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[PRP] - Peace of mind (or wtf are titles even) [Uka/Lehana]

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Adorable Lionheart

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 6:00 pm
He wasn't sure how much time had passed since the last time he had graced the skies, but it felt like an eternity. Ukatazaji missed few things about being a god, but flying would always be his one regret, until the day he inevitably passed away.

It was almost strange to think that this time, after death, there would be nothing more. No rebirth, no new try at life, no new memories, nothing. He idly wondered if mortals had any sort of awareness after they breached the golden gates Mkodi guarded. Did they remember anything, or was it perhaps different? He supposed it wouldn't be too long until he found out for himself, and there was really no use thinking about it, but then again, he had little else to do other than think.

A single, mortal life time. That was all that was left.

At least the sights were pretty. The jungle here reminded him slightly of the ones near the coast, where he spent so much time with Muhali, though he had to admit that the temple was new, even for him. He barely troubled himself with the strange structures left behind by the two legged folk back in the day, and now, as he sat enjoying the shade offered by the temple, he rather regretted not having spent the time to do so, for they were quite fascinating.

Then again, as a God, it had been very hard to actually get anything not related to his domain even done. His whole life had centered around a single concept, and nothing really mattered if it did not relate... temples had simply escaped his attention entirely, as lovely a structure as they were, now that he could actually focus his eyes on the rocks.

The sun was high up, the birds chirped incessantly, and Uka was just enjoying the moment of peace.

Peace of mind was just so strange a concept for him even now. The strange cloud that had hung over his thoughts for as far back as he could recall just... gone, leaving behind a clarity of mind that mortals often took for granted. Lifting his head, the rather large male took in a breath of warm, jungle air and then let it out in a long, cleansing sigh, his head flopping to the side against the surprisingly cool stone of the temple.

He would not have to hunt to feed for at least a day. Today, he could just relax, and later, perhaps, if he was feeling particularly curious, get up and walk around the interior of the structure. On the other hand, if he was feeling particularly peckish, he could always just get up and head towards the borders. He could remember having seen a herd of zebra on his way in, and they would not have walked far away.

It didn't matter, really, and with that in mind, Uka settled in to take a nap while the afternoon heat scorched the land, content in the vague notion that he was free from responsibility to others; no mortals to look after, no domain to oversee.... just life as it was intended to be lived.

The peace however, was not to last though. Change was on it's way.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 6:48 pm
The jungle was lonely- a very lively sort of lonely, where everything existed on it's own path, occasionally crossing, but never stopping. Lehana had awoken that morning to a line of ants crawling over her paw, and it was simply luck that they weren't the carnivorous sort. A lion crossed their daily path, but what did that matter to ants? She was a new hill, if anything of importance, and the moment she stood and shook the insects from her paw she was forgotten- well, perhaps only forgotten after a scramble of madness to realign with each other. Still, now late into the day, in the world of tiny ants she was now forgotten. Every bird that flew overhead, every frog that hopped across her path, every monkey that swung overhead... She was simply a momentary obstacle to be avoided and then forgotten.

Perhaps the only creatures that really took notice of her were the small rodents and the rare lazy lizard that strayed into her mouth, but then, they no longer worried on much, and she had returned the favor. Aside from the momentary relief of a morsel of food, she hardly paid them much mind, either.

It was easy to get lost here, and harder to find others again, which.... As much as she loved pretty faces, was not necessarily a bad thing. It was cathartic, to get lost in the jungle and indulge in feeling sorry for herself and the general lack of meaning in her own existence. As lovely as company was.... well, strangers tended to have mixed reactions, and more often than not they were less than pleasant. Not that that has ever stopped her before.

The jungle helped none of the feelings- and no temple she had ever explored had, either, but curiosity still won her over. They were usually violent. At least the carved images on the walls were, and Lehana had always felt herself conflicted. Partly with desire to understand what carvings she happened across, and partly desire to know just how it felt to be so deeply embedded into a society that you felt the need to kill and fight for it. It had always seemed to her much simpler to just move on when confronted.

Such heavy, melancholy thoughts and feelings... Lehana was downright glad, when her paws found their way back out of the temple and there was a great, hulking giant lounging on her steps. They were well enough hers at the moment, after all- she had slept here, had hunted here, had eaten here, it could be claimed. And here he was, on her steps, a welcome distraction from the somber, meaningless melancholy that was her woeful life in the jungle- perhaps it was just about time to rejoin the savannah, after all.

..... Besides, he was downright handsome, with that dark coat shining in the dappled sunlight. Me-ow.

There really was only one thing to do, with such a large, hunky, handsome distraction laid out at her very paws- and it hardly mattered that he was sleeping, either. She could fix that... She could fix a fair many things. She could even add- one and one made two. And once you got over one, you could even multiply...

So, the small, rather skinny red lioness flopped over his massive paws, purring and stretching out a paw to bat at his big black ear, "Well, hello there," she crooned, gently batting- once that big, handsome head was up, she was going for that chin. A face that pretty had to be played with. "You, good sir, are simply too gorgeously yummy. You simply must ravish me," She had a joking tone, but truly, it was only half a joke. Really- if she didn't have to work for it as she was accustomed and he took her up on that offer, well, that was a bonus now, wasn't it?  



Adorable Lionheart

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 7:21 pm
Sleep was only just starting to settle in when Uka felt something drop over his arms, though the sensation was not quite jarring enough to drag him out of that semi unconscious state before sleep claimed its victim. It wasn't until the unwelcome pressure batted at his face and spoke that the ex-god finally surface entirely and opened his eyes, turning to angle his face and look down at the intruder using his arms as a pillow of sorts.

Her first few words, in fact, flew entirely over his head, his brain still dredging itself from the murky depths they'd been inhabiting, but by the time the girl opened her maw and spoke again, Uka managed to raise the left part of his upper lip in sheer, unadulterated disgust, "I beg your pardon?" mostly because surely.... he had misheard the lioness sprawled er... seductively (?) over his arms.

Surely someone this small, skinny and clearly unkempt was not trying to proposition him,

Except she apparently was. Her paw had lifted again and this time, despite him straining his head away from her reach, it landed on his chin, eliciting a huff of breath from the male who found himself digging deep in an attempt to access his powers - this one needed a doze of reality showered upon her, surely.

And yet, when Uka grasped for his powers, the magic did not flow, and he was forcefully reminded, again, that he no longer had access to them, and thus had to deal with the situation like any other mortal would have, "I think not," he murmured, and that said, attempt to stand up, finding that he rather could not with her sprawled out like that over him; if he did, he might harm her, and well.... he might not agree with her, but he was definitely not looking to hurt her.

He thus settled on option number two, which involved him glaring humorlessly down at her, "Child, you're skin and bones. If you're looking to proposition me, or anyone else, you might want to add a little meat to those bones," the words were interrupted by her paw landing on the side of his face, and this time, the large male just accepted it, having nowhere to go without wings, and no way out without just shoving her off forcefully, "Doubt you could even nurse a live litter; it'd kill you."

He did not even think to question the logistics of how a union would work between them. After all... he'd had Muhali, and the logistics had worked just fine there. Size was not the problem here. Not that he was considering. Not at all.

He deserved to be taken out to dinner first and foremost, and this one... well, she looked like all she might be able to bring to the table was a rat, or perhaps a bird, if she was particularly lucky, "I can't tell if you're joking or actually trying to seduce me. If the later, you might want to try another tactic. This one's not working."  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 7:42 pm
Of course it hadn't been easy- that would have simply been no fun! Not that Lehana was all that fussed or heartbroken over it. The longer he fussed and harrumphed, the longer the distractions lasted, that's how it worked. Besides, if he was truly so offended, he was more than capable of standing up and marching off into the trees... She might follow, she might not, but that was something to consider if he had.

She was increasingly surprised at his allowance, at that. Big, capable meathead he was, he certainly would have no trouble making her stop her batting, and yet for all his grumbling and dirty, grumpy looks, he made absolutely no effort to stop her. Oh yes- this one wanted affection, she was sure of it.

So, she pushed her luck- the moment he accepted the fate of her paw on his face, she added her second paw, squishing that frumpy grumpy face into far more interesting expressions. "Sweet darlin, the concern is appreciated, but might I remind you that cubs don't necessarily need to be a part of the equation to have fun. You're a big boy, I'm sure you know aaaaaaaaaaaaall about the birds and the bees," Lehana winked- he was fun, the fuddy duddy.

He was right, though- about several things. Lehana had a very, very small and specific skill set, which unfortunately, did not include much in the way of hunting ability. The lioness lived on what she could pick off the ground, be it rodent, bird or reptile, but she fancied she wasn't that small... Hopefully not.

"It grows on you," she teased- she was most certainly serious about the seduction part, though not much else. "Do I look like the type to hit it and run? I aught to be offended- I am a lady, thank you very much. I like romance. I also like honesty." Yeah- honesty. That was a good word for forwardness, was't it?

Still, she hadn't been smacked yet, and that in itself was a small miracle- and a blessing. Paws that big? Bound to leave 'er ringin, and not be and entirely pleasant experience all around. He got bonus points for the simply eternal patience with her pressing his face into stunning smooshed caricatures, to boot. What a grump- she's find that warm gooey center, just you wait.  



Adorable Lionheart

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 7:29 am
Uka was still mildly confused. Never before had he been ignored in such a way, but then again... before, he'd had the power to back up the bulk; wings tended to make others think twice about confronting someone, it seemed. This one though, was not only ignoring his wishes entirely, but seemed unafraid while doing so and completely at ease at her ply. That denoted familiarity with the tactic, which in turn meant he was not the first she'd done this to.

That was odd.

"You must be really lonely," he said with a tilt of his head, his shaggy mane flopping over his eyes with the gesture. He did not elaborate on how he'd arrived to the conclusion, and there seemed to be a lack of empathy and pity in his eyes. Just mild curiosity, as if the lion had just encountered a particularly interesting insect he'd never laid eyes on, "Regardless though, I'm quite sure cubs are a near certain byproduct of the activities you speak of, and again, while a rather lovely idea as a pass time, might kill you. At which point I'm sure you'd stop having as much fun," her paws began smooshing his face together, and the large male closed his eyes to let out a weary sigh, allowing her access to him for just a few moments longer before he finally grew tired and carefully pulled himself away from her, slipping his paws from under her.

Once standing, he turned to eye her with a critical eye, squinting as if analyzing her before he turned away and began to walk towards the foliage. He was sure the zebra herd would not have wandered too far away, and if this one was anything like Muhali, which he was starting to realize maybe she was... she'd follow. He wouldn't even have to call for her to do so; all he had to do was walk, and she'd bounce on after him as if it'd been her idea all along.

It was interesting to think that the few years he'd spent with the lithe blue goddess would have prepared him to deal so well with a certain, specific type of lioness.

Only when the female had caught up with him did his gaze slide down to her, a brow arching again before he grimaced, "You really are skin and bones," he told her, "That's not very attractive, I'm afraid, My Lady. You might want to work on that. As far as it growing on me..." he gave her a once over again, near critically, and again he grimaced, "I think not."

Dili came to mind, when he thought of a lady. Not this poor sack of scruffy skin and bones. But then again... it'd not been Dili he'd spent several years with, now had it?  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 8:15 am
This one- this one was interesting. Lehana had met many- usually, there was smacking involved, or one would jump at the free chance offered. The big brute didn't seem to be inspired by any particular care or worry- perhaps it was simply an excuse to let her down 'easy'- not that she'd accept anything less than a good, solid slap to that end, which, seeing as he had not yet tried.... she'd remain.

Besides, the banging was just a nice bonus, hardly the main reasoning behind her apparent madness. Pestering the poor, grumpy creature was just as amusing. "You're awfully presumptuous, big boy," The fact didn't irk her- everyone thought they knew everything. Even she did- it wasn't hard to. She'd never conceived and, considering just how many romps and good friends she'd entertained before, she rather doubted she ever would have the 'joy' of motherhood- which was all the same to her, really. Cubs were terrifying things, and she wasn't entirely sure how ecstatic she was over the prospect of another living thing depending on her for... Well, everything, really. It was a terrifying thought- just look how well she was doing just on her own.

"Cubs aren't always certain- though, if you don't enjoy your alone time," Lehana bounced back to her eternally cheerful self, "It's a great fortune that I have been laid in your very paws, here to save you from the gaping hole of loneliness the jungle hath ripped in your soul," She fussed- just as teasing as she was when serious, so who could tell if she wasn't, in fact, being entirely serious?

Even when he stood, leaving her gently rolled into the dirt, the lioness barely skipped a beat, shaking the dust from her head and stretching as she indulged his further criticisms- skin and bones, indeed, but she had never had trouble with it. Certainly, she was no great match in a battle, but that was to be expected- and when it was to be expected, the more violent sort either scoffed at you, as her new company was so adamant in doing, or batted you around a few times to prove a point. Neither was so bad, in the scheme of things, and she had been called worse things than skinny and unattractive.

"Ah, what is it they say about being ugly?" She mused, whipping around to catch up with her company brute's rather long legs- what was his name again? She had quite forgotten, had she ever asked in the first place. "If you're ugly, then you know others truly like you, not your looks... Something about looks. I swear it's something about ugliness speaking for morals. So, dear sir, I believe that leaves me as the better of us, thus far." It was gentle teasing- as if she'd known him for longer than a few moments, but really, as it stood it was remarkably easy to replace his face with a number of any other stranger's.

.... Not that she'd want to. It was a very pretty face, she rather liked how his pale mane contrasted with his dark coat, and hey.... She'd always been a sucker for the tall, dark and handsome look, even if tall, dark and handsome just so happened to pin her with dirty looks. She could live with dirty looks just fine, so long as he kept up the banter and attention he gave so freely. "You've hardly given me enough time to work my magic on you, besides," she winked- she did intend to grow on you, if she stuck around. If not... Well, she'd see just how far she could push her luck- and his patience.  



Adorable Lionheart

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 6:36 pm
Uka'd waited for her to catch up, albeit in a way that didn't make it extremely obvious what he was doing. It wasn't that he was trying to hide it either, given he was such a large lion and he was walking fairly slowly given his usual gait. Still, when the lioness caught up, all he could do was turn his head and offer her a blank, vaguely amused look, "You're odd," he stated almost rudely, though it was clear from the tone of his voice he wasn't looking to particularly offend her with the statement. It was, after all, just that; a statement of fact, "Not looking like that they aren't," he sniffed, "Though then again... it is Mkodi's way."

Not that he'd known much of anything about Mkodi's way at all. He'd lost track of time as he'd lived but Uka was quite certain he'd not been divine since the dawn of time. He liked to think he'd once been mortal, and that now, with this choice, he was simply rectifying a sort of mistake he'd committed long, long ago.

Even if his wishful thinking was wrong and he had, in fact, been a god since creation, well... his memory did not extend that far back, thankfully enough. He'd tended to forget lifetimes as they passed, conserving only vague notions. Which was a blessing, rather than a curse; he'd seen what remembrance did to some souls. Uka didn't believe even gods were made to remember that many event and hold that much information; one would likely tear at the seams, "I wonder if you're not merely projecting, M'lady. I was, after all, asleep when you happened upon me, not the other way around. And you are the only other feline soul I have encountered in this place - rather boring, to say the least."

Not that he'd much minded, granted. Solitude was conducive for thinking, and if he required company, well... the Kizingo'zaa were likely a week's walk away from here, and Muhali's children would no doubt entertain. Perhaps he should guide this one over there?

His train of thought was cut short as he heard the lioness talk, and this time he could not help the mild snort of amusement as he tilted his head to look back at her, "I'm unsure if that's meant to be a compliment or a thinly veiled insult. You're still quite odd though, if malnourished. I'm surprised you're still alive, with the way you look, M'lady." He kept walking until the jungle turned to shrubs and in the distance, beyond the trees and the foliage, rested the Savannah, with those zebra he'd been thinking about earlier gracing even further away.

It was then he stopped walking and lay his form on the ground, watching the equines with interest, "Yes well," he drawled, "You might have more luck wooing me if you take me out to dinner," he made motion of the zebra and then simply watched for a few more moments, "If I'm not mistaken, that one to the left has a very discernible limp," and then, that said, he looked at her with an arched brow, as if waiting.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 3:16 pm
He was correct in that aspect- Lehana was a fundamentally lonely creature, with a fundamentally lonely existence. No pride to call her own, and no family to watch her scrawny tail, only the occasional creatures she could pawn herself off on from time to time, but such was her life, and she had no complaints. She traveled further than most pride lionesses had the luxury to, she was certain of that, and every benefit of experience that came with it, memories and sights, smells and exotic company. Then there were also the oh, so messy rules that came with them- full of company, perhaps, but too restrictive for her taste. As so long as she could manage alone, Lehana was more than happy to patter after pretty boys as so long as they'd tolerate the curse of her company.

"Well, how fantastic for you that I've arrived to save you from your curse of boredom," Lehana chirped in his shadow, not acknowledging the rest of his musing- right or wrong, others tended to believe what they would believe, and so there was little point denying it- not only was it right, if it was in fact wrong, he'd likely not accept her protests of the truth. After all, scrawny lil lionesses did not tend to accept their faults very well, if at all.

The snort of amusement was a win, though. The first of the evening, how lovely- Lehana's navy eyes cut up to the lion with an arched brow, cheerful smile turning into a smirk of an unspoken 'I told you so'- she did, after all, tend to grow on you. "I'm made of rabbit's feet- very lucky. Find clovers and ladybugs all the time," she teased- to her credit, it was the truth. She was skilled in very few things- her list of things she excelled at began and ended in tracking. Combat, hunting prowess, hell, even common sense- she failed at it all, though she had little complaint with her current survival tactics.

It was hard to complain when you had a tendency to see danger before it saw you, find carcasses before the carrion-eaters, when the small scurriers of the world were just a little slower than your lunge and you always seemed to out-walk a plague. "Sharp wit and a little bit of luck will always be better than sharp claws," She was testament to that- not entirely the most powerful of presences, but she was alive, wasn't she? And she had managed that all on her own.

The trees fell away around them, turning from shrubbery then to grass, and Lehana was struck by how... not very deep she had wandered into the jungle. She needed to spend more time in the area, perhaps- it was easy to get lost in the trees, and lucky or not, it was never good form to misjudge where you stood in the world. Nor had she really taken notice of the zebra in the distance- for much more acceptable reasons. There was no way she took down large game on her own, so as long as they were at a distance, there was really no need to take special notice.

She couldn't help but arch a brow as the male flopped to the ground and directed her- she refused to believe he actually thought she was capable of bringing down something this size herself, but hey- she'd put on a show rack up pity points, and.... Well, she was decently accomplished as a tracker, despite her claim to poor skill. Granted, it was the only thing she was actually good at, but the point stood.

"So, shall I take this as an offer to try your diddly darndest for cubs, if I bring you back a deer?" Lehana mused, pretending to size up her quarry before stretching her rather bony limbs out- bony, but limber, at least. "Well... Deal. Prepare for your tail to be romanced entirely off by my hunting prowess," A bold, and entirely false, claim- she knew damn well this was doomed from the very start, but it was just so much more fun to go into it with a positive outlook.

With that, she started to pad off- she was going, she was off! Off to woo this picky, prissy lion terribly, but she was off!  


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