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Kadaj had spent most of the day surveying the lands, making his rounds to visit his father and periodically checking in on Sia who was almost always up to no good. He never worried about his son and always worried about his daughter. Unlike her brother, Tiah wasn't as emotionally sound. He wanted her to grow up, to experience life, to live a little on her own so she wasn't so sheltered.

He never expected her to actually do any of these things, who when she came to him with a male in toe Kadaj was floored, speechless. He stood tall, his body lean and built for years of battle and hunting, he stood taller than Tiah and Dia both as he stood on the opposite side of them, frowning with a furrowed brow.

"What is this?" Kadaj spoke, eyeing his daughter over before glaring at the male beside her. Who was this outsider? He snarled a little.

"Father, this is Dia. Dia is... Dia is mine." She stated firmly, she had to stand her ground with her father, she couldn't allow him to startle her, she was going to show him her growth, her change. Dia was hers as much as she was his. Her father had to understand this.

"And I am his." She finished her last statement with a slow nod, standing beside Dia proudly.

"He's come to join our pride, to join our family. To be with me.

Dia was a little confused. He wasn't sure how to act, in reality he had never felt so uneasy in his life, standing here like this so formally, meeting Tiah's father. It was a huge deal and it felt so... intense. He was massive and dark, his scars like badges that he wore with pride. Dia wasn't sure what to do in this situation, so he let Tiah take control of this one. He would follow her lead.

"It's true. I would like to be with Tiah and join her family-er, your family." He didn't know how Kadaj was going to respond but something inside of himself felt sick, what would the older male say?

"Silence." Kadaj spoke with very little hesitation. He had to process this whole situation for a moment before speaking again, his pale eyes narrowed to fine slits. Of course he wanted his daugther happy, but he needed to know what Dia was worth and if he could be able to protect her if she needed him to. Kadaj wouldn't allow weak blood into his bloodline.

"Dia, do you intend to take my daughter as your mate?" His question came quickly. He wanted answers.

"If you do you will have to prove yourself to me in battle." It was the law of the land actually, Kadaj was just making it personal by being the one to fight the pale male. He would see what he was worth in blood.

"Dad, stop." Tiah stepped in and moved toward her father. She didn't want him to hurt Dia, she knew what he was capable of.

"You don't have to do this, Dia, my father is just testing you." She felt a little hurt that her dad wasn't happy for her outright, but what she was expecting was a fantasy. Kadaj was never so easy to read. She felt her heart sink a little as she eyed him over once before looking back at Dia. Would he except her father's challenge?

Dia chuckled and smirked, giving Kadaj a little wave as he replied. "I'd fight a hundred battles if it meant being with her." He had no idea what he was saying, in truth he was pretty terrified of Kadaj. He had never formally fought another lion before, let alone one so intimidating... but he was up to the challange. If it meant being able to be called her mate, Dia would do it.

Kadaj was a little surprised by the white lions response. He had half expected him to turn tail and run right away. So, he had some backbone. That was good, he would need it if he was going to survive this place, this family. The family was strong, tight knit and close. They kept in touch, they spoke often, they were as close as a royal family could be.

If he wanted to be apart of that world he would have to prove himself loyal and strong, if he wanted to take Kadaj's only daughter away from him he would have to fight for her. He had to know her future mate was strong enough to endure this life. It was his own way of loving her, even if she couldn't tell from the outside looking in.

"Tomorrow then, we fight."

The date was set.

Tiah didn't understand at first but the picture was becoming a little more clear with every word her father spoke. He wasn't trying to hurt Dia or upset her, if anything... Kadaj was making Dia prove his worth. Tiah could respect that, it showed how much her father actually cared. She smiled slighty and nodded at her father, so, no matter what, tomorrow this thing was happening. She looked Dia over once before speaking.

"Tomorrow then?"

Dia felt a little stick to his stomach. Of course he would fight for her, but... fighting her battle hardened father? It was tall order, he nodded slowly as he looked Kadaj over once more. He was so frightening with his haunting ghostly eyes, Dia felt a little embarrassed in comparison. Would he even be able to lay a paw on him? What if he lost the fight? Would he ever be able to win the right to call her his mate? He felt afraid and a little disheartened at the prospect of losing her this way.

"Tomorrow." He repeated, doing his best to seem strong and brave, when in reality he felt nothing of the sort.

"Good. I will see you both here at sunrise." Kadaj was a little proud of Tiah in this moment. She had come to him with what she wanted and was aiming to have it all. He would see if Dia was worthy of her.

~ended with 1,029 words