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Morning in the rogue lands was different then waking up in the pride, Merĸúnguaĸ thought as she walked the perimeter of where the group was staying. Most of the group was fast asleep back at camp. Her own brother was snoring loud enough that she was certain if anyone was in the area they would know the groups location.

The one member of the group that was awake was the one she wanted to avoid most of all. Zeruaren had been up almost as long as her. He relaxed at a distance, but she could feel his judgmental gaze on her. What she wouldn’t give to show him then and there just what she was made up of. But she knew she would just get scolded.

Instead she did what she was told and she made sure there was no reason for Zeruaren to bug her. As she passed him while patrolling, she gave him a pleasant nod, but eyed him up. He was not the largest lion in the bunch. Some of her siblings were larger then him. When she was older, she was certain that she would be taller then him. Height was not everything, but it would give her an advantage and she was smart enough to know to use that advantage when she could.

After she passed him, she continued walking. It would not be long until they would start heading out.


When Kjall woke up, he had Zeruaren wake up everyone else. Mýlaugr had been fast asleep. Zeruaren decided that if they were every under attack, Mýlaugr would just end up sleeping through it. The older lion went to the sleeping one and kept nudging him. When that didn’t work, he decided to do a more… drastic approach. He stepped back and took a deep breath in before letting out a loud roar.

Mýlaugr went from lying down to on his paws in an instant. He looked around frantically. Zeruaren and the others let out a laugh. The young lion would soon learn that it was better to sleep light and get woken up throughout the night then to be a heavy sleeper and sleep through an attack.

“We will be heading out soon.” He stated. “Your sister should be back soon. One of the scouts saw a group traveling. Could be an opportunity to get some goods or even some thralls. It would be an excellent start to our viking.”

Mýlaugr’s eyes went big. It was finally happening!


Merĸúnguaĸ returned to the camp to see everyone awake. She went straight to Kjall and reported that there was nothing out of the ordinary around them. With her return the band continued forward. This time she and Mýlaugr walked closer to the group, with Mýlaugr standing next to Zeruaren. Merĸúnguaĸ was more self conscious of how closer she was to Zeruaren, but she did her best to ignore him.

The group traveled throughout the day, with some members going out to scout ahead. Merĸúnguaĸ and Mýlaugr were exempt from going ahead since this was their first time. When it was Zeruaren’s turn to go ahead, Merĸúnguaĸ felt a rush of relief flood her.

“You know it would not hurt just to give him a chance. Get on the right footing. He is just as serious about things as you are.” Mýlaugr muttered when Zeruaren was out of earshot.

Merĸúnguaĸ shook her head. “You are not seeing the whole picture brother. You only see the way he treats you. Take a moment and just watch him around me. Do not say anything or add anything. Just watch.” She said. Her brother could be blinded by praise and stories, but she knew what was going on.

“We need to prove our selves. Once they see how great we are, well, mostly how great I am, they will start respecting us.” Mýlaugr responded. His tail flicked from side to side thinking of how he could impress Kjall.


The group continued on. Merĸúnguaĸ pushed her thoughts about Zeruaren out of her head. Right now Kjall needed her focused and alert. They went further and further away from the coast, making good time.

As the sun started to go down, the party was halted by Kjall.

“This is where the group is. We will surround them; give them a chance to surrender their goods without a fight. If they put up a fight, then we will drag them back to the pride.” Kjall said, glancing at each member of their group. “Merĸúnguaĸ and Mýlaugr, you will stay back and keep watch. We do not want any surprises.”

Merĸúnguaĸ nodded. As much as she hated missing the action, it made sense to have the inexperience keep watch. Mýlaugr however could not hide the disappointment from his face.

“Merĸúnguaĸ can watch by herself. She has proven already how capable she is at working alone.” Zeruaren spoke up. “Allow Mýlaugr to stick with me, give him a chance to see us in action.”

Mýlaugr looked up at Zeruaren with a wide grin. He did not expect the older lion to take him under his wing like this. But Kjall shook his head no.

“Perhaps another time, but right now my orders stand. Mýlaugr needs to learn patience before we put him into a fight like this.” He said. “Now lets move forward. Mýlaugr, Merĸúnguaĸ stay sharp.”

As soon as Kjall and the rest of the band were out of sight, going into the tunnel, Mýlaugr sunk to the ground. “I should be in there too. You can handle watching by yourself.”

“And what if I wanted you to stay and watch while I go in brother? What if I were Zeruaren’s favorite and not you?” She asked, raising an eyebrow. “Kjall thinks this is for the best. We are inexperienced at this and it will take time. We cannot return to our family’s the first time we went on a viking, expecting to return with stories of heroics.” She explained. He just gave her a more defeated look.

Merĸúnguaĸ kept watch while Mýlaugr continued to mope and look into the tunnel longingly.


Inside the cave, the band had surrounded the group. It was a fairly small group, only three lions. They had given up their goods, though Zeruaren scoffed when he saw it. There was a single pelt with a pouch filled with some reddish berries. It was nothing to brag about.

“There must be more you can give us.” He said, going up to the largest of the group. “Is this really what your life is worth to you? If this is all, we might have to take you and your family with us. And you will live the rest of your lives as our thralls.”

Kjall stepped forward, between Zeruaren and the group. “That is enough Zeruaren. Our word is our bond. We told them if they gave us what they had we would leave them in peace.” He made sure the whole band heard, not just Zeruaren.

The winged lion looked at his captain with a mix of annoyance and rage, furring his brow. “As you wish captain.” He said, stepping back.

Silently, he wished for the day that he was no longer under Kjall’s command. Despite his loyalty, Kjall never listened to his advice. He left the tunnel, letting the others gather up the loot.

Outside he saw Merĸúnguaĸ standing guard while Mýlaugr was laying down resting. Of course the young lion he had put his faith in was the one not doing his duty. A simple task of watching their backs and Mýlaugr was failing at that. He ignored Mýlaugr and walked over to Merĸúnguaĸ. She might not be the type of reaver that he wanted to go Viking with, but at the very least she took her responsibility seriously.

“You have done well on your first outing.” He stated as he took a seat next to her. She stood tall and proud. “I am sure when you and your brother get back, they will be proud.”

“I hope so.” She said simply, still suspicious of the lion.

Zeruaren looked at the tunnel and saw the others coming out. The small group they attacked was no where in sight. “We did not end up getting much in the way of treasure this time. However,” he pulled out a single gold ring he had stashed between his toes. “I did get you this so you have something to remember your first Viking.”

Merĸúnguaĸ was completely shocked by the gesture. She wondered if Kjall had talked to Zeruaren. “Thank you.” She said, taking it and carefully putting it on one of her smaller toes. She decided that when she got back to the pride, she would see about making it an earring instead.

‘A small trinket should be enough to gain a little trust,’ Zeruaren thought, as he did his best to be pleasant around Merĸúnguaĸ. His dislike of her was waning as his impatience with Kjall grew. He would need some of the group to be loyal to him over Kjall. And Kjall had so much hope for Merĸúnguaĸ that if he got her on his side, it would be a blow to Kjall.


The group moved to a different location to rest up. The following days, Zeruaren shifted his focus from Mýlaugr to Merĸúnguaĸ, something that shifted both the siblings’ opinions on him. Merĸúnguaĸ, still suspicious of him, enjoyed the positive attention, while Mýlaugr watched in envy.

They did two more raids before heading back home.

As they got there, they realized something was different in the pride. Death was in the air.

“What happened while we were gone?” Mýlaugr asked, looking at his sister for answers, but there was none she could give.

“We should go find mother.” She said, before saying goodbye to the rest of the group. Family always came before celebrating. Mýlaugr was not far behind her.

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