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Reply [IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands
[PRP] of utmost importance (Ciro/Zjarri'fol)

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Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 2:13 pm
Still in his paw, the 'blessed' feather was clutched. Ciro didn't know whether or not he should believed the winged feline. He had never met a deity before, could they be trusted? And how was he suppose to call on the other? Did he just think about it, and poof, there she would be? The male rolled his eyes as he travelled the paths to the War Lord's den. On his way, he spotted a small vine. He paused, eyeing it before snagging it from the tree. Quickly he wrapped the feather's stem around it, before putting it on his neck.

He'd try using it later. Just to see if the Goddess was true to her word.

The Captain looked towards the sky before sighing. It was still early into the morning. The moon still was out, and the sun wouldn't be making an appearance for a few more hours. But still, the news he had probably wasn't something that should wait until morning.

Zjarri'fol's den wasn't hard to find, especially with guards stationed on the outside. "I request a meeting with the War Lord immediately. I understand the hour, but it is of utmost importance she see me."  
PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2018 2:32 am
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Fumbling with the idea of what she suspected to be a cruel joke the Warlord had taken to being sheltered by her den for the time being. Voices outside came and went, most had hoped to have her ear for this rumor or that - nothing shocking given the circumstances the pride found themselves in. Now she would have to account for herself, take responsbility in the eyes of the pride. A ban, meant to protect, had failed them.

Mkhai, god of Warriors.. slayer of.. what does it matter. The thoughts rambled away wildly before she took a comfortable spot in the corner to lay down for the evening. She closed her vibrant pink eyes agains the light cast by the moon above, but not before long she was interrupted again. "Pfft, another one." She spoke softly, but sarcasm dripped in her tone. "More rumors, more hearsay." Zjarri snorted impolitely to no one in particular and rode the wave of emotions all the way to standing and approaching the den entrance.

"Who the hell.. Ciro?" Her voice caught briefly at the sight of him. Zjarri'fol recently had the honor of raising him a rank, a new Captain, but already seasoned from what she had hear - something that came of little surprise. "Go, go.. we're fine." She spoke to the guards in hushed tones that gave away just how weary she felt before she turned back to her den, seating herself facing Ciro when she was deep enough.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Exhaustion coated her words in a lack of interest, it was only because of his service to the pride that she toyed with the idea of letting him in. "Make it snappy." Her words were short and suddenly her mind was swirling with the ideas that had her up nearly the whole evening - the lioness hadn't felt squeamish about a damned thing her whole life, not until... no. Zjarri shut out the thoughts once more and made a point of focusing a hard stare on her guest.

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2018 5:52 am
Ctrl F Greenie

"My apologies for the lateness" earlyness? "of the hour, War Lord." He gave a frown as he passed the others, following the dark blue lioness into her den. "I have come across some rather...disturbing news I thought it in your best interest to know about." Perhaps she did, and Ciro was just making a fuss over nothing.

He noted her weariness, and didn't let the shortness of her tone bother him. She was a War Lord after all, sunshine and rainbows were not her thing. Likewise, he was a Captain, and sugar coating anything was something he rarely did.

"It seems we have Gods amongst us." He started out. "I have seen them personally." Well, he had seen one personally. The feather around his neck was his constant reminder.

"But that isn't what I am here for. One of those Gods...they are the reason for this famine."  
PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:31 am
The hour bothered her less when he got to his point. The gods. She disguised her amused look with a yawn while composing herself, but it likely wasn't enough. Some things were hidden to the mortals of this pride, herself included for quite a while, but she was not among those considered naïve - not any longer. In fact she was very familiar with this topic.

"Gods are unavoidable." She let him finish what he was saying and even tilted her head slightly at what information he had to offer. Of course their pain was brought on by a god, it made sense now. The twins came to mind, them and their abilities. There was more there than could be seen with the naked eye. She closed her own eyes for a moment to collect her thoughts and sighed softly. "Gods are unavoidable, but not unreasonable." Her thoughts made a slow crawl to memories of Mkhai, he was her proof. "What do you know about this god, and what is your source?" She queried him, her tone softening slightly, but still edged on harsh. Zjarri had hoped to sleep for a single full night, but the famine plaguing their lands was keeping her from doing just that, sleeping.

A heavy pause filled the air as she considered her next steps, regardless of what he said next she would have to think. If it's a god causing this.. they may require a sacrifice to end this. Another sigh escaped her and she thanked the gods quietly that it was simply Ciro in her quarters and not an audience.


Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 12:27 pm
Ctrl F Greenie

"So it seems." Ciro commented. "I think it depends on the god. If one is angry enough, their mindset may not be so reasonable." The Captain explained. "Then again, I still found it quite...fascinating to stumble across one in their true form. Especially meeting the same one disguised earlier this week." He frowned.

"I don't know much. But she did not know how to stop him either." At the question of source, Ciro shifted. He couldn't keep whom had advised him of such to the War Lord, but he had also asked to keep it quiet.

"At her request, I cannot share what her domain is. I owe her for keeping one of my daughters alive while her mother and I were out." War Lord or not, Ciro did not want to anger a deity. He promised to keep Survival's identity a secret.

"I can tell you though she has tried to persuade this god. If another god can not persuade them to leave, I...don't know what can." If a mortal's action brought him here, maybe a mortal's action had to make him leave.

"It seems the gods are out in their true forms at night though. Perhaps someone can locate the famine's source during the late hour?"  
PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 12:56 pm
"That could be said for any mortal."

The right tools had to be put in place to have a tactical conversation, she was familiar with this. "My, my, you've had an eventful last few weeks." She admitted this out loud, though she had intended to keep it in her thoughts. Zjarri hadn't been foolish enough to think that only Warriors had been around, but not one.. not two, but three gods were in their lands? One of which was callously throwing away possible life for what reason? Murder? Yes. The blue lioness had an inkling of the cause, Sabia had been by - though briefly - to explain what had happened. Not all of the pieces had fallen into place, but she got the idea.

"That's fine." His hesitation told her that he owed her a great deal, and the life debt explained it. "Perhaps I'll meet her myself one day." She didn't long to meet the others gods, they held no merit to her. But Warriors had a purpose, one she was happy to try and fulfill.


The sound was small, but spoke volumes. Zjarri began to stare through him as she considered her options. If another god couldn't convince them.. then. "You took the words right out of my thoughts." She spoke out loud when he finished what he had said - it seemed they shared a moment brain. Nightly walks weren't out of her routine, she smiled slightly.

"Do you know where they walk?" Her gut gurgled at her quietly and she chose to ignore it, assuming Ciro would take it as signs of hunger, much like the rest of the pride. "Or hover, or even fly.. for that matter?" She shrugged slightly as she dramatically described a gods resting status. Did they lay around like the lazy mortals she knew? Did they actively pursue screwing with them? She knew Mkhai, but Ciro was right, all of this depended on the god himself or herself.


Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 1:08 pm
Ctrl F Greenie

"I am just one of many here in the pride. Surely I cannot be the only to make this discovery." Maybe he was just the only one to voice it to the War Lord. It was his duty as a Captain to do so, wasn't it?

"Maybe. You may have already met her." He knew she was out helping mortals find a will to survive. "But, I can say it was not a deity that we look up to." So if she had no interest gods other than the few they more or less 'worshipped', then he couldn't see her actively searching for Ngaule.

He was slightly taken aback at her hmph. His ears perked forward, giving her a slight questioning look.

"The borders." Ciro was quick to answer. "In their true form at least. That is where I saw one. Makes sense, trying to stay away from pride eyes. I think with this Famine around, they are more keen to stay in their true form when they know a lion cannot actively stalk them with their own troubles going on."

He chuckled. "Pretty sure they are just like us just with wings. The rest on the ground, or perched in a tree. Not through hovering or flying." Not Ngaule at least.

"Maybe they will be easy to spot. I can offer myself on a night to try finding more information if you request."  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:01 pm
"Of course you aren't." Her tone made it clear that her shock wasn't because of the type of being, but the discovery of perhaps another. Concern bubbled beneath the surface of her composed demeanor as she considered just how many of those god-types might be around and what their intent might be. If any of those in her pride stepped out of turn again they might be under more than just duress from the pains of hunger. The death toll might rise and she would truly be the most failed Warlord in history.

"It's possible." Zjarri adjusted her footing so to put weight on her other side. Sudden discomfort rang through her and she made a small gasp, but recovered quickly. "You are loyal to a fault Ciro." Composing herself proved easy and she carried on as the discomfort faded. "If she can help us, and wants too, wouldn't it be in our best interests to share a conversation?" Her eyes were sternly focused on him now, taking the focus from another rumble her gut let loose.

"If the famine was brought on by a god.. they could be using their true form in a much darker manner. Can you imagine what they may appear as?" The thing of nightmares.. was her own thought in answer to her question. A pair of eyes seeking out passerby's as they march, tormented, through life by the aches of a hunger that couldn't be quenched. She glanced away briefly, glimpsing a patterned shadow that swayed in her cave as it followed a branch outside that swayed in a soft breeze.

His chuckle made her gaze return to him and her own lips turned up in a fond smile. "Seems we have an expert." She laughed, teasing him. "Well at least I won't be seeking out some form of strange entity hovering around our borders." Her plan was leaked as she spoke, but she didn't attempt to correct herself, there was no need. It made sense that she went to seek him out, seek out a god that may just be merciful to a lioness that wasn't only in a leadership role, but also pregnant.

"If you can find more information, perhaps get your god to have a meeting with me?" She smirked slightly at 'your god'. "I have my own ideas, but wouldn't mind at least meeting them."

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 4:00 pm
Ctrl F Greenie

Ciro'mekaitso listened as his chief spoke. He couldn't help but nod in agreement with her. However. "I know she wants to." He had started. If she didn't, she would not have helped Haruhi, or some of the others in the pride. "If" When. "I see her again, I will advise her of our meeting." He said quietly. "If she wishes to make herself known to you, then I can see about arranging some sort of meeting. Of course, without those standing outside your den." The less lions that knew about a god's existence among them, the better.

"Either they are hideous or they are just like us. I don't know which one is more of a scary notion." Ciro said thoughtfully with a slight hum to his voice.

"Hahaha." He chuckled. "Far from it. Just a Captain doing his due diligence for his WarLord."

He didn't miss the 'your god' reference. A devious smirk lifted to his maw. Why, he would have loved to make her his god. He just...hadn't been able to coerce the female into his den yet. Maybe one day. He focused back towards the lioness, giving her a small bob of his head. "I will see what she thinks, WarLord Zjarri," he did have a way to summon her after all. Whether the feather calling worked or not he had yet to try. "I will return with her answer when I know it." He advised, dipping his head once more.

"If you would excuse me," he had said what he needed to. Zjarri'fol could now dwell on what she needed. Ciro turned to exit her den.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:50 pm
The meeting had gone well enough, Ciro was useful. Zjarri had gotten that much from it.. it had ties where others might not. At least to her knowledge. The poor goddess he spoke for appeared to want to be left in peace, but for the sake of her pride she had to do what was right - demanding that meeting was vital.

"If only those priestesses could help predict that outcome." She mused quietly to herself in an empty den. Ciro had taken his leave, which had been well timed as she fought back a rather large yawn. Yawning told her that her body was tired, or thought it was. However her brain was running a mile a minute with the thoughts of what might be.

Could they finally fix things? Would their pride be safe once more?

Zjarri moved to her plush bedding and lay down so that her gut had a small amount of freedom to churn as it pleased. The churning was part nervousness, part.. well something she didn't want to think on any longer. Not today. There was more than enough to preoccupy her mind. The Warlord rested her head on her paws and closed her eyes - she'd fall asleep eventually.. or so her mother used to tell her.

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

[IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands

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