
((Thank you for being so patient with me <3 <3 ))

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Usually, Nique could be almost exclusively found with in the caverns of the pride hunched over a hide carving out either what the High Scribes determined would be carved, or, she'd be being creative. What Nique was doing while being 'creative' was writing her own , usually romantic, fan fics of historic figures. Nique and her sister loved spending hours re-calibrating the inner structures of stories. Of course, these scrolls stayed separate from the actual factual scrolls but there had been a few rare instances where Nique slipped up and mixed the two scrolls up.

Today she was on the border because just that had happened and she was hiding from her superiors before they figured out it had been her. No one ever threatened her position as a scribe but the fact that she had disappointed her superiors was enough to have Nique hiding. She was certain they'd figure it out at least. Nique had made the slipped up scroll about her and a figure of olden times.

Fog was thick on the border today having blown in from the sea giving Nique the perfect dramatic atmosphere to hide and plot just what she'd say. This wasn't the first time this had happened and it certainly wouldn't be the last. Luckily for Nique, she was a damn good scribe and others saw that in her but she'd never be High Scribe material given her 'creativity'.

Her slender figure weaved between slick wet stones on the borders silver beaches with a dramatic backdrop of fog for atmosphere to top it all off. Nique was already getting ideas for her next fic when she was supposed to be hiding.