"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes." Soft voice cut through the growing darkness as the pale female stared at the familiar face of her son.

"I wasn't sure you'd still be in this area." He'd been an only child to her a while back and while he loved his mother a great deal he had struck out on his own at a young age to find out for himself the way of the world.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Doesn't it get boring staying in one spot for an extended period of time?" Cool gaze looked her over, she looked good which was nice. Meant he could at least not worry about her too much. He knew he didn't have to follow her around and make sure she was safe, she taught him most of what he knew when it came to fighting. While it might seem funny to those hearing it, he quite respected his mother.

"Not really, though I don't always stay here. I do get out and see the world you know. I'm not a helpless creature that keeps to familiar things for sake of feeling safe." Rana knew her eldest and only son was aware that she was capable and easily able to care for herself and even him when he was younger. "Do you think I live like a hermit? Is that why you've come back?"

Why had he come back? That was a good question. Looking at her he shook his head, "You know that's not what I think. We used to travel quite a bit when I was younger." He figured maybe she would have ventured forth and stayed gone, though he had been happy to know that she'd stuck around in a familiar place. If she hadn't he might not have found her as quickly as he had.

"Was there a reason you came around?"

"Can't I check in on my mother?"

"It's nice of you to think I need checking in on but I've managed to live this long so far without any help."

"That's not what I meant, you know that."

Flicking her tail she watched her child with golden eyes and gave him a smile. "I know, I just have to give you a hard time. You shouldn't be so soft." Chiding him was the best form of medicine in her book.

Giving a sigh, he'd of rolled his eyes if he knew she wouldn't smack him. "I can visit more if you like?" As independent as he was he still liked to visit his mother when he could, it had really been too long since he'd been around her. It was almost too long in fact and he felt a little bit ashamed but at the same time he had been living his life, doing his own thing. He didn't feel bad about that.

"If you would like to, I will not stop you. Perhaps you'll haul some grandkids with you next time. I'm not getting any younger." Teasing him again she finally drew close enough to her son to get a good look at him, he was growing up to be a fine lion and she was truly proud of him but wouldn't fill his head with all that. She didn't need him getting arrogant.

Laughing he wasn't sure he was ready for that type of commitment, though if he was to be up front about things he might already have kids out there he wasn't aware of. There had been one female he was certain had been pregnant with his children but he hadn't known what had happened to her. If he ever found out though, he'd be sure to bring any children to meet their grandmother.

"I tell you what, as soon as I have kids," that he knew about, "I'll bring them over to meet you." That sounded fair enough right? He wasn't about to settle down right now so having his nights of fun was about all he really wanted for now.

"I think that sounds fair enough." Though still, she was curious as to why he'd come back and he had something with him it would seem, even if he had been trying to hide it.

Looking back towards a spot where he had placed something he gave her a smile. "I've brought you something." Moving to retrieve it the male came forth with a large white caplet. It had been taken from it's host with great care and consideration and tanned until it was soft and pliable. It was a beautiful piece of work and he presented it to his mother with a bow of his head.

"While I would have liked to have been able to tell you I killed someone and stole their fur, but I actually killed an albino bushbuck in the snowy mountains of one of the prides not far away." He really hoped she liked it. While he hadn't been able to do all the work himself, he had enlisted the help of someone who was quite talented with hides and had learned what he could while watching them tend to the caplet he'd just given to her.

When he pulled it out she truly couldn't believe her eyes, it was a beautiful piece of work and she was very much pleased with it. "Oh Uriyah, it's absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much." While she would never tell him that he was the jewel in her life she was damn well going to be proud of this beautiful skin he'd just presented to her. Tossing it across her back and shoulders she did a small spin to 'show it off' and looked at him. "This was a very nice gift, I appreciate you giving this to me." Especially when he could have saved it and given it to a potential mate instead. Still, she was quite honored and she gave her son a hug then.

"Come, let's go get some food." She was hungry and certain he was as well.

"That sounds like a good idea." With that he followed along after her.