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The cheetah had come home very recently from a foray into the unclaimed lands that had taken him away for the better part of a week. He left his litter with Gottschalk, as he did with his first, and only greeted the leopard upon his return with a quick grin and sleeping really close together that night.

Now was the next morning and he’d gotten woken up due to a pair of small paws hitting him right on the nose and causing the cheetah to lash out and growl before his eyes were even open. He stared down at the purple cub that was still asleep and Sulieabhan rolled his eyes before stepping over the cub and heading out of the den. It was still early, the sun wasn’t quite out yet.

He heard the noises of Yuuma whimpering in his sleep and shook his head. The wolf was a complete mess that Sulieabhan didn’t know what to do with most of the time. Ah, well. They were all… a family of sorts, even if he loathed to admit it out loud.

Lanky limbs headed toward the river not far away from the den, unaware if his leopard partner was actually awake or not.