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Zeruaren had told the rest of the band that he was going out for a walk. There were times when the rest of the group just got on his nerves, especially the leader Kjall. When he had first joined Myrsky Syntynyt he had been naive and foolish, following the first captain that would even pay attention to him. His own personal beliefs had never lined up with Kjall’s. He knew that his time would come eventually to leave the group and forge his own path. It was just a matter of time.

The land that they had traveled was heavily wooded area, a place where anything could hide among the trees. He had been on high alert since he saw them. It did not help that as they traveled to the area he heard the whispers of the pride’s name.


It was a name write out of his dreams and memories. Other then his own need for space from the rest of the band, seeing the area was what brought him out here alone. Supposedly this was the land that his father and his sisters ended up. There was only a vague memory of his father. A lion that left his mother and took the unwanted daughters far away. He supposed that it was better to not know such a weakling of a father, but there was still apart of him that wondered about how they ended up.

There was no way to tell where the pride started. Already he was seeing paths wind toward the darkness of the forest. After some debating, he picked a path and followed it. If the path led to trouble, so be it. If luck was on his side, he would run into his father.

Koyi’Sienn had been following the stranger at a safe distance in the trees. She was as quite as ever as she jumped gracefully from one branch to the next. The lion was not from here. There were scars along his back. He either was someone who protected others or fought.

It had been some time since there had been strangers in the pride. They were welcomed of course, but usually they were in need. This lion did not really seem like he was in need, but Koyi’Sienn tried to hold judgment until she got to actually meet him. The lion came to a halt next to one of the pride’s creeks. It was the perfect time to get closer, Koyi thought and she carefully jumped down from the tree.

Silently she approached the lion, making next to no noise.

Zeruaren was about to dip his head when he noticed an oddity in the reflection in the water. In an instant, he turned around to see what was behind him. A young cheetah jumped when he turned, her fur standing straight up. “What do you want?” He said in a low growl. “You better of not been thinking of attacking me while I was drinking. That is how cowards fight.”

Koyi’Sienn steadied herself. This lion was much more intimidating close up. He was not like her pride mates, but some sort of beastly lion. She stood up tall though and did not back down. “This is my home. You are a stranger here. I want to know what business you have here.” She said, her voice quivering. Silently she wished that she had not gone on patrol alone. This was the sort of situation that needed more then one jedi.

Zeruaren cocked his head as he looked the cheetah over. An easy fight, he decided. She was young and inexperienced. He doubted that she had ever even been in a true life or death fight. That said, she did look strong. And cheetahs were excellent hunters. He could drag her back to be a thrall, he thought. She would have to be trained, but it might be worth it.

“I must have wondered into the pride by mistake. My apologizes.” He said in a dull tone. “I was looking for my family. They said that they would be in this area.” It was not a complete lie, Zeruaren thought.

Koyi’Sienn frowned. There had been no one in this area all day while she patrolled. Her eyes narrowed at the lion suspiciously. “I can escort you out of the pride or I can take you into the heart of our pride where you can be watched over. If your family arrives we can take them to you, where ever you end up staying.” She said carefully. Her gut instinct told her not to trust this lion.

For the first time since he entered the forest, Zeruaren gave a small smile. A pride that was willing to let a complete stranger into their pride? How interesting. “Your generosity astounds me. I would be honored to have you escort me to your pride. I will not be able to stay too long, so if my family does not show up I will have to take my leave and hopefully another time I will run into them.” His voice lacked any charm that would help him in a time like this. He could see the cheetah’s concentration as she thought of what she should do. “If it would make you more comfortable I could wait here though. I was just hoping that I could get some assistance with some of the scratches I have on me.”

“As long as you do not cause any problems, your presence should not be a problem.” She said, trying to sound friendly. If he did become a threat, there were plenty of guardians that would drag him out. “Before we head out could I get your name? Mine is Koyi’Sienn.”

“You may call me Zeru. Thank you for your assistance Koyi’Sienn.” He said. “Lead the way and I will follow.”

Koyi’Sienn nodded her head. She knew the quickest ways to the temple. They would get there in no time. Still, she wished that he had gone to the border instead of wanting to go to the pride. Some of his wounds did seem resent and she did not have a good enough excuse to turn him away. While he stayed, she would keep a close eye on him.

As they traveled Zeruaren’s thoughts were split between keeping track of their travels and what the pride would be like. What pride could tear his father away from his mother? It did not matter though. His family was not why he was here anymore. Once he was patched up and feeling well, he would request that Koyi’Sienn bring him back to the border. After that he would drag her back to the band. If all went in his favor, he would have his own personal thrall.

WC: 1,127