A'iel had kept his head down, nose to the grindstone, out of the path of trouble ever since the last clutch at Western Weyr. He'd not meant to make such a mess of things, but it had been made clear to him that taking matters into his own hands was not the way to handle them. It was really his own fault. He'd been overlooked and ignored so often at Benden before that to simply act on his own was second nature. He'd have to work to break himself of that now that he was part of a real Weyr, one that worked together, and for a greater cause.

From all he'd heard, Serfie was getting along and fitting in...passably. She wasn't getting into more trouble that he knew of, though they'd not really had time (or been encouraged) to interact. He disliked that he'd been more or less resigned to ignoring her, but it was critical, they'd said, that she fall in line and learn how to mingle with her own peers. And A'iel had his own ground to make up.

But rest days were different. Within reason he could do anything he liked. Of course, not all their rest days lined up...but this one had. He'd been content to linger in his own weyr for the duration, doing some minor wingsecond work...but he'd also left the door cracked just a bit open, inviting company should it come wandering by.
