Dionysus did not often, other than to drink, stop a streams or watering holes. There was a lot that could go wrong when one when to such places, and if possible, she liked to stick to small puddles for her drinks to avoid the trouble. She was not one that liked to risk encountering a scaled water predator like the ones that seemed to lurk in many of the watering holes and streams, especially during the dry part of the year. Those creatures did not seem to care if one was a prey animal or a fellow predator. They viewed everyone as a potential meal.

Of course with her dislike of such places, it stood to reason that Dionysus would have steered clear of the stream that she had come across. She should have and would have normally, and yet today she did not. The lioness checked around carefully for any sign of the lizards that usually lurked in such places and found none. The water seemed to be very clear, so it was unlikely that anything large lived in it. There would have been mud kicked up all through the water if there were large creatures living in it.

Dionysus walked around the area checking and double checking to be sure that she had not missed some sign of a lurking danger to herself. By the looks of things there was only the occasional little fish swimming about. When she found nothing to raise her suspicions, the lioness waded into the water and waited. Again, nothing moved to make her suspicious, so she got a drink and waded into the water further. The cool liquid felt wonderful on her sun heated dark pelt, and she fully intended to enjoy the feeling of the water if she could.

Dionysus kept her eyes open for those water lurking lizards, though, just in case. One could not be too careful when it came to those things. She knew how dangerous most creatures were, even if she had not had to experience it firsthand. She was a cruel creature, but she had learned early in life to sit back and watch others try something before you tried it yourself. It was far easier on oneself if someone else demonstrated the stupidity or success of something on the first attempt.

Dionysus had seen a lioness taunt a water lizard and end up eaten for her stupidity. The lioness was quite aware that she was smaller than that lioness had been, and she certainly did not want to find out just how much easier it was for a water lizard to eat HER than it had been for one to eat the lioness. The dark feline would rather be paranoid and watch for anything to sneak up on her than do something stupid and end up lunch for something.

At least so far, Dionysus could enjoy the water without anything showing up. She did scare off a fish or two by wading in, but she was not too worried about those. Perhaps if one came back while she was standing in here, she would try to catch it, and if she did catch it, she would make it into her lunch. Fish for lunch really did sound good to the lioness. She would have to see about making that happen. She kept an eye out for the return of a fish.

Dionysus had seen a lioness taunt a water lizard and end up eaten for her stupidity. The lioness was quite aware that she was smaller than that lioness had been, and she certainly did not want to find out just how much easier it was for a water lizard to eat HER than it had been for one to eat the lioness. The dark feline would rather be paranoid and watch for anything to sneak up on her than do something stupid and end up lunch for something.

At least so far, Dionysus could enjoy the water without anything showing up. She did scare off a fish or two by wading in, but she was not too worried about those. Perhaps if one came back while she was standing in here, she would try to catch it, and if she did catch it, she would make it into her lunch. Fish for lunch really did sound good to the lioness. She would have to see about making that happen. She kept an eye out for the return of a fish.

Dionysus stood as still as possible while her fur shed a bit of the water back into the stream around her legs. She worried that the dripping might keep scaring off the fish, but it turned out her worry was for naught. Soon enough a fish came swimming over and nearly swam right into her. The lioness grinned at the stupidity of the fish. They were dumber than other prey as she recalled, which was good for her hunting. She reached a paw up very slowly and put her paw into position under the fish’s scaly belly. She hesitated like that, watching the fish swim back and forth above her paw. This was going to take some good timing, so she would have to make sure she watched how the creature was moving carefully.

Dionysus knew from experience that fish were very slippery things, so she would have to be careful in maneuvering this water prey. She did not want to lose the thing when it was lined up so well for catching right now. A flick of the lioness’ paw had a fish on the bank of the stream. She went after the flopping fish, and she pounced on it before it could flop back into the water. The now very smug, female ignored her wet fur in favor of her meal. She could dry herself off after she ate, and that was exactly what she intended to do. With as good as the fish tasted, she might have to get another, but that could wait for now.