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They were done, it'd taken most of the day and this was predominantly down to Lakshmi's errors, but she'd been determined. Tyche had respected her desire to do the majority of the preparations herself and while the Soul Priest had provided guidance, she'd been careful not to intervene directly. It was only when Lakshmi had declared she was 'done' that Tyche had come to inspect her handiwork. It had been a tense time to say the least, one in which Lakshmi dreaded the moment that the finest of details might have been missed.

This was important after all; the only way that she could ensure the passing of her kin in these supernatural circumstances was to make sure these circles were right. Yet even as Tyche examined her ministrations she was satisfied, she'd done her best and anything after this would be something she would need to practice...


"They are well," Tyche spoke at last having looked at each in term. Some were crude, particularly Lakshmi's earlier ones that had been padded down and redone, but the basics were there. If Lakshmi were to pursue further training then the neatness would come in time, muscle memory would kick in and slowly but surely, it would be second nature. The ritual spheres would be come an artform to her and those that would find them would give pause for thought.

"They will be suitable for the purpose," she added. She'd not advise her that she'd fixed one, if only to realign the coil so that the veil moved in the appropriate direction, it was relatively harmless but if she had been advised, Tyche was certain Lakshmi would take it poorly. The lioness was filled with passion and good intentions despite her often blunt approach, but with that came the inability to receive criticism when she had so much 'riding' on it.

Lakshmi would take this to heart and rather than focus, she wouldn't be able to perform the duty she so desperately wanted to do.

"Really?" The younger lioness sounded delighted.

"Tidiness comes with experience," Tyche tempered her enthusiasm just a touch to remind her that work would still need to be done if she were to become skilled at the art, but for the time being, Lakshmi had done well.

"Now then, in order for us to continue with The Sending you must prepare yourself," it was at this point that the lithe female removed one of her shrouds and swung it round the younger lioness. Only when it had settled just over her eyes did the Soul Priest seal it with an exotic looking jewel.

...For the time being, Lakshmi could consider herself and honourary memory of Tyche's society.

With the 'garb' now worn it seemed that Tyche truly was satisfied and motioned for the young lioness to follow her. Lakshmi had been expecting to go each site individually, but what she was brought to was something quite unexpected. By the time they had drawn to a halt they had their backs to the ocean and were facing the sites. Positioned directly in the middle, she looked down to find yet another ritual circle, though this one was significantly larger and the constellations... Well, those definitely didn't seem to be of this world.

She glanced towards the elder lioness for guidance and soon saw that Tyche had taken a seat, her eyes closed and head bowed. Her position however seemed stiff and statuesque, she was providing a last farewell to those before her and Lakshmi saw no other option than to mimic her. It was a prayer for want of a better description, personal in nature and presented before the final public send off.

If there had been a larger gathering Lakshmi surmised that there would be more behaving in this manner, but for now it would just be the Soul Priest and Lakshmi. While Lakshmi couldn't begin to imagine what prayer Tyche might give, she knew which one she would give and it would be just a touch more Stormborn in nature.

She prayed for them to go valiantly into the night, to find their way through the veiled rivers towards the lands beyond and in doing so bring glory to all on the other side.

Nevertheless, no sooner had she settled into her prayer than Tyche had stirred once more and gazed upon her expectantly until she was ready. The prayers, it seemed, were permitted to go on as long as necessary. Were these rites truly so powerful as to redirect a soul who had already been sent towards a slumbering god? Lakshmi wasn't sure but she had to believe that this was true and that the Soul Priest who seemed to know so much, would also ensure that those who had been harmed, moved on safely into the next realm.

...Wherever that realm might be.

"Now then, you must steel yourself for what is to come," Tyche murmured as she lifted Lakshmi's chin. "For a dance filled with sorrow and compassion will take a toll upon the form," she warned. "But the release that you provide to not just the lost souls, but also to their families, is where you can derive strength," she smiled.

So it was a dance.

Lakshmi nodded and as Tyche motioned, she followed each step carefully. The Soul Priest had ensured that while her movements were fluid, they were also slow and easy to follow. Bit by bit the steps were pieced together, one paw after the other, until Lakshmi began to repeat them more and more smoothly. Suffice to say that she now began to understand why Tyche was so lithe, tall she might have been but her spindled frame seemed to be a requirement for the more nuanced motions when done at speed.

The younger lioness would practive this as well, but for now Tyche had yet to stop her and provide her with any form of correction. All that Tyche had done was speed up, consistently approaching the speed that she was meant to be at. This wasn't to say that it was extremely swift, but some of the motions required more flare than others, there were flurries at certain part...and then wistful, almost whimsical motions throughout.

For all intents and purposes they were sand upon the sea breeze and perhaps that was the entire point.

As the winds swept up around them and lifted the veils across their eyes, Lakshmi began to appreciate that while the occasion was somber it was meant to be a celebration of their lives. A send off, a well wish and an encouragement to grasp the unknown with all paws and see where it took them. Thus, just like the grains upon the breeze, the souls would soon find themselves swept up in the veil's flow and on the path to a new world.

It was a strange sensation and as her confidence grew the young lioness did find herself lost in the motions of the dance. She most certainly wasn't as graceful as her companion, but then, few could be against one so practised. However that was irrelevant, what mattered was that in the midst of all this, the young lioness finally understood.

The symbolism made sense.

The feelings made sense.

...And she knew that her kin were going to be all right.

It was with that reassurance in mind that Lakshmi couldn't help but wonder what else existed with the realms of these Priests and just how much of their mysticism she would be allowed to learn. If they had the capacity to perform this magic and send the souls of the dead to their true rest (something she genuinely believed in those moments to be true), then what else lay beyond her sight...?

What else could she do?

When all was said and done and all those who had fallen had been coaxed into the veil she speak with Tyche again but for now, she had her farewells to make...

Words: 1,339