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His tail twitched unhappily as he lay there beside the edge of the watering hole he'd found. He'd been taking it easy since that wind thing happened, and while his side was feeling better, his wrist was still healing; which of course, meant no running and very little traveling. At least he could walk again.... relatively speaking. It was more of a limp, but hey, progress.

With a sigh, Roku swiped a tongue over his injured limb and then lifted his head to gaze around him. It was a lucky find, this watering hole. There were fish aplenty and of course, water to drink from. So he could stay camped here for the time being. So far, no other creatures had arrived, which suited him just fine. The last thing he wanted was someone hostile showing up when he couldn't run.

Settling in with a purr, the cheetah lifted his other paw to start bathing the back of his head. He was still pulling dirt out from when he'd landed hard on the ground. At least it was nice out, and he found himself looking forward to enjoying a peaceful day of relaxation.

What he hadn't counted on was the beautiful, clear sky very suddenly going dark, followed by a loud boom of thunder, the flash of lightning and an abrupt downpour that flattened his mane to his head.

Roxas froze in place for a minute, before a deadpan look grew over his face and he stared with a surly expression out at the water.

Of <********> course.

Majivu, meanwhile, was utterly enjoying herself now. She loved water and thus adored rain; so a sudden, unexplainable downpour was well-received by her.

The lioness was jumping through the air now, letting the wind blow her farther than she normally would have gone. Oh, she knew that she would need to find shelter eventually - lightning wasn't something to mess with - but she could enjoy herself for a little bit, she thought. Snapping her jaws at the droplets, she huffed out a laugh as she skipped along.

It was as she was leaping through the air that she almost fell right into the watering hole. Luckily for her, only her paws landed with a splash, and she looked down, finally registering where she was.

Oh, and there was someone here too. Oops, hopefully they hadn't seen her playing in the rain. A Firekin needed to be much more dignified when out in the rogue lands, to show others how powerful they were. Can't have anyone seeing her messing around.

She frowned though as she noticed his expression. It was probably due to the rain, she decided, and that made her wonder why he wasn't moving to get out from under it.

Only one way to find out, she thought as she trotted around the water over to him. "Looking a little wet there. Are you alright?"

Now see, he had seen her prancing around, and that was probably the only reason he wasn't more hostile to her approach. He'd found that someone innocent enough to play in water was less likely to try and attack him. He kept silent though, just eyeing her for a moment before snorting.

"Nah, I enjoy a good old sudden monsoon right in the middle of a nice sunny day. Not like I was enjoying myself prior to this moment." He let out a sigh and looked down at his paws. He should move, he knew he should, to keep from catching ill when he was already injured, but he wasn't sure how quickly he could find shelter with a bum paw. What was the point in trying?

Majivu frowned even more at that response. So, not enjoying the rain? She huffed, "Well, you can still enjoy yourself. Come on!" And then she made the mistake of shoving at him to try and get him up.

His yowl was answer enough that she'd overstepped, and she stumbled backwards as he seemed to curl inwards on himself, pulling his leg closer to his chest.

"PLEASE don't do that again," he mumbled into the ground, willing the stinging to go away.

There was silence between them for a moment, as they waited for him to recover, and then Majivu took a tentative step forward, ears plastered against her head in guilt.

"You're hurt."

Thank you, captain obvious. He ignored the little voice that said that she would have had no way of knowing about his paw, and raised an eyebrow at her in response. Uncoiling himself slowly, Rokusasu looked up at the sky and then down at the watering hole again. Maybe the storm would pass soon, and he could dry out under the sun. The sky had been weird lately, so it wasn't entirely wishful thinking.

Majivu, meanwhile, was still looking at him with the look of a kicked puppy, but when he said nothing more, she looked down at her paws. She hadn't meant to hurt him further.... but that certainly explained his unhappiness with the rain.

On that note, he really shouldn't be out in it if he's hurt. He could catch a cold sitting out here like this!

With a determined look growing on her face, she started to gently nudge him back up. "You should find shelter then." She ignored his protests, "I saw a cave nearby, and I can help you get there. Don't be stubborn."

The look he shot her showed that he was full and ready to be stubborn, thank you very much, but admittedly, the prospect of shelter from the rain was a tempting offer.

So with a huff, the cheetah stumbled up to his feet, teetering slightly before Majivu pushed herself up against his side. "Fine."

The lioness nodded at his acquiesce and began maneuvering him in the direction she'd come from. It was slow going, but they should get there fairly soon. She just hoped it wasn't too late, or that she hadn't done more damage than they thought to his paw.

It was the least she could do to help him. Besides, the thunder was getting louder now. They needed to find somewhere to hide out for the storm.