Backlog RP

"Give her a day or two, Vito," a silky voice cooed.

"It's been a day or two," came the growling reply.

"Give her a day or two more, then."

A blue and orange snake circled around the bottom half of a dead rat and stretched her gaping jaws over it. It was gone within moments. Her slender tongue flitted in and out of her mouth towards her lion companion, black eyes watching him as if waiting for him to do something peculiar.

"What are you staring at me for?" the male grumbled, flopping onto his side with a flump and a cloud of dust. The air was dry. They were either in the middle of nowhere or getting closer to home. He couldn't tell anymore. He couldn't tell a lot of things. He used to feel differently. Actually, he used to not really feel much at all. Lilith helped him to try now and then--to get off his a** and be a part of the world, make connections, get outside his comfort zone--not that he always did all those things, but he certainly did them more thanks to Lilith's encouragement (and sometimes coercion, if he was being honest, not that he really cared). But regardless of when he was trying or not trying in the past, whether he had a direction or not, whether he was doing something for a reason or not, it never really mattered. At the end of the day, s**t really didn't matter. But now it was weird. Now something had changed. Now something was different. But he couldn't place it. He was uneasy. Something itched. Something tugged. A buzzing thought, annoying, flitting, stinging.... He closed his eyes tight and willed himself to feel emotionally dead like he used to.

"Vito," someone called roughly. Crabanniel. Vito rolled to his stomach and found her watching him behind a small kopje. "I need to talk to you. Privately," she finished, casting Lilith a scathing look. Lilith hissed.

"About what?" Vito asked, feigning disinterest.

"About my mother's dead killer," she snapped, "what the hell do you think? 'About what', gods above...." The lioness disappeared behind the kopje. Vito stayed still for several moments before rising to his feet and following after her. His paws seemed heavier than usual. His chest felt colder with each step. What was this feeling? He wasn't used to feeling much, let alone this. This was kind of a lot, wasn't it? What the hell was going on? He wanted to ask Lilith. He wanted some advice. He wanted to know what to do. No, what he really wanted to know was...what was going to--

"I believe her," Crab said as soon as Vito rounded the corner. She was facing the horizon. "If she says he's dead, I believe her. She's never lied to you, and so far she hasn't lied to me. So I believe her," the lioness finished. Vito wanted to feel relieved, but he felt uneasier by the moment the longer the female stared off at the horizon. Into the distance. Away. Far away....

"That's good," was all Vito could think to say. He glared at the horizon as the last sliver of setting sun began to disappear.

"So that's it," Crab said, something in her voice lighter from relief or disappointment, it wasn't clear. She sighed. They stood together for some time in silence. The sun finally vanished. The air changed, leaving Vito even cooler than before. He didn't like it. His mind brought him back to warm volcanic caverns, hot desert sands, lava rocks...but as he thought on them, he felt even colder, because those scenes in his mind were missing someone he had grown used to these past months. He clenched his teeth.

"What will you do now?" Crab asked him. Vito didn't look at her.

"Go back to the pride, I guess," he answered. His maw was twisted grumpily. He didn't like these feelings. He didn't know what they were or what to do with them or what would happen as a result.

Crabanniel watched the male with a weary look. She couldn't tell what was going on in his head half the time (ok, more like 90% of the time), but that didn't bother her. He'd never really bothered her. In fact, there was something familiar about him now. But after tonight, they'd part ways. Wouldn't they? Yeah...that had been the plan from the start. And now it was all at an end. Now it was over. He'd go his way and she'd go hers. That's the way it had to be. Right? Crabanniel felt herself becoming irritated by the male's sour expression and glared at him. Finally he met her eyes and glared back. She still couldn't tell what was going on in his head.

"You're not gonna ask me what I'm gonna do now?" she asked almost impatiently. Vito turned his head. The truth was, he didn't want to know. He didn't...want it to end? Oh, that was it. He didn't want to be separated from her. The thought made him feel...uncomfortable.

"What are you gonna do now?" he asked in monotone. Crabanniel searched his face, then turned back to the horizon. Truth was, she didn't really know what she was going to do. There was nothing for her back at the Antianeira, not with her mother gone. No, she'd never go back...that was over. She'd find someplace new. She still had more to discover, not just about the world, but about herself.

"Wander, I guess," she said softly. The words felt strange on her lips. They conjured up images of herself in barren places, isolated and alone. Vito. Huh. It was a weird thought. It made her feel like she'd just taken a cold sip of water. She didn't like it. It made her feel...uncomfortable. She turned back to look at Vito and found him staring at her. Their staring match continued for several tense moments before Vito finally spoke.

"You should come with me," he said. Crabanniel blinked. She hadn't even considered that before. The demon pride? She'd need a hell of a lot of convincing before she'd believe any of that bullshit. But then, Vito believed it and he'd never steered her wrong before. He was honest enough--when it counted, anyways. She'd have to deal with that sneaky worm, Lilith, but maybe Vito could keep her in check and out of Crab's hair, that pesky little--

As Crabanniel was thinking of all this, she realized she had been feeling something odd--peace. She felt comfortable. That gnawing, cold feeling that had been flowing in and out of her blood for the past couple of days had gone. She couldn't even remember what it had felt like. She stared.

"Okay," she said. Vito's shoulder's relaxed a little, and he almost smiled.
