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The theme of family had been prominent in Chau’s mind as of late, specifically motherhood.

The black lioness had never met her own mother, but still Durga’s shadow haunted her to this day. A faceless, voiceless specter that had shaped her life from beyond the grave; from the moment she took her first breath until now. If she had lived then Chau would have never been made to leave the Skadi; if she had lived, her life would have turned out very differently indeed.

Now she had a new Mother, Mjrn, made of flesh and bone. A woman who radiates positive energy and the aura of sanctuary every parent should. From Mjrn she was was learning everything a mother should be, what her own should have been; unfortunately, she felt like she had not learned enough in this short grace she had been given between her marriage and -

Chau was just hoping that Katiti was not too offended when she did not receive an invitation to the wedding. It was meant to be a swift, intimate affair; and had the strange lights not appeared in the sky the whole thing would have been complete, from proposal to ceremony, in the space of a day. She was sure the Seer knew though; the appearance of ravens in the sky on that fateful day told her so. Katiti saw everything that happened inside these lands and Chau knew, just because the Eye was not physically present, did not mean she was not a witness.

Though, she supposed she was not visiting her today to apologise. For the first time since she had been freed from her servitude, she found herself in need of Katiti’s advise. They had a strange relationship, no longer mistress and pet; but with a lingering power dynamic that Chau instinctively submitted to. In a way she knew she would never truly be free from her and in all honestly, she did not want to be. The Shield had not been blessed with consistency in her life; so Kat, despite her majesty and ego, had become a comfort.

The lioness finally darkened the door of the den. “Kat?” Her brow furrowed curiously; the Seer hated the sun and rarely spent time away from her home; unless she was with the Queen, of course. “Hello?” She took a step inside.