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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] Western Weyr
[PRP] Wait... What!? (Etansi & Erastan & Astriana) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Lonely Phantom

PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 2:27 am
Two fire lizards dance in the air around one dark headed girl as she swept and cleaned, wiped and brushed, cleaned as her chores dictated that she need do. In Etansi's mind she had no real issue with cleaning, it was just the act of going through the motions with her chores that kept her able to be a Candidate, that and her classes. While she'd rather have been reading up on all the things she had missed from the first few months of her candidacy, the little girl couldn't get away from her chores even when she was wounded. Still wrapped around her forearm were the bandages that hid the soon to be nasty scar that had been sliced down her arm by a knife, a stupid injury she'd gotten helping a stupid girl, but it had been healing nicely with the help from Soui.

While she couldn't close her hand without pain it wasn't locked up anymore and unable to even do that much. Every so often while sweeping she had to take a break though and flex her hand as best it could through the bandages so it wouldn't cramp up unnecessarily on her and it was then that both Etan and Lolo landed on her shoulders and nuzzled at her, able to tell through their bond that she was uncomfortable even if she waved at them about it. "Stop fussing. Stop." She whispered, other people not needing to hear her talking to her lizards even if she was making a noise like laughter as she did so.

Over the past few weeks Etan had gotten just a little bit calmer, or at least less likely to snap at the hands of those that came near her, with Astriana's help. It was her friend that had made her far more comfortable dealing with the two of them as well, given their different personalities, almost night and day of one another. Though she never got to really see the more mean side of Etan directed at her, Lolo was nothing but love and she'd seen them both lock headknobs a couple of times when dealing with things. Usually the dark blue would try to attack it and Lolo would take him Between, that being that she could only ever throw her hands up, but with all the help she'd received they were getting along famously now and there was less of a headache for her.

That reminded her that she needed to go and talk to her brother and his own little blue Aspalath, see if maybe they were able to go to lunch at the same time? Their free time had been all lined up thanks to Master A'ral but there were times where they still didn't spend them together since he needed time to bond with his dragon and Etansi knew that. Even if she wanted to spend time with her brother, even if she wanted to get to know his dragon better so there was less chance of scaring him, she knew and understood. But she could still hope!

Sinders Path

Dea and #Teddy#
PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:47 pm
Erastan leaned into the smooth feel of his beloved dragons hide and marveled at the warmth of him, the flow of his movement. He had never ridden a runner before, only the old heard beast that Ma Loa had used to haul the heavy traders caravan. But they had been slow plodding creatures, powerful and steady. Nothing like the smooth long strides of his partner. For the first time he felt a true surge of excitement imagining the day that he would feel it in flight. For now, they were still ground bound but Aspalath had gotten big enough that Liat was encouraging the young riders to sit astride their dragons for short distances. Getting the riders used to the movement of being on a dragon while the dragons themselves adjusted to carrying weight for the first time. Luckily Aspalath was slim but so was Erastan, plus the 15 yea old was fairly small for his age from the get go.

The skinny boy really wasn't a problem for the blue. And since he had out grown being able to curl up in his riders lap this was a worthy substitute. On top of that it was easy for Erastan to move his body to compliment Aspalath's gait as they were already mentally in tune.

As they reached the entrance to the weyr proper Erastan slid off the dragons shoulder and onto the dew stained grass with a light rustle. The one bad thing about Aspalath's growth? He was simply getting too big to follow his bonded about in the covered parts of the weyr. Now the size of a runner with added bulk of wings and long tail he was a hazard in the narrow hallways. It was a new fact of life that both were finding hard as Aspalath had practically been glued to his riders side till that point.

I won't be long, just have to find Etansi and grab something to eat.i'll come running if you need me. The boy promised his partner.
It's okay. I can find somewhere quiet to sun myself a bit. You don't need to rush.
Erastan reached up and hugged Aspalath's growing head with a swell of pride. His blue was getting so brave.

As Erastan turned to go into the weyr Aspalath moved away so he would not be in anyone's way that might be entering or exiting. As promise he found himself a patch of grass and settled onto it. Closing his eyes while sitting upright in a false doze. He had already learned people were less likely to bother him if it looked like he was napping.

Meanwhile Erastan headed in the general direction of the main mess hall. Having the vague notion that his twin would meet him there. It was pure luck however that he caught a flash of blue from the corner of his eye, spotting her hard at work at the end of one of the long corridors. Pivoting on his heel mid step he trotted the rest of the wall down the hallway to join her. "They still havn't let you off for lunch yet?" the boy asked, with his usual frown directed at his sisters bandaged hand. She still refused to tell him who was at fault for the injury. She knew it would likely make him do something rash, but stil..it was another reason Erastan could add to his list of why he disliked people. Including most of the weyr's occupants.


Dea and #Teddy#

Sinders Path

Liberal Lover


Lonely Phantom

PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 3:05 am
One hand was waving at her two fire lizards while she stretched the other, flexing and relaxing it with discomfort in her eyes, against her shoulder was the tall handle of the broom that she'd been using and it was there that Lolo landed and gave a swinging trill of welcome. It made her jump just a bit in place and her left hand flexed hard into a fist that made her yelp just a bit in response but Etansi bit it back and drew blood from her lower lip as she did in order to keep from being loud. While Master A'ral had assured her that she was safe in Western Weyr she still felt a bit odd making a scene or being loud in public. It meant before that she might have been killed, might have been beaten.

This was all going to take some getting used to and it had nearly been half a turn by now.

"Not done yet, gotta keep stopping for a bit." she rasped as she took hold of the handle again and went about trying to sweep more. If she took a break from it and went to eat lunch she wouldn't be faulted as long as she came back and finished it all up, but she was stubborn. "Plus these two keep distracting me... they need more training from Astriana... maybe?"

With her good hand she lifted Lolo off the end of the broom handle and handed him over to Erastan without asking him if he'd want the little blue. To his credit, Lolo was extremely excited and simply hopped over to the boy's shoulder, gently keeping his claws from sinking in anywhere and rather just grabbing at his shirt gently to keep himself in place. "He still likes you... a lot. He says you're safe." Etansi told him with a sly grin as the pale blue sent her colors of warmth and images of her twin with his dragon being rather sweet together. It warmed her from the inside out just as it had with her fire lizard, but it was ruined a little bit when Etan leaned heavily into her ear and chattered at her. "More training for you." She stated bluntly, turning to look at the red eyed little monster she called one of her best friends next to her brother.

"H-how has training been going with you and Aspalath?" She felt shy and stupid even asking since she should have known before this, peeling her hand off the handle of the broom with some pain. "Good?" Loath her own soul if they knew that she worried more than she should and she knew that he could tell all the same, but it embarrassed her all the same to want to ask for what she really wanted from him. So she masked it with questions of their training so he wouldn't see it underlying.

Sinders Path

Dea and #Teddy#
PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 11:35 am
Erastan accepted Lolo onto his shoulder with a small smile that just barely twitched the corner of his lips, he liked the little flitt too, He liked to think that Lolo was the one that would have been his if his sister had not taken both eggs, though he was also glad the good naturered little blue was there to protect his twin when he wasn't. As for Etan...well at least she could send him to attack should she need it. He hissed right back at Etan and gave Lolo a scratch under his chin to make his preference clear. At the mention of Astriana's name he rolled his eyes and knew that was all his twin would need to read his feelings on the matter. Stuck up, spoiled know it all.

At last he spoke. "You shouldn't be doing this at all with hand like that." he scolded her before snatching the broom from her grasp and dancing away with it before she could reclaim the tool.

He set about finishing her work. He was used to doing chores and it was an easy mindless repetitive task which his hands lead on and his mind ignored to ponder other things. "Training is fine." he added swishing past her again, holding the broom out of her reach so he could tackle a cobweb in a corner. "We'll be flying together soon, but we still have a long way to go before we even start doing jumps between, so that means, no worry for you, cause a few more months before we do anything dangerous." Of course he knew what she had been thinking.

It didn't take him long to get to the end of the hallway with his long sure sweeps. He had been sitting in a classroom for most of the day and the physical activity was a refreshing change of pace. Plus, Etansi had already done most of it. Once he was sure that the troublesome debrie of the weyr's foot traffic had all been swept into a bucket he handed the broom back to his twin with a c**k of his head. "Can we go eat now?"


Dea and #Teddy#

Sinders Path

Liberal Lover

Dea and #Teddy#

Shy Regular

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 10:29 pm
Astriana had just finished helping in the healer's wing, deciding she should go see if Etansi was done with her own chores. Maybe the two of them could go have some lunch together. She turned to her two closest flits, who both were comfortable on each of her shoulders.

"Caelia, Abaven, could the two of you see if you can find Etansi? I think she had sweeping to do today,"she asked her gold and bronze in a gentle tone. Both of them gave a cheep in affirmation, before popping between. She began to walk around, knowing both of her firelizards would find her, if they located her friend. And just as she suspected, a few moments later, Abaven popped back and landed on her shoulder. He gave her mental images of the place Etansi is, neglecting to give her the information of who she was with. Astriana headed to the hallway her friend was in. When she got there, a groan came from her lips, seeing Etansi was with her brother.

"Thanks for not letting me know she had company, Abaven,"Astri whispered to the bronze firelizard. Caelia flew over to her, chittering to her in almost a chiding way.

"Maybe we can leave, before she notices. She probably wants to spend time with her twin,"she spoke quietly, before getting ready to walk the other way.


Sinders Path
PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 3:19 am
Eyes narrowed a bit when she watched Erastan roll his own, but given that he was likely rolling them because she'd told him she wasn't done yet she let it slide until he snatched that broom. A growl of annoyance pulled from her but when she went to snatch it back she yelped when she used the wrong hand by mistake. It came from foolishly being able to use both hands for almost anything she ever wanted before this moment, it would take more time to get her left hand back to being useful for much again. "Doesn't matter, it's my job." Though she doubted greatly that Master A'ral would kick her out for her twin finishing the bit of sweeping she hadn't managed, she didn't want to give him any reason to think that she was slacking or failing in her duties. Especially with her hand.

To lose her Candidacy would be to leave the Weyr and lose her brother and his dragon for good and always. Just as the thought passed through her head a nose wedged into her ear and trilled as she jerked in response, Etan apparently wasn't having any of her depressing thoughts just as his namesake wasn't having her push herself too hard. It left the small, dark girl with her eyebrows pulled down and eyes rolled up, her expression more one of annoyance than anything else. While they had always relied on one another they were in different roles with different expectations now, which meant she couldn't be looking to Erastan for help with things as much as she used to, if at all?

Flying! At least he knew what her fear was, even if there wasn't much that the taller twin could do to ease his shorter sister's fears. Even when he mentioned it her heart hammered just a bit thinking about he and Aspalath hopping between, but at least they would have one another and not be alone? R... right? "He's getting big. It's fun to watch him fly alone already." A blush crossed her face for a moment, eyes widening as she realized she'd just said that last part out loud which incriminated her watching them sometimes. But it was when her eyes widened that she caught sight of someone else who she hadn't seen all day.

"Oh, you should meet her..." Etansi nodded her head towards her friend and to her luck Lolo caught on and hopped into the air, disappearing and reappearing beside Astriana with a happy cheep before dancing around above her head like some strange beacon. "We should all go to lunch together." A smile crossed her face as she nodded again for Erastan, "So you two can meet finally... cuz you're a lot alike."

Sinders Path

Dea and #Teddy#


Lonely Phantom

Sinders Path

Liberal Lover

PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 6:11 am
Thinking back Erastan could not recall a time when his sister getting pissy with him over trivial matters had ever stopped him doing something. "I bet they only gave you this job cause you didn't let on how much you hurt yourself." he pointed out. Of course his sister always played down injuries. A habit of bluff which had helped them survive before, you always wanted to seem fitter, bigger and badder than you were on the streets, but the weyr was different and Erastan was only just starting to learn that.

But it gave him a good excuse to steal his sisters chores.

He turned towards the direction of the dinning hall, ready to drag his twin to eat now the sweeping was finished. Only a faint smile greeting his sisters accidental confession she had been watching Aspalath flying. Frankly he would have been more surprised if she hadn't. They were both the others worst stalker. He might have said something to reassure her but then, suddenly Lolo lifted off his shoulder.

His head turned to follow the blue flitt without thought, then he saw her. His expression instantly settled into a dark scowl. "Like her?!" he repeated his tone suggesting that was an insult. "A bossy over bearing know it all?" he snorted "I hope not." If Etansi had been wondering, yes they already met. "And if she tries to touch my dragon again I'll bite her." he promised with a huff.


Dea and #Teddy#
PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 3:12 am
If Astriana thought she was going to make a clean get away, she was sorely mistaken. Lolo appeared and gave a friendly cheep, before he flew above her head, as if trying to make sure she was seen. Were all these firelizards out to get her today, she was starting to wonder. First, one of her own beloved flits had failed to relay information to her. Now, her friend's flit was making it where she couldn't just disappear before being seen. She walked closer, knowing there was no way out of it this time. As she got within ear shot, she mentally snorted at the thought her and this twin of her friend's was alike. She glared at the boy, hearing what he said next.

"I tried to offer him food, but you acted like I poisoned it. So don't you dare think about biting me or I will introduce your teeth to my fists,"she hissed out. Her ice blue eyes were showing just how much she wanted to show this guy manners, the only things stopping her was her friend and her flits chiding her for those thoughts. Okay, and the fact she had no intention of throwing away her chance for a dragon of her own over some pitiful male.


Sinders Path

Dea and #Teddy#

Shy Regular


Lonely Phantom

PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 3:40 am



She had pointed out one of her friends, her only real friend as she viewed Khamaith in a completely different capacity, and both her brother and Astriana were... was this fighting? Well she knew it was them talking bad about one another to each other's face and that was all that she needed to know, her eyes narrowing dangerously with each word that they both spoke. A low growl began to creep up to follow the facial expression that was changing from disbelieving to straight out frustration.

"No one... is biting... anyone." Her normally raspy voice was even more aggressive suddenly as she tried to process what was going on between the two most important people that she cared about. Just to put action to words, Etansi stepped between the two of them, facing neither but her wounded hand angled towards her brother, half in the hopes that the wound would keep him from grabbing her too hard and half not wanting to betray a weakness even to a friend. It was something she was working on of course, but in the moment it seemed more important to focus on them and not her innate reactions to possible threats. "SO... you two have met already then." It wasn't an angry statement but it was blunt and coarse enough to relay her point to both of them that she wanted an explanation for their behavior towards one another and now.

Etansi turned her head back and forth between the two, Erastan's scowl of disapproval and Astriana's pure anger. Of all the positions she thought she'd ever find herself in, a diplomatic one was a nightmare that seemed concocted just for her as she was simply no good with words and had nothing soothing about her. About her neck Etan mantled his tiny star touched wings and lifted his head to look at them both as well, red eyes swirling dangerously as he was unsure of what might happen in the moment. Lolo at least, seemed completely at ease, floating and fluttering around all three of them playfully.

Sinders Path

Dea and #Teddy#
PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2019 12:49 am
"You think you'd stand a chance in a fight against me?" Erastan retorted his hands curling into tighter fists at his side, ready , should she feel the need to follow up the threat. As far as the boy was concerned she might have been trying to poison his dragon, he had no trust in her and her mere presence had set his hairs on edge like a dog rising it's hackles.

However then Etansi stepped in between them. Forcing the blue rider back a step. He looked at his twin and her expression and part of his hostility eased when he saw the look in her eyes which was partly hurt. Though there was anger there too. At him?
He deflated further.
"Why are you sticking up for her?" he asked his sister softly. "You can't trust people like her." He reached out, not to grab his twin, instead to try and beckon her away. "Come on, I won't fight if you don't want but we should leave her here."


Dea and #Teddy#

Sinders Path

Liberal Lover

Dea and #Teddy#

Shy Regular

PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2019 1:57 am
Astriana picked up on the growl of her friend, her eyes turning to her. She knew that happened when the other was frustrated, which she had a feeling was because of them. Watching as the other stepped between them, the tone of Etansi's words alone said she was ticked off at them. An angry sigh escaped her lips, her eyes glaring at Erastan, he just had to start this whole thing. When Etansi asked her question, she nodded her head, to indicate they had met.

"Yes, I was waiting for some of my Sr. Weyrling friends to come out of class. Well, he came out before they did, so I tried to be nice. It bit me in the behind when I offered his dragon a sandwich. He acted like I had poisoned it, like you heard him just say. And people like me, what do you mean by that? You don't know one sharding thing about me, you didn't even bother to try,"she answered her friend, then hissed at her brother. If it wasn't for Etansi would be upset and so would A'ral, she would probably have decked him by now. However, she knew better, no matter how angry she might be.


Sinders Path
PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 4:24 am
A headache was going to follow all of this, she could feel it already forming like a band around her temples and forehead. With each word spoken by Erastan and Astriana it seemed to grow tighter and tighter. How on Pern was she going to settle this, the two of them should have been working on that themselves! Not that either of them... would. In fact all she wanted to do was go and hide and not have to deal with the fact that the two most important people in her whole life clearly hated each other.

Quietly she glanced up at Lolo who crooned back at her as he swirled in the air above them, making lazy circles on his pale blue wings.

Blue wings....

That was it!

"You two... stay right here for me. Don't move. Don't hurt each other." Etansi growled and turned on her heels to go and find the blue she was thinking of. As a last thought of measure, she loosed Etan from her shoulder and neck, giving him a little command to keep the two separate as she ran to talk to Aspalath. He was much too large to fit anywhere down the hallways anymore, much more was the pity, she honestly sometimes daydreamed of a little dragon that would just follow at her heels all the time, so they could always be together. Knowing that her brother's blue probably wished the same thing made her wonder how he handled it, especially since he was so shy.

"Aspalath." She'd found him nestled on a patch of grass, somehow managing to look totally aware and totally asleep all at once, something he likely had picked up on from Erastan, maybe. Or maybe his nervous ways had simply helped him develop that, either way she was impressed and only whispered up to him, his head so much higher than even her brother's now when he sat. "Can I ask you a question Aspalath, about a friend?"

She never put the mask she wore out of necessity for jobs on around her brother and even his dragon, family would never have to see the fake aspect of it. But Etansi did manage to make her eyes huge and hopeful as she looked up at him, for it was how she was feeling inside, on top of anxious and confused and honestly... hurt. Those she cared about hated each other.

Sinders Path

Dea and #Teddy#


Lonely Phantom

Sinders Path

Liberal Lover

PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:55 am

Dea and #Teddy#

"Like you had any right to approach him in the first place." Erastan snapped back instantly. "Of course I know you, you are all the same, self entitled little soldiers." The boy complained with a growl and edge to each word, gesturing at Astriana to try and bring his sister around to his point of view.. Like 'see, just see how she talks to me!' Even though he could see his sister busting a vein he was not willing to back down unless she stepped away from this spoilt child with him. "We both just wanted to be left alone but you couldn't take that."

He was done with this. When Etansi seemed to gather herself for departure the blue rider brightened. Those with vivid imaginations could almost see his ears perk and his tail start wagging, right up until she left without him.


"Screw this." he muttered. "I'm not staying here with her." He turned to make an exit, follow his wayward twin sister but Lolo darted in front of him. Corralling him like s sheep dog. "Ah Lolo move." the boy complained but the flitt just flew at him, straight at his face to force him to take a unconscious step back.

Aspalath meanwhile opened his eyes with a slow owlish blink to greet Etansi, lowering his head to face her and hopefully get a scritch for his troubles. She was the only other person he accepted such affections from other than his rider, but she felt so much like his bonded when he touched her mind that she was comfortable for him. [i]"Oh...go ahead little sister..I will try and answer if I can. Is mine not with you? I believe he was looking for you"  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 3:19 am
Astriana watched Lolo circling above their heads, she didn't see how this was ever going to be resolved. It was clear Erastan didn't like her and she couldn't say she had fond feelings for him either. Her attention was brought back to Etansi as she basically commanded them to stay and not fight. Well, it wasn't like she could hurt Erastan, it would probably get her kicked out and he was her best friend's brother. As much as she hated to admit it, she knew how much the blue rider meant to Etansi. She watched her friend walk off, leaving her two firelizards and she could see Etan was a flit on a mission. Her ice blue eyes glared at Erastan as he spoke about how she didn't have a right to approach the blue and should have just left them alone.

"Forgive me for thinking that I should get to know my best friend's brother and his dragon. And this soldier thing coming from you is rich, considering you are the rider and I am not. You do understand that is what you are, right? Your job is to fight Thread or did you forget that little detail? Also I am far from self entitled, I work for everything I have. I have had to,"she growled. As the boy made to try and head off, a smirk on her eyes seeing Lolo get in the way. She was tempted to head off herself, but she knew she wouldn't hear the end of it from Etansi. Not to mention, she had a sneaking suspicion Etan would block her exit.


Sinders Path

Dea and #Teddy#

Shy Regular


Lonely Phantom

PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 9:20 pm
Little flashes of color and images of her brother attempting to leave were sent by both Lolo and Etan, causing Etansi to sigh. Of course he would run away, Erastan would come right to Aspalath and her but... that wasn't what she wanted in the moment. Which was beyond confusing for her, it almost made her feel a little sick when she dared to hesitate and think about it. They were her family and there had been a time where she would have snarled and fought anyone that would have come between them.

But Erastan had more family now, not just her anymore. She'd learned on those sands that all things changed eventually and not everything was meant to stay the same. Even if you wanted it to.

Her brother had Aspalath and she had her two fire lizards and friends.

Gently she reached her hands up and scratched under his jaw, marveling how small she seemed now by comparison to him. "Found him... found a friend too. They don't like each other." Her head bowed sadly and Etansi pressed it against the blue's nose gently. "You met her once they say. Was she so very scary? She's so much like brother...."

She just wanted to groan thinking about how much the two of them hated each other, but even then she supposed deep down they didn't have to like one another. Was it so wrong for her to want them to get along? To have the people that she cared about most just... just....

Etansi didn't even know. Maybe she was a traitor to her brother. Slowly she sat down and covered her face with her hands in exhaustion before the blue dragon. She was just tired, everything was supposed to make sense but nothing at all did.


Sinders Path

Dea and #Teddy#
[IC RP] Western Weyr

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