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A pleasurable evening had been just what he needed, and such an evening it had been. Oh how he enjoyed that lioness' company, her scent, her movements, her...ah. A grin crossed his maw as he thought of all they had done that evening until they were both exhausted. At some point in that night, he must have fallen asleep, waking with a start as something suddenly surged into his memory.


s**t! He had left her in the tree, stranded and alone and forgotten all about her! Probably not his best move, but the little fuzzball had totally deserved it! Hmph! It's what she got for jumping on him when he was trying to seduce a lady! He'd have gotten action from that one if the brat hadn't interrupted! And she had TOUCHED HIS WINGS! He hated when his wings were touched! Hmph!

If it made any difference, Tanaka had planned on returning for the little goddess, he had certainly not intended to forget and leave her there for so long. But he'd be fine right? Hell, she probably already knew how to teleport and was laying in wait to ruin his mood again the next time. Probably, right?

....was that a tree branch on the ground? At the base of the tree he had left her in? Oh s**t...


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Gaius huffed to himself. He had found poor Nara in the tree where his father had left her and somehow managed to rescue her without either of them falling to their deaths. It had taken a lot of coaxing to convince the frightened goddess to release her grip on the branch and climb to his back (he would not have been surprised if the tree snapped under her grip). After that he had carried her home, watching over her until she fell asleep.

But now that his small friend was safe and resting, Gaius found himself growing angry. His father really was a jerk! Really, who the hell does that to a cub?! She could have been hurt, and then what? What would you do then dad? That's it, he was going to hunt down his father and tell him off for being an a**!

Quietly he had risen from the den, sneaking out into he morning air. It was later than he had thought, how long had Nara been stuck in that tree anyway? Or maybe he had just been fuming all night as he watched his friend, allowing his courage to build. Hey, Gaius Tiberius may have been grown, but he was still a bit scared of dad.


Shitshitshit! He had to find her! She couldn't have fallen from the tree, right? She was a goddess, even without wings deities could fly. And even if they couldn't fly, they could teleport. Surely she knew how to do that. Right, that must be what had happened. Something else had broken that branch from the tree. But what if it hadn't...

Snort, stupid little fuzzball, she shouldn't have interrupted him then! It wasn't his fault if she hadn't bothered learning how to teleport, she only had herself to blame! Stupid annoyingly cute fuzzball, she had already ruined his fun once, and now she was ruining his mood again.

Great, he was going to have to find her or his mood would suck all day. How annoying, she was probably lurking around nearby, laughing, thinking she was going to make him feel oh so guilty for letting her fall from a tree and then get whatever she wanted because of it. Hah! Dream on, fuzzball, dream on!


Gaius was stalking, his head lowered, eyes narrowed, tail flicking behind him with determination. He knew his father had been hanging around these lands, knew he must be around here somewhere. Until now, Gaius had done his best to avoid the grumpy old jerk, but now that he sought him out, Gaius was not entirely sure where to look. Still, it couldn't be that hard to find him, he wasn't exactly....subtle. (Hah, Anonymity thought he stood out, wait until she met Tanaka. No, wait, take that back, he did not want her meeting Tanaka.)

Where the hell--ah, a familiar scent. He knew it wouldn't be hard to find him! A silent growl to himself, Gaius raced toward the scent, he was close by! A pause, Gaius ducked behind a rock, taking a moment to catch his breath. There he was, he knew that white hide that matched his own. Alright then, deep breath, quickly while he was still feeling brave!

He had scooped up a rock, stepping forward to put himself in full view before he hurled said rock at the larger god. Hah! Direct hit!

"You're a really jerk, you know that!!"


Tanaka paused in his own steps, eyes narrowed as he caught sight of a familiar form. Gaius? What the hell, was every god in the realm in these lands? Who was he going to run into next? The god of ruining all his fun? Oh wait... What the hell was his kid doing here anyway, surely he was much too...delicate for such a place.

"Gaius, I did not know you were here--OWW!! What the ******** was that for?!"

A snarl, his paw raised to his head where the rock had struck him. What the ******** ******** was his problem anyway? Disrespectful (not so) little brat! Oh, he'd show him to respect his father!


Oh s**t what had he done! Gaius' ears lowered as he ducked to the ground, ohshithesgonnakillme! For a moment he was ready to run.... No, wait a minute, he came here to tell his father off, and damn it he was going to tell him off! But maybe throwing a rock had not been the best idea...

"You left her in a tree, you a*****e!"

"What are you talking---"

Oh, so that's what had happened. The little fuzzball hadn't fallen from the tree, Gaius had found her, that was unexpected. He snorted at his son, suddenly not feeling so guilty.

"She had it coming."

"She could have fallen!"

"Obviously she didn't."

"But she could have, you could have killed her!"

"Stop being so dramatic, she was fine, I was going to go back for her." Eyeroll.

"But you didn't did you. Jerk, I hope you're proud of yourself. Was it worth it?"

Tanaka settled on his haunches, scoffing at the glare his son was giving him.

"It was actually. I spent the evening with a lovely lioness without being interrupted by annoying fuzzballs."

Gaius shot his father the glare of death, one paw curling as if he were considering throwing another rock but then thought better of it.

"a*****e, she better not be afraid of heights now."

"She'll get over it, she should be happy she got to feel what it's like to fly."

The fierceness in Gaius' eyes made the older god pause.

"Don't worry so much, I'll make it up to her later."

"I'd rather you leave her alone."

"Tell that to her, kid. You want me to leave her alone, fine, then keep her away from me. If you're done throwing rocks at my head, I have better things to do."

Grumbing, Tanaka turned his back on his son. Stupid kid, should have dropped him off in a tree.

Gaius had been too angry to speak further, to yell at his father not to turn his back on him. Instead he had just watched him go, lingering behind even after the older god had moved past his view. A sigh, Gaius flopped on the earth. He had told of his father, had thrown a rock at his head, and he was still alive! Hah, take that! Oh, he was going to make sure Tanaka made it up to Nara, he was going to give his little friend all kind of ideas on how to torment the old grump. A smirk, just you wait, Dad, you'll never know what hit you.

word count: 1,328