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((very backlogged!))

Being back in the desert had been strange. Being back out of it was stranger still. Psyche's life had gotten undeniably strange in the last several months, as she'd gone from an aimlessly-wandering huria to accepted back into her birth pride as a guard, after the new Regents had loosened some of the restrictions on color. As if that hadn't been enough of a shift in her fate, a summons to speak with one of the Regents had turned out to be an interview for a position as Magistrate. She had been entirely unprepared for a such a thing - had had no ambition for it! - and yet she had been selected to fill the position. It wasn't long after that the other Regent had elected to breed with an outsider, opening up a whole world of possibilities and trouble, and now here they were, a whole pack of Firekin venturing out into outside lands to...see what there was to see, basically.

For many of them it was their first time out of the desert, but for Psyche, this was familiar territory, even if it did feel odd to be back out in the world. Maybe the difference this time was that she wasn't alone, that she held actual rank - as a Magistrate, she'd probably be expected to do diplomatic things, which was, quite frankly, a terrifying prospect. How had she stumbled into this job, again? Why had she had to be so polite (and curious), and answer the invitation she'd received that had led to this? What if she messed it all up? She could cause an incident! Oh, maybe she shouldn't have volunteered to come along, then she wouldn't have quite so much to worry about...

Of course, it didn't help that she was also worried about the primary reason she'd been so interested in coming along, which was the prospect of following in Agni-pariksha's footsteps and seeking to have cubs sired by an outsider. She had supported the bold Regent's decision, and what better way to demonstrate that support than by doing the same herself? She was meant to represent the newer, more progressive Motoujamii, after all - it was only right that she do something progressive. Very, very progressive.

But that meant finding a rogue who was not only suitable in strength, stature, and color, but who was also willing! More to the point, that meant asking. Psyche was not at all a bold lioness; being huria, being not quite good enough, had seeped its way into her very bones, and left her with insecurities rooted too deep for her to ever be rid of them. How did one just...saunter up to a male and ask that he sire cubs? How- How awkward that was going to be! Assuming she actually even found someone who met all the necessary requirements.

Caught up in an endless cycle of doubtful thoughts, the anxious lioness had wandered away from the main band to get some time to herself, where she could worry and pace without concern about how it would look if someone noticed how nervous she was. Savannah grasses swayed in the light breeze, brushing against her legs as she pace back and forth, fretting. Oh, what was she doing out here? This had been such a terrible idea...

Qalb-az-Khorshid had been undergoing his own adjustment period, after the landslide that had destroyed the Jini-msemi once and for all. He'd opted to go with his parents to his father's birthplace, the Pridelands, but it was...very different from what he was used to. Huge, and sprawling, and home to countless lions, many of which he was apparently related to. The changes were dizzying, and while he wasn't unhappy, he was very overwhelmed, and sometimes he just needed to get away, over the border and into unclaimed lands. He'd spent his adolescence in rogue territories, faithfully seeking his name, so being alone out in the world was a familiar feeling, and not an unpleasant one. It was quieter, and he felt like he could breathe, away from the hustle and bustle of the large pride he now called home.

As he breathed out a deep sigh, though, he soon realized that he wasn't the only one out and about - some ways away, an orange-y gold figure moved back and forth through the grass, a pacing motion that spoke of anxiety or perhaps even irritability. The male watched for a few moments, debating whether or not to approach, but curiosity and a hint of concern got the better of him. Slowly, carefully, he made his way closer, clearing his throat some distance away so that he wouldn't be sneaking up on her.

She started anyway, and he flinched guiltily. "I'm sorry! I didn't...I didn't mean to startle you."

Psyche stared wide-eyed at the stranger she'd been too caught up in her thoughts to notice, then ducked her head in embarrassment. She probably looked so stupid, not to mention jumpy! Oh, just perfect. "It's- it's okay," she tried to reassure him, shuffling her paws awkwardly. What a grand specimen of a Firekin she was. "I should have been paying more attention."

"Still, I am sorry. I just- I was out for a walk, and I couldn't help but notice you pacing, so I thought... Well, it's silly, I really shouldn't have bothered you. I'll just..go..."

"It's alright, you don't need to apologize." The lioness glanced up to get a better look at the male, whom she couldn't help but notice was on the larger side for a rogue, and with colors not dissimilar from her own. That was...hmm. That was very interesting. "You...don't have to go, either. I wouldn't mind someone to talk to for awhile, I have some time before we move on again." A little, anyway - they were only just getting started, and she was sure everyone was eager to get going.

"We?" he asked, tilting his head curiously. "Are you with someone?"

"A...lot of someones, actually," she answered. "We're supposed to be out...exploring, and things. So here I am, exploring." More like fretting herself to death, but he didn't need to know that, if he hadn't already suspected it from the way she'd been pacing.

"Oh, so you're part of a pride? Do you mind if I ask which one?"

"The Motoujamii," she revealed, and ducked her head again when his mouth dropped open.

"I've heard stories about them!" he said excitedly, looking her over with renewed interest. She was rather large, quite muscular, but he'd always thought they were meant to be red. And, well...not so nice. She seemed on the timid side for someone from a pride of legendary warriors. "What are you doing out here?"

"Well, it''s complicated," she settled on at first, but would go on to provide a rather more...thorough explanation of just what she was doing 'out here,' so to speak.