. If another chases her, what will you do? Let him win? Maybe it was the very sentiment Hessianth had about willing to blood another for his own affections that put the image in his head, but he didn't like the idea of another in that pursuit while he still fumbled with his own feelings. He may not rip or tear them from the sky, but....No. I won't.

But what did that mean doing next? He didn't want to just throw this jumble of confusion onto her while he was still sorting through it. Was it just the possessiveness of his dragon towards hers that made it feel so complicated? It was something people talked about with flights - a want for the rider of the dragon their own chased. But Hessianth hadn't been chasing - unless simply the desire he felt on the ground as Therianth had been curled against his side was enough to effect him. It hadn't felt like that, though.

Hessianth thought he'd made his position - and perhaps what L'nik's next step should have been - very clear, but now the boy was muddling it all up again. It doesn't matter where it came from then if you are feeling it now. Now, clear out the noise. What would you like right now?

L'nik leaned his head against Hessianth's shoulder, allowing the dragon to help toss away what he felt were needless thoughts. Feelings in humans were simply too complicated when they worried about hurting or being hurt. Some dragons were that way too, but Hessianth? He'd never worried about it. It made clearing the mess rather straightforward.I'll play it by ear, L'nik decided. It was easier than worrying if anything meant something.

If it meant something to only him in the long run, he'd learn to carry that.