Ifa moded along at a leasurely pace, humming softly as she watched the nature around her. The lioness wasn't hunting nor in the mood for a nap and watching creatures play and socialize unafraid of the cheery predator was a nice change of pace. The breeze was also pleasant, and the female hummed, eyes closing as she felt the sun on her fur. It was a really nice day, really, one so nice she didn't notice another approach.

Kabi'ten knew she ought to be practicing her mortal guise. Today, she was disghuised as a lioness -- simple, pure, easy... And the female was all too happy to enjoy the day. Still, seeing company was a benefit, and the goddess lit up. This was the perfect chance to see a mortal while disguised, and the female did want to try to interact without startling somebody. Kabi'ten lit up as she approached, the female beaming as she came near the relaxed female and smiled broadly, nodding.

"Hi!" The goddess called happily. Ifa was surprised then, jumping a bit as she turned to a pale lioness with a big smile on her muzzle, and smiled back. /That stranger seemed nice, and Ifa nodded.

"Hello! Are you part of a nearby pride, or a rogue like my friends?" Ifa asked kindly. Kabi smiled on.

"Oh, no, no pride. Merely a passing rogue. It's nice to meet a friendly face out here. re you a rogue too?"

Meeting another was so great, Kabi'ten wiggled and wiggled eagerly, all too happy to socialize.

"No, I have a pride -- they're called the Aegnor'hini. I'm helping someone with his sister who is a rogue, though." Ifa explained, before bowing warmly.

"Ifga, miss! And you?"

"I'm Kabi'ten!" The goddess replied quickly, eyes shining in excitement.

"Kabi'ten. It's so lovely to meet you!" The hoddess then bounced once.

"You're an actual demon? I met a leopard there named Mauji, he was really nice and then let me meet another lioness and it was really neat. But Mauji said all the lions might hurt me otherwise because I'm poale which is rather silly I'm not easy to hurt but you seem so nice was he wrong?"

Ifa blinked, then motiuoned.

"Whoa, whoa slow down. Mauji, Mauji.. The nat? Was helping[? Of his own volition?"

That.. That bore passing on to the leadership, especially Hakuna, and quickly. Was the male still.. Was he atoning? Amazing. The female hummed, then, and motioned.

"I'm not going to hurt you, no. What he was referring to is Sador. Non-demonic pride members whom live among us and help. I wasn't raised demon, I was raised in the swamp among the spirits, though. At least before we left home.. Twice.." Ifa shrugged and sighed, looking in the general mountain direction, and Kabi tilted her head. This female... Was sad about her home, and the goddess moved, nosing her.

"I'm sure the spirits led you to a place you'll be happy." The goddess soothed. Ifa blinked, and looked to Kabi'ten hopefully, leaning.

"I hope so. What about you? Where are you from?"

at that, Kabi paused, sighing.

"I don't.. Know well. I was found and adopted, and raised by a single father. I recently left home, and I'm still learning the world. But some places are... Odd."

Memories often danced on the edge of her mind, out of reach but still giving her teasing flashes of feeling. She knew she ought to do something for it, but for the time she simply wanted to live, and so the female nosed the smaller, a small smile on her maw.

"But I'm ok not knowing, sometimes."

Ifa nodded, then paused.

"Wait. You don't know the world? Oh goodness, you can hunt, right?" The lioness frowned. "You aren't going to know safe3 and dangher? Oh, dear, gods, no, you shouldn't be alone... No, you might not be that old either..." Ifa flailed a paw then, motioning. "Ugh, you need to travel with more experienced lions! It's dangerous out there! You could be enslaved or worse!"

"Aren't.. Sador slaves?" Kabi then blinked, confused, and Ifa sighed.

"Not.. Entirely. We protect them, and they help us. They're the good creatures."

Kabi nodded, then blinked.

"Do you have a sador?"

"Hm? Me? Oh, gods no. Some are for all though. They aren't as terrible as some at all or mistreated really. No, I don't want you for a sador either, sweetheart. I just worry."

Kabi noidded, then smiled.

"But I might be okay, uhm..." Very slowly, the goddess shifted, allowing her disguise to melt away, and Ifa blinked, raising a paw.

"..AS goddess."

"Uh huh!"

"And you're alone. In the roguelands."

"Uh huh!"

"....oh that's a mixed risk." Ifa sighed, sitting in amazement as Kabi'ten reseated her wings, looking ever so proud of herself as she did so, and smilked broadly. The mortal with her finally sighed.

"You should still stick with us a while. Some creatures don't like the gods. You might be more durable, but... You're also still endangered. And I'm sure my companionws won't mind."

Kabi then tilted her head, slowly reassuming her mortal lion form, ande blinked.

"Why do they dislike gods? Is that why Papa told me to hide?"

"Because they're duimb. And probably?" Ifa blinked. Papa.. Oh. Was she adopted by ANOTHER god?... Well, Ifa knew of one god whom might know how to help...

"Look, if you stick with us, Iknow of other gods who might be able to give advice. I dunno if you know one another, but they live among my pride. Hakuna'jina and Primitus.. T&#xhe;y can help."

Kabi blinked, head tilting. Hakuna's name was lost to her, but... But Primitus... No, no memory, beyond warmth.

"...I can talk to others, okay." Kabi replied, slowly, softly. Ifa reached, a paw going onto hers gently as she smiled a bit, and the goddess smiled back faintly. The female seemed nice,and her intentions seemed pure, and Kabi did so want to hope Ifa would help.

Ifa, meanwhile, simply worried. Shido surely would understand. Damla.. Who in ******** knew. She was her own lioness really, but she was still following them to her mother. Well, at least the goddess would be safe a little while, and Ifa smiled finally once more, bunting at her gently.

"Hey. Hey enough touchy-feely right now." Ifa chuckled. "We have others to catch up to."

Kabi nblinked and perked, nodding as she rose to follow Ifa back to the others, and the lioness hummed a happy tune, almost dancing after Ifa as the pair moved to join Shiudo and Damla, a song in the air, and a smile on Kabi's maw as they left the serene grassy area as undisturbed as they both had found it.