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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] Western Weyr
[prp] Something just like this (Amiari/T'mor)

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Prism Shine

Fanatical Egg

PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 1:08 pm
Dawn has barely cracked beyond the horizon, the light not even filtering in yet when Amiari begins to rouse. Turns of raising little ones had seen to it that she adapt to sleeping restfully, but even back in her own youth she’d been a morning person. Yet the warmth at her side is a surprise, and she has to take a moment before she remembered--

Cloveth’s flight, right.

Amiari glances over at T’mor with affection. It wasn’t the first time she’d found him in her bed after a flight, and something on the more stable side of affection had built over time for the younger rider. While Phylideth had yet to figure out how to catch her spritely spring green, it’s an amusing thought that his rider had caught her more.. Speaking of Cloveth, she reaches out to her dragon mentally, finding her stirring as well--yet content wherever she and her brown paramour had landed. No doubt that she would return as soon as she was awake.

It’s with great reluctance that the greenrider began to extract herself from her bed, stretching once she stood. Dressing in a robe, at least until she woke up properly to bathe and clothe herself, Amiari flitted to go start some klah for the two of them. It would do them both good to wake up with something warm, and the least she could do for the handsome rider. But even knowing the man wasn’t quite the morning person that she was, Amiari made her way to the other side of her bed. Careful fingers gently push away T’mor’s dark hair to press a gentle kiss at his temple.

“Rise and shine, T’mor.” There’s another gentle kiss pressed to his cheek, unable to quite help the smile. As she pulled away, Amiari gently squeezed his shoulder. “I’m making klah.” It was a mental checklist of things to do that morning. Check on Cloveth, check on her kids, means of self care.

But a slower start to her morning? She could let herself have this.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 1:25 pm
He really didn't want to wake up. Even as the unhappy thrumming of Phylideth scratched at the edges of his mind, trying to lure him into waking so he could give his lifemate some much needed attention, T'mor sleepily grumbled in his sleep. While being put in charge of an entire wing had done a little to help with his morning routine, he still fought against it stubbornly.

Every ounce of possible sleep was precious. T'mor. T'mor! Mine! Miiiineeeee!!! Mine mine mine! MINE! The sun is COMING UP! GET UP!!!! MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNE!!!!!! While the brown was on his more prestigious ledge, his eyes whirled with worry and it wouldn't be long before the large dragon had moved instead to Cloveth's very empty spot. It would be very telling to anybody who was wondering where the man was that morning. His snout pushed into the opening into the weyr ever so slightly with a kreel of concern - and jealousy - as he watched Amiari bustling about, offering affections to lure his rider into waking.

While not quite awake, T'mor leaned his head into the kiss on his cheek, clearly stirred by the one to his temple. Finally, he opened one eye, rubbing at the other with a sleepy sigh. "mrrnngnnn...." he managed, as close to actual speech as he was capable of yet. Thsno yoleg.... he managed just as sleepy of a greeting to Phylideth, who bowled him over mentally, begging for attention. It's not fair, T'mor! He's not even from here! He doesn't fight thread! I fight thread! He just shows up!! Clearly, Eldwinth had left an impression on Phylideth from previous flights, and he had a few thoughts about the whole thing. T'mor offered the mental equivalent of a pat on the snout as he forced himself to sit up.

He'd woken up in Amiari's weyr before, but he'd also woken up in a few of them so that wasn't exactly a shocking morning revelation. "Klah. Right. Thank you," he was starting to find his words as he dragged his hand down his scarred face and sighed. He'd still be booting up for a few minutes at the very least. But bright and early meant he'd be functional in time for drills.

Prism Shine


Beloved Werewolf

Prism Shine

Fanatical Egg

PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:14 pm
The creel caught Amiari’s attention, turning to face the large dragon peeking into her weyr. “Good morning, Phylideth.” She smiles at the brown warmly, if a bit apologetically. He was a dedicated chaser of Cloveth’s, and for as often as her spritely green rose, had yet to catch her. “Perhaps next time, hm?” Eldwinth catching Cloveth had been a surprise, especially as she’d felt Cloveth’s hearts being tugged between all her suitors. Yet it seemed this time, the brown would end up with empty claws.. Again.

Outside of the Weyr, Cloveth began to properly stir before standing. She’d said her goodbyes, the gentle warmth for the stranger who’d caught her dwindling before she reaches for Amiari. I’m returning. The waves of warmth and love are soothing for Amiari, and make the rider nearly beam as Cloveth launches into the air to cross the short distance back into Western Weyr.

“It’s the least I can do.” Amiari speaks softly, her own voice a bit rusty from sleep. On her little stovetop, the klah had finished heating and she can’t help but hum gently as she goes to pour some into two mugs before returning to the side of the bed once more. There’s a gentle smile for T’mor as he’s sat up, offering the mug for him to take as she sips her own. “And good morning to you, as well.” If she could have, Amiari would have let him sleep. But herself being a morning person, and Phylideth’s early morning wake up call likely didn’t lend to that too much.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:43 pm
Amiari's greeting was answered with almost a bratty huff. Of course there was always next time, but next time wasn't this time, and lo how did one explain if someone wanted to offer reassurances of next time. The brown rested his head on the floor, tail flicking back and forth behind him. Harrumph! T'mor shot him a very pointed look. She's just saying your personality hasn't deterred all of your chances T'mor offered and Phylideth shot back a wave of offense.

What was wrong with his personality?

"It's already more than the least," T'mor answered. She could have just decided to kick him out immediately upon waking up. Taking the offered mug and sipping at it gingerly. It was still hot, after all, and trying to simply throw it back would have done more harm than good. Though it did make the dreaded rough-morning-throat feeling ebb just enough to feel normal again. "Yeah, morning. Hmm..." almost to punctuate his feelings on the matter, he yawned before rubbing his face with one hand again. "Nicer than most wake ups I get," he again looked pointedly at Phylideth, who perked up and actually managed to look offended.

So you WANT to miss Wing Drills? I thought we were going for 'capable looking' or whatever it was you said after NASATH was on my ledge. Nasath! On my ledge! Why did it have to be him? I would have taken someone like Cloveth on it any day... Oh, he'd whine about it at least until the next green took to the skies, and then whine about not catching her too.

"If he gets too noisy I'll send him away," he said, looking to Amiari with a tired smile.

Prism Shine


Beloved Werewolf

Prism Shine

Fanatical Egg

PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 4:02 pm
She nurses on her mug, letting the warmth and flavor let her wake up and her voice to feel less rough from sleep. Phylideth’s huff had her smiling, letting herself soak in what was the calm morning. T’mor wasn’t any sort of fixture in her weyr, far from it. But having him around certainly had her feeling rather cozy. Only her children were missing from this nice morning; Kalari usually playing with Cloveth as Kindu clung some. Perhaps it was the lingering flight feelings, but the thought of this moment and her children around.. Wasn’t the worst. If anything, it might be nice.

“Hm?” Amiari shook her head. “I’m not just going to kick you out. At least have some klah and maybe some pants.” There’s a teasing tone in her voice, but it’s honest. She would never just kick him out, never had--never would. She takes another sip, getting used to the warmth and finally starting to shake the last clinging dredges of sleep free.

I think I’ll take that as a compliment. As handsome as Nasath is, I do like to think I’m a bit prettier. The green gently croons as she finally got her ledge in view, and more than a bit surprised to find Phylideth occupying it. Cloveth reached out, a gentle mental caress like the warmth of the morning sun as she flitters by the lip of her ledge. Would you like my company? Or shall we see what I actually look like on your ledge? It’s soft and gentle teasing, but a warmth there. For as much as Phylideth had chased and never quite caught, there was certainly a warmth in her hearts for the brown.

A soft laugh, more a giggle, bubbles up, Amari can’t help but to return the smile. “Certainly not. He’s as welcome as you are.”

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 10:30 am
“And I even get my pants!” T’mor laughed at his own joke, though Phylideth didn’t seem to understand what was so funny about the statement. Of course T’mor got to keep his pants, what was Amiari going to do with them? The frank lack of understanding was endearing in a way, and he sent his lifemate a wave of affection - reminding that for all of his iron handing he did truly love the brown. Of course, nobody who had a dragon could have ever suspected otherwise.

Phylideth jerked with surprise at Cloveth’s voice, reeling around to look at her and pressing himself up against the wall that seperated the outdoors from the indoors with a childlike cheep. Oh yes, right then he looked like a shining example of a fully grown dragon that had actually been given responsibility. Nasath is not handsome. Phylideth protested. He was just a big lout who followed him around! Though that it was due to the fact that T’mor trusted A’iel with his back that the two even crossed paths to begin with. This is your ledge. T’mor would be very unhappy if I kicked you off of it, even if I wanted to! he added. Phylideth was more than aware that he was an invader today.

T’mor glanced back out towards the dragon pair and smiled. “Well, I’ll have to keep him on good behavior so you don’t kick us both out then,” he mused with another sip from his mug. It wouldn’t be too difficult of a task - not after wrangling him in for 6 turns now.

Prism Shine


Beloved Werewolf

Prism Shine

Fanatical Egg

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:26 pm
“This time, at least. I’m feeling generous.” Amiari giggled, needing to rest her mug on her thigh in case her slight shaking decided to tip the hot liquid all over her. She was having a good morning, and the last thing she wanted was to dump klah all over herself like she lacked any good graces!

The little green chirped, eyes whirling in a mix of amusement and endearment as she landed, laying in some of the space that Phylideth had vacated. Even with the large brown and her own tiny form, when she laid down, there was still some room to spare between them. As much as Cloveth wanted to cuddle and curl under any wing -- and Phylideth was not exactly one she would turn down, no matter their performances in her flights! -- she would let him broach the subject if he wanted it. Nasath being handsome does not reflect how handsome you are, either. It didn’t stop the gentle mental caress, like the nestle on the cheek she did want to give him. But you aren’t kicking me off, so T’mor has no reason to be happy. Cloveth mused, curling her head to peek a whirling eye at their riders -- and croon softly at them both.

The woman smiled at Cloveth, sending a wave of warmth for her bonded before glancing up at T’mor. “Hmm, well, you’ll be the first to know if that day should ever come.” But her tone is soft, teasing. Amiari can’t even begin to fathom what the pair might actually do to warrant the boot--nor does she want to. Instead, she takes bigger sips of her klah, and the taste is soothing. “But it might require you being around more to put it to the test.” There’s a smile, a bit of warmth rising as she.. tried to admit what had been on her mind as of late. They would have to get up sooner than later, even with the early wake up. Drills were to be had, and their turn to rise to fight thread would be upon them again. Yet she suddenly feels like she’s fresh out of graduation with the gentle nerves that flutter. After all, it had been about that long, hadn’t it? “Coming around more than just for Cloveth’s flights, if you might like.”

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 4:29 pm
Phylideth was a simple creature, and he lapped up Cloveth's mental caresses eagerly, moving to settle next to the small green. If she'd really wanted to, she could have wrapped him around her little claws. He's handsome because his hide glitters a little bit, the brown's dislike of the bronze sort wasn't entirely unknown in most social circles, though it had been easily traced back to a simple seed of jealousy. Of course I'm not kicking you off! Phylideth seemed vaguely affronted, even with all of the reassurance from his rider that he was being very good.

"Hello to you as well, Cloveth," T'mor greeted the green, finally setting his own mug of klah aside to actually retrieve his pants and put them back on. It would be better to get on top of that before any risk of Amiari's kids returning reared its head. Because it would have been just his luck. At least modest, he picked his mug back up to start his own paces. "Hmm! So as long as I'm on good behavior on the occasions you see me, everything should be fine," he chuckled into the mug. "Phylideth may need to try a little harder, though," it was said with loving tease, but the brown still cheeped in protest. His attention turned to the woman sharply from his dragon at her thinly veiled suggestion, however.

As young as he was, he wasn't entirely aware of whatever reason she may have had for remaining without a chosen company in her weyr beyond her little ones, but he did know there was reason for it. To that end, it was a bit of a surprise. But he was also a man of his own responsibilities, and who was to say there would be any harm in allowing himself a little more companionship? "As long as I wouldn't be intruding on your peace, Amiari. I know Phylideth wouldn't mind if we dropped in a bit more, so that's a 2-for-2 vote from this side."

Prism Shine


Beloved Werewolf

Prism Shine

Fanatical Egg

PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 3:00 pm
The happy little hum that near vibrated out of Cloveth was only punctuated by her snuggling up closer to Phylideth as he settled close to her. She was not a small green, but compared to the big brown she looked and felt utterly tiny--and quite liked it. Oh, true. He’s shiny. But shine isn’t all that matters. The green settled into brushing her cheek against his neck, a wave of sleepy warmth radiating at him. I’m happy for it. I was hoping for another moment to cuddle. She’d had no judgement on Eldwinth--a flight was a flight, after all. Yet she’d rather prefer the company of the brown she held such fondness for.

There was the gentlest wash of warmth she sent to T’mor for the greeting, yet was too content to do anything more.

Taking a sip of her klah, Amiari diverted her eyes politely to watch her dragon snuggle up while T’mor found wherever his pants had been shed. Likely in the best interests, as no doubt her children would come find her before the day began -- and truthfully, she was a touch wanting to make sure they were alright. Yet they could be checked on later, not when she was barely more than modestly dressed--and a question that had been nibbling on her mind something heavy recently. Yet she can’t help but smile at the gentle teasing between the pair.

The question was so thinly veiled it could have been transparent. Yet the bubble of nerves had finally let it slip--and Amiari found herself wondering as she gazed over T’mor’s face. The man was handsome, quite so. Yet she holds a fondness for him, beyond the idea of a nipping pain if he tells her no. But surprise echoes in a gentle quirk of her eyebrows, a gentle shake of her head. “There is peace but also quiet -- most of my kids are growing into themselves.” There’s a smidge of sadness in her voice - apart from Kindu and Kalari, her kids were all finding their places in Western. “But you -- neither of you have ever intruded, but I know Cloveth wouldn’t mind him being around more… And, I would quite like you around more, as well.” Mug abandoned on the side table, she stood and smiled. She did like having the both of them around, and time outside of Cloveth’s flights? Could only be better. Even if things might not work.. Couldn’t if she didn’t try.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 5:01 pm
It was very easy to turn an attention hungry brown into a mushy puddle when affection was applied, and Phylideth was all too content when Cloveth settled in closer, rumbling approvingly. Well I will be here until we are kicked out, which he'd most certainly blame on T'mor if it happened. He was being on good behavior thank you very much. As if to emphasize this, he leaned so his head rested so one cheek was against her head and sent the mental equivalent of a SEE? to his rider.

It was the least amount of fuss he'd put up all week, and really T'mor couldn't help but be grateful for it.

"There is no quiet to have if Phylideth is visiting," T'mor stated in good humor, even though at that moment the brown in question was being on his very best behavior and resented that remark. But it was laced with love, and it wasn't taken so personally that he'd need to snap and stomp about in retaliation for it. At least not right then. "So you may come to regret that," it was still meant in jest, but for a moment - he couldn't place what would give him the impression, perhaps a slight tone in her expression - it seemed like he may be taken as anything but. Maybe he was just seeing things, but he reached out to take one of her hands, pulling it up to his lips in perhaps as gentlemanly of a manner as a half-awake and half-dressed Wingleader could pull off. "I'll try to even out the experience, though."

Prism Shine


Beloved Werewolf

[IC RP] Western Weyr

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