When Lifa returned wiuth the large pale lioness, Shido had raised his brow in curiousity. She looked much like his family, in a way -- vibrantly colored though she was, there were traces he saw of his mother. Still, the male did not press, instead letting Ifa settle her in with them. Damla was far less bothered, more intrigued by the lioness' cooler patterns and sweet nature, but not unfriendly to the stranger either. It was only once they settled the new lioness was more curious-- appearance melting into a divine form indicative of a goddess.

Of course Damla was absolutely thrilled to meet her all over -- a goddess, a female! Obviousdly a good choice for a first meeting. Shido, however, remained in thought, somewhat drawn away, and now he moved for his ledge, and laythere, silently lost in thought as his eyes scanned the jungle nearby, and he wasn't entirely too aware when another body drew near and sat by him, until he was pawed.

Ifa hadn't meant to insult the poor thing. It was his mother she wanted to help, but something had been off since she returned with Kabi'Ten. His gait, his eyes -- he was troubled and Ifa was worried. He had withdrawn since she came, and more when she revealed herself -- as if she upset him somehow, and the lioness bunt her friend's shoulder softly, making a concerned noise as she settled and flicked her ear.

"Shido." Ifa said, tone quiet. At most, Shido's ear flicked acknowledgement, and Ifa sighed, pawing the dirt before laying down.

"Are you alright?"

Silence was his first answer, but slowly, the male looked over, ears licking slowly.

"She looks like mother, a little bit." Shido finally admitted. Ifa nodded, thoughtfully, and the male sighed.

"But different too. And she's not -- oy's weird. She looks like my family but she's not my family." The male frowned. "And mother never discusses much of my family. I don't think she likes being alone, but the demons aren't a place she feels she could fit into. I mean, the sador are treated extremely well, but at the same time they're treated like lowers. It's anither oddity."

"Maybe your mom is just trying to get by. But I know sador get spoilt a bit, even if not true demons. From whgat I saw it's like they're considered nigh-equal. But that's only my guess."

Ifa shrugged, and looked out over the jungle herself, and Shido sighed.

"Then I've been seeing this male in the roguelands lately, and he's absolutely gorgeous, but I don't want to leave my mother." Shido sighed. "Mom needs us. Her visions turn on her othrwise. It's... Really dirty."

At that, Ifa raised a brow, looking oiver.

"You can bring boys home and I doubt she'll be unhappy.I mrsn, drtioudly."

"Maybe. But it's. I still like girls, but, he's this cute male??? And stupidly smart??? Anmd I kind of want to try matching wits but also I.. Erm.. You know, I'll spare you details. Have you ever had a mate? You seem smart there."

Ifa laughed, then, motioning.

"I've been laid. No mate, just laid." The lioness laughed, motioning. "But I have good children. As for a mate, not a permanent one.. I'm not sure I'm worth the time or energy." To that, Ifa sighed, stretching out far and flexing claws lazily.

"My dad was Some Guy, I never met him, so it was us and mom. Nothing special to speak of."

"My Dad wasn't around eiuther. We're not really all that different. Your logic fails." And Shido poked the female, Ifa making a squeak before looking over.

"I'm not sad about mom. I just am not sure boys are into that."

"I don't see why not." Shido shrugged. Ifa stared, before raising a paw, motioning with a sigh and a disgruntled look.

"They don't want an emotional connection. They want a one night hookup for some quick and dirty fun before they bugger off and leave a lady alone with the consequences. That's what they sink a single mom leads to. Didn't happen with the last litter but it's still really awkward and kind of depressing.

"OK," Shido noted, and motioned to the lioness himself. "But, they won't know unless you tell, and not every male just wants to do anything like that then bugger off. But same token, you don't need to TELL anybody. If they care and find out, they'll stay."

"Doesn't solve the problem... Or feel right." Ifa sighed, curling up in a ball. "I don't like lying. I just... Feel Wrong when I do."

Shido sighed, and pawed the female reassuringly. His own instinct was to make sure she knew the female was okay, but.. He wasn't entirely sure she was ok with his advice. Ifa shifted, leaning into her friend before sighing, eyes closing as she sighed, looking up to her companion before getting up on her paws again, leaning into him.

"Sorry, it's just kind of. A downer." Ifa explained. "It's hard to think about. I mean.... What if I'm really not good enough?"

"You help people." Shido noted. "You are good enough."

"Maybe. So, how about that male? Gonna approach the boy?" Ifa smiled a bit, and the male blinked, looking at the female with wide, surprised eyes.

"Right now?!"

"Yeah. Why not?"

"BUT. I'm not READY!" And Shido flopped, eyes wide as Ifa laughed.

"See, see, you're just as goofy as I am, nerd." Ifa drawled, then shrugged. "Doesn't mean either of us are wrong, I guess. Just grew up different."

"And some of us are older ladies."

"I'm kicking your butt, Shido. I'm kicking it hard." Ifa looked over, tone a drawl. Shido raised a brow, blinking before smirking a bit.

"I'd like to thinkI'm the right one." Shido noted, and Ifa gasped, eyes going wide in mock horror. Her ears and tail remained in an amused position, however, and the female's tail fglicked the flick of an excited feline as Ifa made motioned of mock affront.

"Old? Older lioness?! I'm noit tyhat old! How dare -- how dare you!" Ifa sputtered. The lioness swat at Shuido playfully, the male yelping as the female swat teasingly, and jumped, almost rearing likre a pony before bouncing. Oh, it was on, and he would get her! He'd get her so good, and Shido wiggled teasingly.

"Well, try getting me, then!" Shido teased, and the male turned, bolting in amusement as Ifa was after him in an instant, paws thundering on the ground as she gave chase.

Really, it was all in good fun, and the pair raced for the others, Ifa chasing Shido, back into the brush, a weight, for the time, lifted.