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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] High Reaches Weyr
[PRP] Deadlift (Fisher/Torin) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 6:43 pm
Out of all the chores Torin had been assigned around here, cleaning ledges was one of the most irritating. At first glance it seemed like nothing at all, but it was deceptively filthy work, with all of the claw shards, herdbeast blood, and skin... bits usually involved. Arguably the worst part was that he couldn't wear his fancier clothes, but the sun was also a big no thank you. Great for dragons, not so great for vain young men who guarded their complexions like a courtesan's secrets.

He was trying to get this job done before the other candidate who was scheduled to help him even arrived so that they both might avoid being out here in the midday heat, but it was slow going and he was beginning to feel a little lightheaded. At some point he could not recall he had stopped to admire the view, and that was what he continued to do, staring off toward the mountains with a scrub brush clutched in his good hand.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 7:08 pm
Chores, she could handle. A lot of the other stuff not so much, with all the weird terms and fancy techniques and having to be inside. Chores, on the other hand, usually were done outdoors and involved a good amount of physical labor which suited Fisher just fine. When she was handed a scrub brush and told to go clean a ledge, she initially gulped but sucked it up as she headed towards her destination.

Thankfully it wasn't as high up as she thought, and also she wasn't going to be alone. It was significantly easier to do things and ignore falling to her untimely demise if there was someone else there. Someone who could fall first maybe, or would just distract her from her worries. Plus, most of all, Fisher liked chores. They passed the time, kept her from being idle, and she rotated her shoulders she braced herself for what was to come.

What she didn't expect was......whatever it was she saw, and it was with an audible "wuh" that she took in the ledge that needed to be clean. "And...here I thought livin' with my dads was filthy." The comment was said aloud as she looked towards her supposed helper, someone who was staring off into the sky rather than actually cleaning. "You my help today?"



Sparkly Decorator



PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 8:31 pm
Torin straightened from his languid stance in response to Fisher's voice, turning to face her in a smooth arc. He tucked his left hand behind him before he spun, but once he saw her he let it drop at his side again. Judging by her face, he doubted she would mind a few missing fingers. It was simply delightful.

"I am." He smiled brightly. "Torin. I would give you a proper greeting, but I'm already absolutely ruined. What do these dragons get up to up here?" Frankly, he was well aware, but he wasn't about to say so unless he could get something out of it.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 9:23 pm
"From the looks of it, probably somethin' you don't do 'round civilized company." Fisher shifted from foot to foot, trying hard to keep her mind off the shoes that covered her feet. The stones were dirty, shoes would help keep her from getting Faranth knows what on them, but her legs felt heavy. It was miserable, but this stranger didn't need to know that and they just needed to clean. "I've seen worse though, at some ports. People can be just as nasty if they wanna."

Slowly she pushed the scrub brush onto the ground and started to push, attempting to clean off at least the top layer of grime on her first go. When was the last time thing place was properly cleaned? If the ship had ever gotten dirty like this everyone would have gotten sick, or it'd damage the wood. The carelessness of these weyrfolk was astounding. Or maybe with all this Thread happening they just didn't have time, but if they loved their dragons as much as people said they did why would they allow it to get like this?

Oh, also. "....m'name's Fisher, nice to meet'cha." Fisher continued to scrub away, debating if they needed to pour water on the top to loosen up whatever was there. "......are they just expectin' us to clean this off with only brooms? Do we get any other kinda tools?"



Sparkly Decorator



PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:10 pm
He knelt and got back to scrubbing with much less fervor than Fisher did.

"I wasn't given any additional tools, but that doesn't seem like this place." No, the people of High Reaches were far too above the board for that kind of intentional oversight. "It is likely they thought one of us knew where..."

Torin trailed off as he stood again, intending to search for a scraper or a mop or anything more helpful than what they had been given, but he failed to make it more than a couple of steps before he stumbled forward. He had already been at this for nearly an hour and it was still entirely too warm. With a dramatic little sigh that would have pleased him considerably had he been aware enough to register it, Torin's eyes rolled back in their sockets and he dropped like a sack of salt.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:52 pm
". . . . .you gotta be kiddin' me." Fisher had taken to scrubbing, it wasn't all that bad, when she looked up just in time to see her chore partner take a dive. Thankfully not off the ledge, or else he'd be well on his own (Fisher couldn't fly and therefore was not jumping too follow), but just a pile on the filthy ground. If the teen wasn't so faintly concerned over what just happened she'd likely mock him for landing on a clearly disgusting surface. " . . . . "

When he failed to get up, and thus proved he wasn't faking it nearly as much as she thought, Fisher felt a small bit of worry creep up her spine. She'd just arrived at this weyr less than a sevenday ago, she didn't know where anything was or where anyone was for that matter, and now she was saddled with an unconscious individual by the name of Torin. What exactly was she supposed to do now? Leave him? Run and get help, like some sort of wherry-headed maiden?

Neither option seemed too feasible, and he did look rather petite when compared to Fisher's own physique, and so the teen made up her mind to just take him with her as she tried to figure out where the healers were. Setting her scrub brush against a wall, the blonde carefully knelt down and lifted Torin into her arms. He was a little heavier than she previously estimated, but nothing she couldn't handle. Honestly he weighed less than the sacks of fish she toted on and off the boat (smelled better, too) and so she shifted him into a carry where one arm was beneath his legs, the other supporting his torso.

". . . .I'll come back for those, I guess." If she tried hard enough Fisher supposed she'd be able to get the cleaning supplies but delaying possibly meant this kid could get worse. So, with a huff, she started her adventure of finding where the shards the healers infirmary was.



Sparkly Decorator



PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 11:37 am
Had he been able to read minds, Torin might have interjected with a comment about his thoroughly delightful odor, thank you very much, but he was far from psychic. And anyway, he was kind of unconscious. Kind of. When Fisher lifted him off of the ground, his eyelids fluttered a little and he murmured, "Don't run ahead." Then his head flopped toward her chest and his hair flopped over his face and he was still.

he'll wake up properly in the next post i promise XD
poor fisher
PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 12:50 pm
Fisher has absolutely no idea where she needed to go. It wasn't like anyone offered to give her a tour when she arrived at the Weyr, and if someone had shown her she probably already forgot. Asking for help was an option, but this wasn't an emergency and she didn't want anyone making a super big deal out of something as small as someone collapsing during chores. Really, it wasn't like he was throwing up or bleeding - he was just pathetic. That was Fisher's opinion, of course, as she didn't know this kid from Faranth but, uh.

The fact she had to carry him after they'd been working for less than a tenth of a candlemark did not bode well on their future relationship. How did this guy expect to be anything if he couldn't even do simple chores? He did smell good though, and Fisher shifted him in her arms as she continued to attempt to find the infirmary all while skirting away from crowds of people. "You gonna wake up any time soon? I don't want to have to dump you somewhere and have some find you." She felt faintly obligated to make sure he was safe, or at least given to someone who could take care of him.



Sparkly Decorator



PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 5:51 pm
It only took an additional minute or two before Torin was stirring again, an unflattering wrinkle appearing between his brows as he opened his eyes for good this time. He squinted up at Fisher, her scarred face instantly reminding him of what he had been doing before he blacked out. Trying to make a good first impression. But now...

The young man squirmed, his expression souring further before it quickly swung back to warm.

"I'm... um... Fisher? I am eternally grateful for your assistance in this, my hour of need, but I think I'm... fine... again." He wasn't entirely sure that was true, but he refused to be carried around in such an undignified manner any longer than he already had been.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 1:14 pm
The shifting in her arms got Fisher's attention, as did the sudden talking. Glancing down, a faint smile spread over her lips at Torin's apparent embarrassment. "Oh ho, good mornin'." Moving so that Torin could stand on his on, the teen set her coworker down and used her hands to dust herself off. "You feelin' a bit better? That sudden drop you did had me feelin' nervous, seein' as I don't know my way 'round here." It really was a loud off her shoulders to see him moving, apparently no worse for the wear.

There was also a bit of humor in her thoughts and expression, seeing as this boy seemed to carry himself with an unknown pride that would not allow him to ignore what had happened. A simple mistake of someone getting overworked, fainting from exhaustion - Fisher'd seen those things all the time on the boat. Nothing at all to be ashamed of, but maybe wherever Torin had come from made him think differently.

"Are you okay to keep movin'? You can lean on me until we get you somewhere you can sit, or get a drink or somethin'."



Sparkly Decorator



PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 6:43 pm
He made sure to plant his feet as firmly as he could when he felt the ground beneath them again, and once he too had brushed off his clothing and made sure nothing unseemly had happened to his face, he turned a cheery smile on his savior. It might have been manufactured, but it wasn't false. This giant of a candidate was like no one he'd met, and he was strangely invested in acquiring her as a long term compatriot.

"I am feeling much better, thank you." Torin bowed. "But some water would not be unwelcome." He took a tentative step forward, then a more self-assured one. "Allow me to give you a proper tour of the best places to bring unconscious candidates."

PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 4:46 pm
"...yeah that's probably for the best. Like I said before, I dunno my way 'round yet and when you dropped on me I was sorta thinkin' 'bout dumpin' you somewhere." There was no hint of sarcasm in her voice, just brutal honesty as Fisher looked down at the young man. He did seem better, or at least his voice was stronger, but she wasn't holding out hope that he'd be well enough for an actual tour. Part of her prepared to catch him again should he fall and this time she really would just toss him in an open place.

It wouldn't make her a bad person, the Weyr was crawling with people and it wouldn't be too long before someone found him. A good enough reason, yeah, and so she wouldn't feel bad. "Lead the way then, but take it easy. You dropped pretty hard an' even if you're feelin' okay you don't wanna be pushin' it." Fisher had a hand out just in case, ready to steady him with that first step he took. When the second seemed better her hand lowered a bit but was still ready to catch at a moment's notice.



Sparkly Decorator



PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:26 pm
He noticed her lower her hand that fraction of an inch after his second step and he almost narrowed his eyes, caught between resentment and gratitude. He wasn't some breathless waif who needed to be shadowed every second, lest he succumb to the vapors. Only... that's exactly what he had been. It was all she knew of him and he couldn't really fault her for it. Torin continued to walk toward the kitchens, clasping his hands behind his back as he went. His head was beginning to ache right between his eyes, and he kind of wanted to sit down.

"So. Where do you hail from that dumping people in random locales is a regular occurrence?" He hadn't stopped smiling, despite his near-moment of pissiness, though by now it was more of a smirk. He might have guessed she was from a hold near his own, but she didn't seem very... hold-y.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:35 pm
"Actually we just toss 'em overboard and hope the water's cold enough to wake 'em up." Fisher didn't miss a beat in her response, following along the much smaller candidate like a reverse waterfowl parade. The chick leading the mother, as it were. "Thankfully all'a'us know how to swim so the chances for drownin' are slim, but still you gotta be ready to jump in." Was she being serious? The fact that Fisher's tone didn't even change in the slightest perhaps gave credit she wasn't making up lies, and her eyes didn't show a hint of merriment or other betrayal. "You...don't look like you know how to swim very well."

His skin was too clean, too pure like the dolls she'd sometimes see in port. Glass, they'd been called, some sort of weird P-word which Fisher translated to mean entirely too expensive and pointless. Her dads never bothered buying it anyway and the one time she was given something it broke after one round of wrestling. Seriously, what a waste.

"I was born in the waters, never been much for land or small places like this. Dunno how you folks handle this without flippin' on."



Sparkly Decorator



PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 9:01 pm
"I was taught how to swim," he replied, his voice ever so slightly defensive. It had been across a pond that he could almost touch the bottom of, but she didn't have to know that. "I'm suddenly additionally grateful that you didn't find a body of water to throw me into, if only because it saved my shirt." Not that the ground would have been any better.

Torin shrugged, contemplating her words with enough intensity that he missed his own innuendo. "I like tight spaces. You can find any number of interesting things if you explore enough caverns." He led her inside, moving down the hall toward the kitchens. "What did you do... on the waters? Oh! Do you know any good chanties?"

nevar sorry
fisher is best
[IC RP] High Reaches Weyr

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