Word Count: 1021

One moment the pups had been safely stashed under the brush of a bush while the couple of jackals went hunting and the next; they were gone. Junichi and Rena had spent many long days sniffing out the area for their long lost pups but any time they had thought they'd found a trail it would be revealed that it was cut off. Storms had swept away most of the scent of where they might have gone and there didn't seem to be any saving them now.

Rena was convinced that the pups had wandered out of the brush just long enough to get snatched up by a giant bird of prey which Junichi disagreed. Junichi was sure that the pups were dead but he was sure they had wandered out and fallen victim to the elements.

What ever the reason the pups were in grief over the loss of their pups. Both took the lions share of the blame and both had wilted in to such a state of depression that they could not move for some time.

That was the point a big strong orange lion by the name of Kurago had found them. He had nursed the two back to health and watched over them. There was no reason for such kindness from a lion to a pair of jackals but Kurago had heard the sad tale from them and his heart weeped for the both of them. He had never fathered cubs but he was sure if they had met a terrible fate he'd be in this same sorry state that both Rena and Junichi had fallen victim to.

After weeks of care; it would seem that the parents were starting to bounce back as well as one could after the tragic loss of all your children. The two of them were at least able to feed them selves with out the help of the big orange lion which was a good start. Kurago could leave them and the two would be fine from this point forward. Their fates could continue on their destined paths.

Kurago approached the pair with the good news one evening.

"I believe both of you seem fit enough to carry on," He had said this before so there was no change in either of the jackals moods when he delivered his opinion. "In fact. You both are doing so well I believe I can leave. You're well enough to be fine."

Junichi and Rena looked at each other with wide eyes and looked back to Kurago. Surely he had to be joking after all the trio had been through. This is what both thought at least.

"You both are silent.... Everything ...?" He tilted his head allowing his orange mane to swish to the side.

"Well its just that," Junichi was the first of the pair to speak up. "We were hoping we could have you stick around a while longer."

"Well not stick around here," Rena picked up where Junichi had left off, "But rather... we could both travel along your side..."

"This offer is most generous but ... Are the two of your sure? You know there is a chance your pups are still.." Kurago had said way too much already. The mention of the pups was a sore spot with both parents and for a moment his judgement had slipped and the question spilled out. There was still a chance the pups could be alive but in the care of others. At least Kurago thought this as he'd seen jackal pups adopted in to another species family.

"There is no way they are alive. They were ... eaten we're sure," Rena closed her eyes, "I'm a realist.. I know if there was a small child of something tasty I would take advantage for survival. I would choose and have chosen to eat the small weak offspring." There was a pain in her chest having to imagine her puppies being torn apart by a predator but it was a likely scenario.

Kurago wanted to continue with his theories about what could have happened but it was clear by the look of Rena's posture and facial expression he'd already said too much. She was reliving this dreadful hellish reality that she'd lost her kids. Even if her pups were still alive they were still lost to her forever. This had also been Rena's first litter and she'd only produced two pups which was a very low number for a jackal parent.

"Right.." Kurago sounded thoughtful as he mulled over this in his mind.

"Please let us go with you." Junichi looked hopeful as he stood beside his mate to comfort her. "We have no lands of our own and if we were to have pups again we could have your help."

"I guess I am a glorified nanny. I see... So it benefits you to stick around me. Very well if you must follow me you may." He couldn't say no to a mother in tears over her lost offspring. Kurago really had gotten a soft spot after spending such a large amount of time with the two. He wasn't about to allow his work to unravel.

"Thank you Kurago." Rena dried her tears with the back of her paw. "You give us hope that we can have a future. Thank you."

Junichi gave the orange male a knowing nod with a grin, "I can't believe we're siding with a lion... In the old days you better believe there was no way in hell either of us ... but these past few weeks you cared for us and asked no favors in return. I know its selfish of us now but ... "

"You don't get to choose those that need you," Kurago nodded back, "I don't mind. This will make my travels less lonely at least and the two of you can fend for your selves. " He grinned, "Honestly the both of you are the first to ask to travel along side me."

At that point forward the three were joined together in their fate. They would travel together and they would experience the world together.