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Hila was feeling...conflicted. On the one hand, she was enjoying the freedom of being out and about, and getting to explore the rogue lands, but on the other....she'd expected (unreasonably) that a viking was full of non-stop action, and loot practically laying about to be picked up.

Instead, it was a lot of time looking for signs of either preybeasts or other large cats - at least so far. She had taken to reminding herself that this was her first time, as well, and so she was trying to learn as much as she could - and the opportunity to show off whatever loot they did end up finding to her brother, and possibly a certain childhood friend, was enough to have her wandering a little ways from her half-brother, so that they could search a larger area.

Stalking to the top of a small rise, she squinted slightly into the setting sun. Looking ahead, she saw...something a short distance away. Were they tracks? She wasn't close enough to be able to be sure...but if they were, they looked fresh enough to be promising - and so were worth going to get a closer look.

Making her way back down the small incline, she was less attentive to her surroundings than she may have otherwise been, intent on examining the potential tracks that had caught her eye.