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Sozin had been spending a lot of time alone recently and the days seemed to drag on into forever. When her partner was angry at her... she felt distraught, and anxiety would take over. Ana could be very intense when she wanted to be... and she wanted to be intense most of the time. Rekindling a flame was never an easy task, not when it came to her relationship with her red lover. Even though things had not been going perfectly well recently she was still trying. Maybe it wasn't always so easy to read, but Sosin really did care for her... maybe more than Ana knew. So she walked on, her paws sinking into the sand as she made her way to see her daughter Aden. Sometimes talking about these things helped. At least she wanted to believe they did.

She had never loved anyone else, not once outside of Ana. Sozin had been in love with her for as long as she could remember, growing up together helped create that bond. Maybe it was inevitable but they ended up like this, burning at both good ends. The relationship hadn’t been very consistent lately... and maybe that was the darker lionesses fault. Whatever the case was she knew she wanted to mend it, and would do anything to fix the space between them.

Even when things were rough she could close her eyes and see Ana’s smile so vividly in her mind, nothing could really compare. Sure, she could be a real hardass, but that never stopped Sozin from loving her. Maybe it was something she adored deep down, something that some part of her needed in order to stay in this relationship. Ana was strong willed and had a fiery temper, it kept the darker lioness in check. Maybe she liked being kept in check and put in her place.

The emotions were conflicting because right now her lovers fiery temper was bringing her nothing but frustration and anxiety she couldn’t shake. Had they grown too far apart for this to be fixed? Something was going to have to give, Sozin couldn’t live like this for much longer.

She had no idea on how to address this issue though, when she had asked what was wrong before the larger female seemed nothing but annoyed. It was going to be very hard to get through to her and she knew it. Sozin was doubtful that Ana would even let her close right now, her hormones seemed to be all over the place. This balancing act was becoming the normal. This frightened her.

A deep sigh escaped her as she noticed her daughter standing in the distance. It was nice to see the familiar face of one of her children. Slowly Sozin trotted over, leaving large footprints in the sand.

“Hey Aden. It’s good to see you again.” As she spoke Sozin stopped in front of her daughter and gave her a half smile, nodding in respect.

“Mother.” Aden smiled back, her muscular figure slightly battle warn. It had been a while since she had seen one of her mothers, so this was a nice surprise.

“Where is Ana?” And right away she noticed the absence of Sozin’s mate, her other mother. It was a odd having one without the other. The red lioness frowned sharply before speaking again.

“Did you mess everything up again?” Though her words were harsh they were based in reality. Her darker mother could be pretty oblivious at times. Aden shifted her weight as she huffed and glared.

“Don’t insult me.” The question was atrocious. She thought her daughter would be more understanding, but it seemed like Aden also had a little faith in her. It felt almost unfair, she couldn’t do right by the female she loved and she couldn’t do right by her own children. She was getting sick of the judgment.

“If you are going to be a b***h too I can leave.” Sozin spat.

Aden clicked her tongue at her mother’s bad temper, it wasn’t uncommon for this to happen. They would often butt-heads when conversations turned hot. The younger female sighed in deeply before replying.

“Relax will you? Your crazy is showing.” She knew that both of her mothers were extremely stubborn. She also knew that Ana was definitely the alpha female in the relationship. Sozin always came around when she needed advice on how to handle her significant other. This wasn’t a new thing.

“I know she can be a real b*****d sometimes- what happened now?” She would try to give her advice as honestly as possible.

“I don’t know. It’s hard to say. I saw her the other day and she just seemed miserable around me. I’m not sure I know how to make her happy anymore, and that thought scares me. What if I’m not what she wants? What if she no longer cares?” The thoughts drove Sozin crazy, she just wished this wasn’t so complicated.

“I wouldn’t worry about it too much if I were you. She has a tendency to be this way, you know that right? She probably just needs space for a while. I’m not sure if you should press the issue. You might just piss her off more?” The darker lioness stared at her mother as she spoke, her eyes shifting from sand to stone.

“I’ve already given her all the space I possibly can, I’m not sure I could give her any more.” And she spoke with deep frown, her eyes narrowing in despair.

“I guess the only thing you can do now is talk to her, mom.” This whole thing sounded overly complicated. Both females just needed to talk to each other. She knew it would end up being a lot more dramatic than it needed to be, things would fix themselves with time.

“Maybe so, I’m just a little afraid I guess- you know I can’t lose her.” As Sozin spoke sorrow danced across her face.

“I don’t think that’s going to happen mom. You know her, you know how she is. Get that confidence back and go face her.” Aden couldn’t offer any other advice, her mother was going to have to deal with this issue on her own. It was nice seeing her for a short while but she knew her place, and it wasn't between her mothers personal relationship.

“Good luck mom.” Aden spoke with a smile before turning from the older lioness.

“Yeah I’ll see you later.” Sozin didn’t feel much better after this conversation to be completely honest, but she knew she was going to have face Ana head on. With a deep sigh she turned, heading back to her lovers resting place.

~ end with 1118 words