User ImageAlduin had never left his family before. Even now he hadn’t really left them. When he had asked his mother if he could go and find out what he needed his mother had smiled and nodded but insisted that one of her minions follow him. The bird that shadowed him constantly was an annoyance. It was ugly and plain, bland and dirty. It was one of his mothers things though so this was no surprise, all of her minions seemed to be in some state of disrepair. This thing though was so not cool. He wished she had sent something more, interesting to follow him.

He had been bothered very little by anyone or anything on his mighty quest to find what exactly he was. The board would occasionally disappear, undoubtedly using its power of flight to return to his mother and give her a status report. It would return all too soon though and he disliked that. Maybe if it landed he would just hit it really hard so she could escape from its piercing gaze.

It was so uncool.

The smell of unknown lions reached his nose and while he knew, of course, that he was a god, he also knew he was a young god. He would soon be approaching a thing called a pride. He felt attracted to these things. They were groups, and within those groups there was the potential for smaller groups. Still he knew some where deep down he should probably be cautious of prides, who knew if they would be aggressive towards him or not. While he contemplated approaching the pride he sat his tiny tail curling around his paws his mind wandering. The pull of the pride was strong, lots of lions, lots of creatures that would want to be with him. That would want to join his clique.