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It was a rare opportunity and one that Lakshmi would be unlikely to get again - this was what Tethys had said in light of the arrival of the peculiar and heavily accented lioness. She'd looked bizarre in comparison to the Stormborn, almost alien, with her tall and lithe form. For all intents and purposes she should have been malnourished by Stormborn standards and yet she was a vision of health, and much to Lakshmi's curiosity, the definition of beauty.

To say that the already attractive lioness found Tyche disconcerting was an understatement and yet the striped lioness's warm demeanour had ensured the young stormborn was able to settle. Tyche was approachable and since her arrival into the midst of the group she had provided answers to any question that her extended family might have. More interestingly, Lakshmi had the opportunity to observe how Tyche expressed herself to those who came from her own home...after all, Tethys's youngest siblings (her aunts and uncles) came from there.

...And yet based on their own words they had scarcely seen or remembered it.

Even more interesting had been that Tyche knew who they were and her own grandmother had been stunned to discover that the Soul Priest's kin had known roughly where they had found sanctuary during the most dangerous time in their young lives.

Tyche hadn't explain how the 'sight' worked, it seemed that this was one of the great mysteries of her religious sect, and yet Lakshmi had a sneaking suspicion it wasn't always mystical. Lakshmi wasn't always prepared to sit down and weigh up all the information in front of her but when it came to her instincts she could be shrewd sometimes and she felt like she was on to the Soul Priest just a little.

Nevertheless over the course of past two weeks it seemed the group had finally gotten used to the unusual demeanour of the Soul Priest and her disturbing ability to predict both word and action. Even Lakshmi had gotten over her initial beauty and was now more intrigued by the art she practiced. Was this something she could learn? She knew that her mother and aunt would ensure she was well educated in the arts of the Stormborn priesthood but ritualism had never been something they had spoken much of.

Priestesses had always performed a critical function in the Stormborn, ensuring that the next Warlord was blessed by good fortune. The Captains, the reavers, they all regarded their capacity to bless them quite highly. Add that to their knowledge of both poison and medicine and they were quite the force to be reckoned with. That being said they didn't seem to possess quite the same mysticism that the Soul Priests radiated.

Could it be taught?

Lakshmi was about to find out as she crossed the gap between herself and the lithe figure who had taken to observing the dancing lights out at sea. They'd all done well to ignore those but Tyche seemed to keep half an eye on them at all times, as if they held a secret that they would only tell her.

"Mmm... Tyche?" She finally spoke up and the lioness glanced over her shoulder to observe the younger lioness. The priestess in training had schooled her expression in to a suitably modest one, something that was a source of entertainment for the Soul Priest who had observed her firey demeanour many times in the last weeks.

"Yes?" she replied and motioned to the blue lioness to join her. Lakshmi had loitered several times, not quite willing to approach and yet not entirely prepared to leave either. She had questions and a healthy curiosity; and more importantly, she seemed to have more of an open mind than she was given credit for. Tyche was satisfied that her initial read of the young lioness had been correct in that respect, though she remained curious as to how far Lakshmi could go with guidance.

"Do you mind if I -"

"You are welcome here," Tyche seemed to have an unusual way of conducting herself, as was the general concensus of those in the group. Every now and then she didn't respond to questions in the same manner as others. In fact, it would have been accurate to assume that more often than not she would answer the question before they'd even finished the sentence. Yet another 'weird' thing to add to the ever growing list that they had developed for this lioness. Fortunately Lakshmi new better than to back chat on this occasion and quickly moved to take a seat.

"I was wondering what you were looking at," she pressed as she peered out at the flickering wisps.

"Everything," Tyche replied with a wry smile.

"So the wisps and the sea right?"

"Mmm," Tyche tilted her head to the side and then regarded Lakshmi for a moment or two. "If this is all you can see?"

"Well..." Lakshmi paused to glance out towards what lay beyond and shook her head. "Except the clouds, the moon..."

"All constants within this region." Tyche pointed out, but this still gave no clarity beyond the 'everything', would it not have made sense for her to advise that she was simply admiring the view? Lakshmi puzzled over this for a time as she glanced about for more of a hint as to what might be there that she wasn't seeing. After all, she'd already noted that Tyche seemed to observe things she couldn't.

...Quite frankly that was the only way she could see 'everything' like she always seemed to. How she could finish the sentences, predict their movements and behaviours. Beyond divine intervention of some kind or supernatural abilities there was no way she could do it without some sort of hint, right?

Or maybe she was psychic?

Lakshmi had been aware that her aunt had some form of supernatural sight but it had never been as succinct as this and it couldn't be summoned on demand either.

"So you're admiring the view," she went for the simplest approach, her ears flicking back as she returned her gaze to the wisps. It was then that her eyes caught the faint glimmer of something not wisp and she blinked. Alas it was gone, but within moments it was back, a blinking 'light' of its own in the distance. It didn't move and remained static in the sky, but the manner in which it flickered seemed to be based on a pattern.

Lakshmi was soon fixated on the blinking light while Tyche chose to observe her reactions. Ah, but while she might not be able to understand it, it seemed Lakshmi's eye had caught something of value.

Potential already, though how far might Tyche take her on that journey? There may not be value in it but it was something to consider.

"Something's talking out there...isn't it?" Lakshmi murmured. No sooner had those words left her lips than Tyche's maw held a smile.

"It is," She confirmed and tilted her head to the side thoughtfully.

"A friend?"

"Not always," Tyche motioned to the wisps. "Much like those within the veil, there are also those within this world who seek to lure others in to the tales they have woven or seek to weave," she explained. "But it is never unwise to observe and acknowledge they exist."

" understand it?" Lakshmi couldn't, it just looked like blinks to her.

"Those who speak in ciphers often do," the Priestess paused thoughtfully and peered at the lioness for a time. Ever since they'd arrived here they seemed to have spoken little of home, if anything they had settled into a mundane life with no direction. They were on a vacation from their duties for want of a better word and yet very few of them seemed inclined towards pursuing a return home. To some this would have been an invaluable opportunity to reflect on their aims in life but to others...

"Your father tells me you sought to lay rest to the fallen within your ranks," she spoke at last. Now seemed to be the right time to converse on this topic, she hadn't yet encroached on them, yet she'd heard both Stormborn and Al-Siq speak of it. The phantoms had been here, the bodies forgotten, and then they had returned... While they had been buried it seemed somewhat unfinished and every so often she'd seen the young lioness look towards them with uncertainty.

Did she expect more?

"We did," Lakshmi confirmed with a nod. "But they didn't get their rites, I don't really know what ours are but..." She shook her head. "I figured it was important they went safely rather than getting stuck," she admitted. Granted, it wasn't within the Stormborn ethos for spirits to get trapped when they died valiantly but there was a small part of her that had concerns. What if they did get stuck and what if they needed something else to help them along? After all, the Phantoms had done something to some of them that was highly ritualistic and what if that would cause problems.

...What if their souls really did go to the Scourge God?

"But I don't really know how to make sure they stay safe, you know?" She sighed. "We don't really have rites, not when they die bravely but... How they died isn't certain," she admitted. "And those scourge things, they do strange rituals, what if that causes problems."

Tyche pursed her lips and glanced towards the graves that had been carefully covered by Harvest's influence. They had been buried with dignity, though she appreciated the young lioness's concerns.

"Well, I cannot speak for your home but I can speak for mine," Tyche pressed her paw to her chest again. "We do not always give rites, it is not the Dragon Priests way of things. They believe that once the scourge have them they are all but lost," she clucked her tongue. "But they are naive to the machinations of the veil and there is always a way to unchain and redirect the fallen."

"Wait, there's two types of priest in your home... That doesn't seem very efficient."

"There are several, but spirituality has always been riddled with complications," she waved her paw dismissively and smiled. "If it will set you to ease, I will show you how to lay rest to those who have been touched by the scourge," she offered. "Though I have confidence your kin will have moved on safely, it is never unwise to ensure it," she added.


"How does it go... Better safe than sorry?" she mused gently.

It sounded like a plan, Lakshmi could pursue the 'cipher' thing later, but for now she was more intrigued by the manner in which the dead were sent to the afterlife. Was it a blessing, a ritual or something else? To say that it might be a useful art to learn was an understatement, particularly if her father continued to encounter these things and wanted to ensure they didn't get what they wanted.

"Show me," Lakshmi said with a firm nod. At least this way she could learn and more importantly, she'd know in her heart that her kin were safe in their new future beyond the living realms.

...She had a good heart even if she didn't always come across that way.

Words: 1,901