
It was early morning when it struck Jupe that she could only spend so long ignoring the thrall in her den. She had given Tanis the bare minimum of tasks for now, and then had proceeded to ignore the fact that the creature even existed. But, the yellow lioness was constantly around, and while she appreciated the fact that she had a thrall to clean up her den for her... she needed to get out. A couple of weeks had passed since she went on her last viking. The last one had her returning home to find Daijur within the pride's ranks. He wasn't completely... insufferable. The lion was strong and capable, and at the very least knew what he wanted. He wasn't some pansy that she could push over and she could appreciate that, even if she didn't necessarily like it all the time.

"I'll be back, sometime." Jupe told Tanis before leaving the den. The unspoken will was that Tanis had better keep herself busy and not get into trouble. The last thing Jupe needed was to come home to a disaster, especially when she wasn't sure how long she'd be gone. It all depended on what she came across.

The lioness made her way through the assortment of dens until she found the one she had been looking for. She did not expect to be asked how she knew where Daijur lived, and if she was questioned she would not readily give up that secret. It was embarrassing enough to have inquired about the male's residence before. It made her seem far more interested in him than she was. He was just a strong, suitable companion for a viking. Venturing out on her own was just a little risky, if her first run-in with Daijur was proof.

"I hope you're awake," she announced at the entrance of his den. Before really waiting for permission, she walked in, hoping that he was actually there. Considering that he had given her a thrall as a gift, she assumed she was welcomed.

There had been only a moment's notice given by the sound of her paws on the damp stones outside his den that preceded her voice and, ultimately, Jupe herself. It was a surprise that was not entirely unwelcome, even in the wee hours when he wasn't expecting company. Whatever reason there was for that he wasn't sure and decided that instead of dwelling on it, he would just squash the inkling and turn to face her with his usual stoic nature.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" he offered, deep and rumbling with just a hint of sleep in his voice. He was up and on his feet by the time they came eye to eye but his pelt was stretched over a large boulder. It left him more bare than usual, something he was quite aware of as a lion accustomed to sporting the trophy across his shoulders, but also gave sight to the pure, deep black of his unmarred fur. He was nothing but a giant, hulking mass of blackness so deep that it blended at the edges of the long early morning shadows that cloaked his den even with the night vision they had been afforded.

He shifted and came to stand closer to the entrance, towering over her even if he brought no attention to the difference in their sizes. So close to her, he wondered why she had ever challenged him in the first place and, somewhat more, why he no longer felt slighted by her attempt to do it.

She stared at him as he appeared from the dark within the cave, brows furrowed as if she were confused by his visage. It was the first time she had witnessed him without his cape draped over his broad shoulders. Without it now, he looked bare and incomplete. There was something appealing still in the dark fade of his fur. She wouldn't admit to so much, however. He had won her over a deal with his gift, but there was more to impressing Jupe than just presenting her with nice things.

The black and blue lioness valued strength and capability. Jupe would not hang around someone who would only hold her back. It was why she was here now, because Daijur was far more an asset than a hindrance. Among the pride's ranks, he was the only one she felt comfortable with having her back, odd as it was to think that now. "I am going out on a viking. I was hoping you would accompany me," she told him in a neutral tone of voice. If Daijur had no desire to come with her, it wouldn't stop her from leaving. Jupe was capable, and though she had a penchant for picking fights with the wrong lions, it had yet to backfire on her.

Jupe backed up, having no desire to stay within the confines of his den. Daijur was a massive lion, and even with how small Jupe was in comparison, there was barely room for the two of them in the entrance. The dark lioness turned around to lead the way out of the den, silently hoping that Daijur would follow. "I can send my thrall over to keep things tidy for you while you are away." The thrall he had given her - she felt it was the least she could do to make sure Tanis kept Daijur's quarters comfortable.

It would seem, at first, that Jupe's visit was all about business. Then, of course, he remembered the way she had treated him when they first met and, again, how callous she had been when she found him among her ranks in the pride. Knowing what he knew of her as the cold, calculating warrior that she preferred to be, he knew that this request marked a change. Perhaps it wasn't friendship, not yet, but she respected him. For now, it was enough.

"Of course," he responded at once, as impartial as he could manage with the tiny thrill sparking through him. This was a victory for him, whether or not she saw it as such, and he did not want to clue her in to his pride at having won their battle of wills. He hesitated, just for a moment, before deciding that it was best to leave his pelt behind - it was a beautiful trophy, of that he was always sure, but it did not do as much to hide him as his own pelt. Darkness was a gift and he was sure he could use it. "I would appreciate her efforts if she can spare the time."

He followed her out of the mouth of the den and gave his thick limbs a long, pointed stretch once he was out in the open of the overcast early morning. For a wonder, the cold mists had not swelled over their dens yet but he could see them beginning to billow in the distance. It would be another cold, dreary morning for the storm born.

"Where are we heading, mm?" His red eyes swivelled up to land on hers, as stoic and unreadable as he ever was, even if it was taking a touch more effort now.

Jupe inclined her head towards Daijur, silently commiting to sending Tanis over to take care of things at Daijur's den. The thrall was still not well trained, but she was a fresh catch. There was plenty of time to instruct her, and Jupe had gotten off to a decent start with the female. Tanis knew not to step out of line, so she was interested in seeing just how well the lioness behaved without anyone directly overseeing her actions. Now, if she returned home to find Tanis lazing about or consorting with some male there would be consequences.

The bone-marked lioness was not known for her kindness or understanding. She had a temper and a mean attitude. If her new thrall crossed her, Jupe would make sure that it would never happen again.

"A viking band returned last night from a large raid, so I got a tip." Her blue eyes held his gaze for a few long moments before she found something unsettling in the depths of that red-toned stare. She looked away, almost as if she were embarrassed, but she would never claim to be. "They were almost home, so they didn't have the resources or energy to pursue a small group of rogue lions. There's a promise of goods there, and I really would enjoy stretching my claws." She unsheathed her claws then, raking them against the ground. Every now and then a girl just needed to release some pent up aggression.

"It's too large a group to tackle on my own, but I want to get to them before anyone else catches on." Daijur was her best option - he could intimidate the goods from anyone just by appearance alone. He was large and menacing, and he had the strength to back it up.

Jupe turned back from Daijur, leading the male away from the central dens and towards the edge of the pride's lands. She had no idea how long this adventure would take, but she wanted to stretch her legs and get away from the hustle of the pride.

Daijur followed her without question now, knowing she would make good on what she was offering and, more, simply interested in what it was she had to say. He didn't want to point out the difference that a little gift like a Thrall had made but even he was having a hard time not wanting to gloat at least a little bit. Who knew he would find a lady charmed by the spoils of his brute force?

She would be lucky if his head didn't double in size soon.

"Are you asking me out on a Viking, Jupe?" There was a smirk on his mug as he questioned her but it faded to thoughtfulness as his eyes slid past her brightly patterned pelt and out onto the horizon. He had watched the band come in under pelts of rain and knew, vaguely, the direction they had been entering from. The dark male gave her no chance to get snappy at him over the tease and instead refocused on exactly what her plans were.

"If we leave in the next hour we could probably catch up to them within the day. A group is going to move slower than jsut the two of us, especially as competent as we are." At least he had tossed out the word 'we' instead of simply 'I'. It was perhaps the biggest hint that she was growing on him even as he tried to wiggle into her good graces. "They should learn better than to tread so close to our lands."

Jupe looked over her shoulder, and Daijur should have expected the scowl that appeared on her face. She was beginning to suspect that she had played too well into his ego by asking him to join her. But... she didn't have many friends within the pride, and few of the ones she did like would she actually trust to have by her side. Daijur was capable, and she didn't have any need to tell him that. He knew, and by her asking him out on a Viking alone was proof that Jupe put value into his strength.

"If I'm not then I have no idea what we're doing," she grumbled the response to herself. Yes, she was asking him to join her on a Viking. Also, yes, he could shove it.

He was already moving on to the task at hand, which was perfectly fine with her. If they spent their time bickering, they'd never get anything accomplished. "That's what I'm hoping. If we can catch up to them before anyone else decides to take it upon themselves to tend to the problem, that'd be even better." It was a small group, and Jupe was only going to share the spoils with one lion. There likely wouldn't be enough to go around for more than that.

"You're fine with leaving now, then? If you've forgotten anything at your den I'm just going to leave you behind." She was not known for her patience, and Jupe was antsy to get out of the pride and stretch her muscles. She was a reaver, it was about time she lived up to her title. They knew the territory, they'd be able to make good ground on the rogues. She didn't care how long it took, so long as they were there first.

"Of course," he responded tertly to her over-aggression, "what do I need other than my strength and my claws?"

There was no question in him as he kept pace with her, finding it easy to stay at her shoulder with how much longer his limbs were. The pair of them must have looked imposing - he was a simple but large lion, dark as the shadows his father ruled, and without his white pelt standing out against the darkness of his fur he would be a blot on the landscape. She was brighter, it was true, but the markings that spotted her fur must have once been of a god's get themselves - no simple mortal wore bones etched in their fur like hers.

Daijur knew few others in the pride by now but even he had to admit that they were the best pair for such a mission. Domeykite was too unpredictable even if he was all muscle and strength. It was simple reason and had absolutely nothing to do with that growing fondness he had for the little spitfire of a lioness. Not a damn bit.

"Just lead the way and I'll keep up, they can't outrun us."

"Nothing," Jupe agreed. Daijur could accomplish quite a bit with his strength alone. She reckoned there were few in the pride that could compare to him in sheer strength. Admittedly, she was outclassed by those terms even though she'd never admit it to Daijur. Jupe made up for her lack of strength in other areas. She could be downright volatile at times, with a fiery temper and strong will. Once she set herself on a course, she stayed true to it.

This viking would end in glory with the both of them working together.

"If they're stupid enough to tread this close to our land, then they really will have no idea what hits them." They would descend upon them like a brewing storm, dark and ominous. Jupe glanced over to Daijur, the barest traces of a smirk upon her maw. While she hated to admit that she needed help with this viking, Daijur was more than an adequate companion for the task. She felt cool and confident with him at her side, as if she was finally finding her footing within the pride.

"As you command," she purred sarcastically. He couldn't actually boss her around if he tried. But the first little crack at a joke was the most Jupe had ever opened up to with him.

Unable to wipe the smug smirk off of her face, she led him to the border and out past it into unclaimed territory.

This peace that had settled between them was charged like the finest storm in the land, rumbling at its corners and showing teeth with every flash of lightning. As he watched the lioness with her bright bone markings leave the entrance of his den, he knew that there would never be anything he could do to tame her..

But he felt like he could have her if he wanted.

Every push and pull, each gruff joke and smirk, was becoming more and more like second nature between them and as he set off after her he knew that he would fight her and fight for her just as readily. He trusted her at this side because he knew she would not back down just like she knew he would go above and beyond to accomplish what was needed.

Together they trailed out of the stormborn lands, confident in one another, and Daijur knew they would come back as something else entirely.
